Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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This is the UNPOPULAR opinion thread. Not the popular opinion thread. That one gets plastered all over the place.

I could make a crass remark about gas prices and death camp survivors , Or state how inept Russian assassins are when they use deadly toxins and the cunts survive.

Anti Israeli sentiment is another communist plot that needs to be undressed.
Here's one-

Cyberpunk 2077's story was actually awesome and weirdly correlates with how a lot of people live their lives. It goes hand in hand with tgat saying of -"If you found out you were gonna die next week. Where would you go from there? lay down and wait for the reaper? Or get that bucket list done and fight/party like a maniac?"
While i was openly critical with the game's release in 2020 being a game that was in pretty much in alpha. They finally fixed the game and are continually adding more content to the point theyve amended their mistake. And maybe the ends have justified the means. consider 2023 they year Cyberpunk went past alpha and beta and got a proper release.

Everything about 2077 reminds me of the message id hear in Prince's music to which that guy was my musical hero
Most politicians are basically very honest people who missed their calling to the church/temple/synagogue/mosque. They put people first, some living on the breadline. They do it all for humanity and care little for stocks and shares, capitalist pig doggery, or self grandiosement.
Nimrod was the real Santa Claus:

Christmas goes all the back to the days of old!

What is it with you and these animal cruelty videos, why do you feel the need to share them here?
Hunting coyotes is not animal cruelty you stupid little fuck. No gore was shown when they were killed. So you will praise Russians murdering civilians but a coyote getting shot is over the line? The answer is I am from the southern US not whatever european hellscape you are from.

PS I hope something kills something you love.


Morons that support coyotes being treated like some endangered fish do not live in the country, own livestock/animals, care about facts - they only care about feeeeelings. Until you have found a full size dog torn apart or a calf you should go fuck yourself. Problem is you don't know anything because you are some autist on the internet.

TLDR the guy killing those coyotes is doing it humanely in a state where they are invasive so you can eat shit.
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Please refrain from sharing your backward culture with the rest of the world
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As founder member of the ' Fly Liberation League ' I hope Mars Attacks becomes reality. Chicken shit humans only kill things that can't fight bullets.
Coyote macaroni, I pmsl. I was against fox hunting as posh fuckers in red coats did it. Urban foxes became common for a few years then NO more foxes lol. Culled no doubt.
Probably not very unpopular of an opinion, but Amouranth's new "vaginal yeast beer" is even more disgusting than The Human Centipede films.

The upside is we can use women as slaves to brew beer from their snatches in the apocalypse.
Far Cry 2 is the only Far Cry game worth anything in the open world Far Cry games and every game after is just a shitty Skyrim clone with guns.
They once released Farcry for free; but did so where their custom install wrapper had higher system requirements than the game did... which at the time meant that it wouldn't install on 98SE/2000/XP. :clap: