Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

I managed to solve it and get in ^^
I used some of the normal int buff drugs first and then walked around a few hours in the desert until the effects wear off and I got the negative after effects.. then I used one Physco and it dropped me down to 3 so after that he let me in.

Thanks for the help. After coming this far I had no desire at all to start all over again.
The Brain has a lot of Error messages in his dialogue. Maida Buckner does as well when you ask her about events in town.

I once went to Gecko before VC, talked only to Festus and the people in the junkyard (but not Gordon), and went to see the Brain. He thought I had repaired the reactor, as did everyone else after that, and the quest was crossed off the list. It was rather odd. No save and I haven't been able to replicate it, unfortunately.
I'm trying to do the "Installing multiple mods and running them separately" thing Wild_Qwerty came up with.

My goal is to have vanilla fallout 2, killaps patch and the restoraton, but the installer for the patch thinks i have the restoration 1.1 installed, odd cause i uninstalled everything, and am working with a fresh install of the game...

I did a reboot so i'm not sure what to do.
Shiozaki said:
I'm trying to do the "Installing multiple mods and running them separately" thing Wild_Qwerty came up with.

My goal is to have vanilla fallout 2, killaps patch and the restoraton, but the installer for the patch thinks i have the restoration 1.1 installed, odd cause i uninstalled everything, and am working with a fresh install of the game...

I did a reboot so i'm not sure what to do.
How did you uninstall everything? If you didn't do this through add/remove or through the RP uninstaller, then there is a registry key left - this is the only reason why the patch installer would be complaining.

Are you running 1.02.25? This should have been corrected in that. The problem was RP files got mixed into regular patch files.
killap said:
Shiozaki said:
I'm trying to do the "Installing multiple mods and running them separately" thing Wild_Qwerty came up with.

My goal is to have vanilla fallout 2, killaps patch and the restoraton, but the installer for the patch thinks i have the restoration 1.1 installed, odd cause i uninstalled everything, and am working with a fresh install of the game...

I did a reboot so i'm not sure what to do.
How did you uninstall everything? If you didn't do this through add/remove or through the RP uninstaller, then there is a registry key left - this is the only reason why the patch installer would be complaining.

No I did, thats whats odd....
I installed the patch by killap without installing any official updates, should I have installed them?
The Oats said:
I installed the patch by killap without installing any official updates, should I have installed them?
What does the readme that comes with my patch tell you?

The answer is no
The Oats said:
Um, I might be totally retarded here, but I cant see anything about that.
You are right, I don't think I explicitly say this in my readme. How distressing. I'll have to change this. It's not like anyone reads it anyway though...

To answer your question, my unofficial patch already includes the official 1.02 fixes. You don't need to install anything else.
killap said:
The Oats said:
Um, I might be totally retarded here, but I cant see anything about that.
You are right, I don't think I explicitly say this in my readme. How distressing. I'll have to change this. It's not like anyone reads it anyway though...

To answer your question, my unofficial patch already includes the official 1.02 fixes. You don't need to install anything else.
Thanks for the answer :)
Stupid stupid stupid question (english is not my main language so I might have missed it...)

Is the fallout patch (in)compatible or mutually exclusive with the restoration project? (or is it even redundant?)

Because the patch notes say that rigging the bishop safe SHOULD no longer crash the game but experience tells me it does and I think it might have something to do with me installing both the unofficial patch as well as the restoration project :) (if they however are compatible are they required in a specific order?)
[BUG] [1.02.25] [Mac] [Arroyo] Lucas radiates me!

After completing the Temple of Trials, I noticed that my PE dropped by 2! (8 -> 6) When I talk to Lucas, he raises my PE back to 8 (?), my Unarmed skill 54 -> 55 and now it comes: he raises my current radiation level by 2! WTF?

When I talk first to Cameron, same thing happens. He correctly raises my Melee skill by 10, raises PE back to 8 and raises the current radiation level by 2.

Note that I can't raise PE by more than what I'm missing, in that case 2.

Well, I can live with that bit of radiation, but I don't think this is normal.

Could it be a consequence of the fact that I didn't replace patch000.dat, but renamed it to patch000.dat.old?

Thanks in advance
Healing Powder lowers your PE temporarily. It goes back up when time passes, e.g. when you get training. Radiation comes from Fruit, which you may also have found.
[BUG?] [1.02.25] [Mac] Negative probability


This time a real bug: Sometimes enemies have a negative probability of getting hit, e.g. -147%. How's that possible?
It just shows how far your chance to hit is below 0 after negative modifiers. It's not a bug unless you're seeing it all the time.

Haenlomal said:
At the same time, the flag MERK_STATUS_PLEASED can still be set in the Enlightened One's script, but only if MSS_KILL_ELRON is already set -- the player can kill the Hubologist before ever meeting Merk, and in this case he'll need to do something else to prove himself to Merk.

A more conservative fix would be to have Merk acknowledge that you already killed the Hubologist, count that as your service and give you the xp.
Well, since I have this patch installed (and the sticky on "gameplay & tech" said only for vanillla + patched game) I'm gonna ask here.

About the wanamingo mine. I've just cleared it 5 times in a row (reloading it every time).
And I mean cleared it. In a way that not a single living thing except my own party is roaming below the surface. Yet it doesn't clear out in the log and the mayor keeps saying it ISN'T cleared...

Did I miss something? Is there something I can do short from starting anew or reinstalling the game?
Might it have something to do with the obscene amount of instadeathkills I seem to get down there? (at least half the kills I made were on a full health wanamingo with a single no-damage instacritheadshot)

Maybe I've answered my own question. I've been searching the forums a bit more and found someone who said something about not getting XP credited for a kill....

Further testing revealed that installing indeed doesn't give XP... so probably doesn't count the kill and makes the quest unfinishable...
Dunno why I'm having this problem because I've been killing stuff all over the place without as much as a single critical death
And down here I suddenly go on a rampage with even something as simple as an 10mm JHP bullet blowing a 160hp wanamingo dead in a single unaimed shot... gonna try to melee my way through to see what kind of effect that is gonna have.

I'm now reasonably convinced my rampage is the cause of this quest failing. And while aiming a haymaker straight at someone's groin is painfull it's nowhere near instadeath critical worthy (although it might be close ;))

Now the question: How the hell am I able to keep critting like this. I falche'd my critical chance to 0. Removed all perks I know are related to critical hits and yet still I keep getting insane amounts of critical hits on these creatures...