Fallout 2 mod Unofficial Fo2 patch thread - problems, reports, suggestions

Shortly after the yellow door there's a room to the northwest with a bookcase in it; there's a red keycard in that bookcase. Also, I think some of the other guards have both cards, so try stealing from them.
I played from the start but instead of using the Unofficial patch i used v1.2 of the Restoration Project. This time, Harold's card was identical to the yellow card i snatched from the locker and the guard had a red card. Weird Stuff.

However i found a bug on Broken Hills. This time i am sure. Well i did all missions except Chad's and the quests you get from Jacob. So i was thinking of going to Jacob. I can't talk to him or Aileen, they just say "We were framed" and "You see how treacherous mutants are" etc. Which sucks so i thought i should kill them. So i did. As soon as i finished combat a dialogue pops up. Apparently its me catching Chad red-handed and he attacks me. He admits he did it, i mock him, combat starts but i can end it o_O. I am nowhere near Chad at that point and the screen on the dialogue shows the roof a house(the roof graphic isn't removed like when you go inside a building for example).

I have been able to reproduce this lots of times, and tried to grab screenshots but i get weird black pictures with some dots on which you can't discern much. If someone can tell me how to get screenshots from F2 i will provide them. I can also provide a Savegame to check on your own.
The table in the Slaver's Guild can't be shot over. This doesn't make sense, as tables are too low to block line-of-sight.
This is a question about the Restoration Mod.

In the Abbey, how exactly do you get to Max in the print area? I gotta give him this piece of machinery and I simply have no idea how to get to him. I go downstairs, and theres no possible area of walking to him. But his blocked off area has a set of stairs, so I think hey, lets look for another set of stairs up top that may lead down to him. And these stairs don't exist.
Wings012 said:
This is a question about the Restoration Mod.

In the Abbey, how exactly do you get to Max in the print area? I gotta give him this piece of machinery and I simply have no idea how to get to him. I go downstairs, and theres no possible area of walking to him. But his blocked off area has a set of stairs, so I think hey, lets look for another set of stairs up top that may lead down to him. And these stairs don't exist.

First off, wrong thread. You should post in the Restoration Project thread.
Second, look behind the dais (or whatever it's called where the preacher talks) , the stairs leads down from there.
unofficial patch corrections.txt said:
Discount modifier is no longer incorrectly applied with Renesco which allowed you to get all of his goods for $0
Was it really a bug? I always thought that it was a "discount" rather than a discount - that's why Renesco wasn't happy with that kind of deal.
The Renesco's reaction for proposition is described "IN EXCHANGE FOR FREE ACCESS TO YOUR STORE" in .msg file. And let's see how the dialogue is written:

Now hold on, you neanderthal!
I will not argue with you anymore. My patience is at an end. Those are my terms.
I...look, now, I...hmmmm...all right, then. You get a "discount."
Let me see your stock. I will make my 'purchases' now.
Lots of New Reno dialog should have brackets around it, since they're actions, not spoken text. Mostly stupid 'shamble off' type lines, but also ncbisgrd.msg lines 426, and 427. Bishop's (ncbishop.msg) line 252 is missing a word (should be "Maybe so, but I'm going to be the only one walking out.")
Jim Cojones said:
Was it really a bug? I always thought that it was a "discount" rather than a discount - that's why Renesco wasn't happy with that kind of deal.

As far as I remember you won't get prices like 0$ now, but the discount is really big anyways. Like f.e. for drugs instead of hundreds of bucks you pay something like one hundred-something, so I think this is a reasonable correction that way.
Kwiatmen666 said:
Jim Cojones said:
Was it really a bug? I always thought that it was a "discount" rather than a discount - that's why Renesco wasn't happy with that kind of deal.

As far as I remember you won't get prices like 0$ now, but the discount is really big anyways. Like f.e. for drugs instead of hundreds of bucks you pay something like one hundred-something, so I think this is a reasonable correction that way.

I don't think Jim Cojones is debating whether or not the fix is reasonable. Rather, he was asking if the $0 "discount" was the developers' original intention. From where I'm sitting, he makes a pretty strong case that $0 is working as designed -- I don't have the message files or the source files with me at the moment, so I can't verify his claims one way or another.

That said, if we assume that $0 "discount" is designed to work that way on purpose, then the logical follow through question is "Is this a design bug?". The answer to this question will necessarily be subjective, and it will be up to killap to make a final decision on that.

@killap: I notice in the RP 1.2 thread that RP 1.3 is coming out soon. Can the same be said for the Unofficial Patch? :)

-- The Haen.
I think that the discount doesn't (necessarily) go to $0 right away, but if you leave and enter bartering the bonus is reapplied so you get to $0. So either it is bugged because it didn't go to $0 the first time, or it is bugged because it went to $0 the second time even though it didn't the first.
You can steal items from locked desks (at least, all the desks in VC) without unlocking them.

Edit: a few more bugs
The right-hand door of Father Tully's church is transparent (pic1)

Part of the Broken Hills tunnel wall can also be shot through (pic2, pic3)

Two of the landmines Frog Morton's gang sets up can't be disarmed (the ones targeted here and here)
Not sure how to search within a thread, so this has likely been answered somewhere, but:

With Killap's patch is it possible to get Autodoc Raised HP II? If so, how?
It has been fixed - check the patch notes. As for how, I believe it depends on luck, like the alcohol raised/lowered HP perks.
I was fixed in a prior patch, then, and I don't know how to check old patch notes. It used to depend on having a low INT, but to get level II you had to have an INT of 10, which is where the bug came in.
I'm having problems clearing out the wanamingoes from the mine. I've killed the 'mingoes that aren't in the mine proper (4 of em) and I'm relatively certain I've killed everything in the two levels of the mine proper (even the eggs, which I think don't count). I've walked around all the corners, and nothing attacks me. I've also noticed a couples times where I'd kill 'mingoes and wouldn't get any XP (at least it wouldn't show in the message box).
@ Capaneus,
Are you using Glovz ammo tweak? Then the following is more likely to occur.
Anyway what might have happened is that you killed one with a 0 damage critical hit, they don't register properly.
They will register when the dead bodies are removed from the map however, which happens when you revisit a map after a period of time. So try to leave the mines, rest 24 hours (or however long it takes), then run through the whole mine to make sure all the bodies get removed.

If that don't work, I don't know what the problem is.
Darek, you are likely 2/2 in solving my problems. That could very well be it.

Edit: That was, in fact, it. Thanks a bunch.
I dunno if this is the correct place, but...

It seems I've stumbled across a bug in the original Fallout 2.

How to reproduce: join the slavers in Den, then go to New Reno. Do the first Mordino's quest, then take the second one (getting the tribute from the Corsican brothers). Now go to their studio, try to talk to the brother who's present... No luck: he just keeps saying "We're all stocked up, slaver." and "These slaves are mine, slaver. Watch those eyes.", and you can't initiate the actual dialogue.

If you're not a slaver, everything's ok: you talk to him, tell him who sent you, get his money.

The problem is present in both vanilla unpatched Fallout 2 and F2RP 1.2.

EDIT: the fix turns out to be trivial. Open the script NCCORBRO.SSL, find the procedure "talk_p_proc", and remove the following lines from it:

   end else if (has_rep_slaver) then begin
      call Node008;

This will not affect the brother's timer-based float quips, only what he says when you click on him.
hi all.
i'm going to play Fallout II
i will install:
Official patch
Killian's patch
Children'S mod
Italian translation

So, is this a good base to start the game without great problems? or do i have to wait an "upcoming" killian's patch??