Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

2k is still following through with their reviewer blacklist. Eurogamer was the first to expose them.

Anyway, if you ignore DNF's long development time and drama, it doesn't make the game any less terrible. The average person thinks it's shit and they don't know anything about DNF's history. It's just a scapegoat the predictable apologists are using to justify all the time they personally wasted hyping the game. Daikatana had the exact same responses. Where are all those fans now?
All Eurogamer said is "yeah we're on their blacklist", because that's no surprise, plenty of people are. GB's on blacklists, we can deal with it.

That's why this whole outrage and drama is overdrawn. The only thing that Redner dude did was publicly talk about what everyone knows is a common practice within the industry. Both the consumer outrage and the 2K response are just equatable to sticking your head in the sand and pretending the problem doesn't exist, or that this is a rare representation of a minor problem.

Sucks for the dude though. He'll have to find a different career, over one mistake. But it was a p stupid mistake.
Mad Max RW said:
2k is still following through with their reviewer blacklist. Eurogamer was the first to expose them.

Anyway, if you ignore DNF's long development time and drama, it doesn't make the game any less terrible. The average person thinks it's shit and they don't know anything about DNF's history. It's just a scapegoat the predictable apologists are using to justify all the time they personally wasted hyping the game. Daikatana had the exact same responses. Where are all those fans now?

Daikatana had fans? :twisted:
Eternal said:
Daikatana had fans? :twisted:

Yup. Today it's hard to believe, but Daikatana had just as many apologists as DNF. All of the reviewers were "haters" and everybody else wasn't a true fps fan. Invisible War had the same treatment. People get so emotionally attached to games they create their own reality.
Mad Max RW said:
People get so emotionally attached to games they create their own reality.

Yeah, I've seen user reviews at metacritic praising DNF for being "oldschool" and implying other people hate it just because they never played old shooters. Of course, they might just be some bullshitters from 2K, we'll never know, but there's no doubt some people could be genuinely retarded enough to think that.
Multidirectional said:
Yeah, I've seen user reviews at metacritic praising DNF for being "oldschool" and implying other people hate it just because they never played old shooters. Of course, they might just be some bullshitters from 2K, we'll never know, but there's no doubt some people could be genuinely retarded enough to think that.
Yup, I remember all the classic shooters with regenerative health, and a 2 weapon limit. Ah, the good ol' days.... oh wait...


Every other weapon you could use would kill you because they were all so terrible.

There was an astounding amount of escort missions and shitty adventure game styled puzzles (the kind where you needed to remember the musical notes of a particular tune and then play them on a set of bells to open a door).

Also, it was chugly, not amusingly ugly, not gritty ugly, just ugly, chugly.

Even as a kid, I knew it was garbage.
Played today, my brother had the brilliant idea of gift me a copy. :roll:

You know what, the game is not that bad, it has more or less the same type of humor DK3D had. I remember playing DK3D to the death, had uterelly fun with it.
So yes, the nostalgia make laugh for the first 15 minutes and then...it became boring.

The linearity, the lack of level design and the childish humor. This worked more than 20 years ago, but repeating again exactly the same way?
it's embarassing.

I had this exactly feeling with Doom 3 BTW, after 15 minutes it bored me to death.
It was the same thing of Doom 1 & 2, wich was a great design in the 90's, but for today's?
Even the controls were the same, wich contribute to shame iD even more.
Eternal said:
DNF is pretty much the very definition of "average forgettable game."
If the demo is any indication then I strongly disagree, the game is solidly poor. Not because of bugs, though it did crash on me, but because the mechanics, level design, and AI were bad enough that it felt like it was from the late 90's. It would have been a bad sequel had it been released in 1997, let alone today.

Verd1234 said:
To be fair, it does make sense to be more tolerant of glitches in big, open ended roleplaying games, with many quests, inventory items, etc such as the Fallout games and less tolerant of such glitches in linear shooting games with significantly less complexity going on...and being in development for over a decade...
Depends on the bugs. It's one thing to have broken quests and the occasional problem (seem or such) in levels, it's a completely different thing to have constant crashes to desktop and such.

Stanislao Moulinsky said:
How much better would the game be if it hadn't the 2-weapons limit and rechargeable health?
Marginally, the level design and AI are still garbage. That said, I did think that they hit some of the character on the head.
brfritos said:
The linearity, the lack of level design and the childish humor. This worked more than 20 years ago, but repeating again exactly the same way?

What is the game you are talking about? DNF repeated something from 20 years ago exactly the same way?
I just finished the game and it isn't bad. The 2-weapon limit didn't bother me at all, despite my reservations and I enjoyed the shooting in general.

The weapon limit might not bother me because I kept Duke's custom M1911 as my sidearm, with the primary weapon swapped out for whatever was available.

It felt like a dumbed down version of Duke 3D, which is about the best thing that can be said about it.
In its third week DNF sales dropped off the planet. They're not even close to breaking 1 million. At this time after release AvP3 had sold more than twice as many copies and Sega officially didn't find that good enough to continue support with patches or DLC, and canceled the proposed followup.

DNF is not a huge flop, but is a flop nonetheless.
well you have always to simply ask your self one thing. Are the sales enough to get profit ?

if you spend only very few in production then even 300 000 sold units can be enough.

I guess 500 000 would have never been enough for 3D Realms. But I don't know at when point Gearbox has picked up and how much of their own work is in the game.

So it might be a "financial" success for them after all
You need to factor in the millions they spent acquiring the license and the millions they spent hyping the game in events around the world. The fact they didn't know the game was so terrible and would fail so badly erases all hope for the future of the franchise and the credibility of the companies involved.
sounds like god news though. I would love to see new games rather then always a "rebot" or the 10th sequel ...