Supreme Shah Ismail
Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

Okay lets see, gonna piss off a few people right off the bat...
-Fallout 4 is actually enjoyable its just not a good Fallout game
-Fallout 3 is a fairly enjoyable game and Fallout game, peoples criticism and hate boners for it are kinda overblown
-Bethesda is probably one of the better publishers out there that has published some of my favorite games in recent years such as Prey, DOOM, Dishonored, New Vegas and etc. As a company trying to make a profit they arent in any sense good guys and have their fair share of shady stuff but their attention to single player and niche genres is admirable.
-Prey 2 was overrated and was never gonna come out. I hate the idea of defending some dumb game you never even played before because it was built by some people with a cool concept who made an average shooter a few years before. I will take Prey 2017 and more immersive sims over vaporware and turok but with aliens
-AAA games aren't that bad, every year quite a few good ones come out. Just because a few shitty franchises exist doesn't make them all bad
-Table top RPG's are not the be all end all of RPG game design
-Weapon durability is a dumb and annoying mechanic. I say this even as system shock 2 is my favorite game of all time with said mechanic. To be fair its also one of the less intrusive implementations of it but it still sucks wet arse.
-America isn't some invincible giant. One of these days a country is going to whoop their ass harder than Vietnam did.
-Hate for Islam are often ignorant, hypocritical, cherry picked evidence and short sighted
-Games can have weak gameplay but good interactive narrative/characters/story/choice and be good. Reverse is also true as games with shit story but great gameplay can also be just as good as the most well written games.
-that said I still wish Planescape Torment had better gameplay
-remakes are fine so long as it doesn't fuck with the original concept too much it can reintroduce a classic to a newer generation in a more accessible way and keep the passion for the game alive.
-I like bbq over tomato sauce on pizza, it tastes just as good if not better
-muh lore and muh choice is weak sauce criticism that could be way better said and isnt that big of a deal
I probably repeated some things I have already said but fuck it is been awhile
-Fallout 4 is actually enjoyable its just not a good Fallout game
-Fallout 3 is a fairly enjoyable game and Fallout game, peoples criticism and hate boners for it are kinda overblown
-Bethesda is probably one of the better publishers out there that has published some of my favorite games in recent years such as Prey, DOOM, Dishonored, New Vegas and etc. As a company trying to make a profit they arent in any sense good guys and have their fair share of shady stuff but their attention to single player and niche genres is admirable.
-Prey 2 was overrated and was never gonna come out. I hate the idea of defending some dumb game you never even played before because it was built by some people with a cool concept who made an average shooter a few years before. I will take Prey 2017 and more immersive sims over vaporware and turok but with aliens
-AAA games aren't that bad, every year quite a few good ones come out. Just because a few shitty franchises exist doesn't make them all bad
-Table top RPG's are not the be all end all of RPG game design
-Weapon durability is a dumb and annoying mechanic. I say this even as system shock 2 is my favorite game of all time with said mechanic. To be fair its also one of the less intrusive implementations of it but it still sucks wet arse.
-America isn't some invincible giant. One of these days a country is going to whoop their ass harder than Vietnam did.
-Hate for Islam are often ignorant, hypocritical, cherry picked evidence and short sighted
-Games can have weak gameplay but good interactive narrative/characters/story/choice and be good. Reverse is also true as games with shit story but great gameplay can also be just as good as the most well written games.
-that said I still wish Planescape Torment had better gameplay
-remakes are fine so long as it doesn't fuck with the original concept too much it can reintroduce a classic to a newer generation in a more accessible way and keep the passion for the game alive.
-I like bbq over tomato sauce on pizza, it tastes just as good if not better
-muh lore and muh choice is weak sauce criticism that could be way better said and isnt that big of a deal
I probably repeated some things I have already said but fuck it is been awhile