Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

But I don't see whats wrong with them. They are like every other shooter. Maybe my opinion is just causing me to read it differently. *shrugs*

I see issues with the design as a whole, not the implementation.
Eternal said:
sea said:
Duke Nukem Forever is significantly worse than most shooters on the market - the only things I'd say are outright worse are some of those budget shooters you can get, like Sniper: Ghost Warrior or Soldier of Fortune 3. On top of that, it's downright offensive and misogynistic to boot, not even in a "cheesy 80s action movie" way, but in a "we depicted women being raped by aliens while Duke makes abortion jokes" way. How does that translate into an above-average score?

If you are offended by the game, then why did you play it?

That is like licking a chainsaw while it is on. It is clearly going to hurt you, it broadcasts it pretty obviously, and proudly that it is a machine designed to damage and tear stuff up. Yet you decide to lick it, and be mad that it tore your face up.

Well, one would hope that they got over that phase in the mid 90s, if I remember the "kill bitch" fiasco that happened .I believe there was a file named that in an expansion pack and it caused a mini stir. We get that you guys were ignored by women in your youth, you don't have to keep telling us.

Edited for clarity.
Senna M said:
fedaykin said:
In practice, my experience was the opposite. It was stupid and easy to beat. But I'm sure it's great in theory -- like Beth's radiant AI...
Your experience was wrong.
Most idiotic thing I've heard in weeks.

-- Hey mister, I bought a car from you and it was a terrible experience. It broke down two hours after I bought it!"
-- Your experience was WRONG! I've built cars for 10 years and have been selling them for 20 years, I've got an impressive professional background! MY CARS CAN'T BE SHIT!

I played it and know what I saw -- a very unimpressive AI. No amount of presentations at technical conferences can change that fact.
fedaykin said:
Most idiotic thing I've heard in weeks.

-- Hey mister, I bought a car from you and it was a terrible experience. It broke down two hours after I bought it!"
-- Your experience was WRONG! I've built cars for 10 years and have been selling them for 20 years, I've got an impressive professional background! MY CARS CAN'T BE SHIT!

I played it and know what I saw -- a very unimpressive AI. No amount of presentations at technical conferences can change that fact.
Except in this case the car in question is a Ferrari, and the customer is a guy who can't figure out what the paddle shifters on the steering wheel are for. As has repeatedly been explained to you, AI in Halo is degraded on lower difficulty levels, and many behaviors which are common for hostile agents on Heroic and Legendary are rare or outright disabled on Easy and Normal. For example, on easier difficulties enemies don't employ coordinated attacks, they don't try to flank you, they seldom or never seek cover, etc.

So, your experience was indeed wrong. Don't beat yourself up over it, though, it can happen to anyone. In fact, it's safe to say more than 90% of all opinions are wrong, unless they are my opinions, which you will find are generally incontrovertibly correct. :smug:
Originally Posted by @2Kgames

"2K Games does not endorse or condone the comments made by @TheRednerGroup and confirm they no longer represent our products."

Originally Posted by @2Kgames

"We maintain a mutually respectful relationship with the press and will continue to do so. We don't condone @TheRednerGroup's actions at all."


The game is.....bad. Not the good bad, but bad bad.

Graphics on the x-box(Heard PC is better but not by much): BAD
Level Design: BAD
Writing: Bad
Witty one liners: Bad to non-exsistant or already used in DN3D.

I could look past most of that if the game was fun but alas it is not.
One more thing about DNF that annoys the shit out of me is the almost total lack of music. You can be running around in silence for 10-15 minutes at numerous points throughout the game. During the stupid puzzles all you hear is Duke's jumping grunt sound over and over and over. Or maybe all you hear is wind. Just wind and nothing else. None of it makes sense.

DNF is the video game equivalent of Plan 9 from Outer Space.
Don't insult Ed Wood at least he meant well.

PainlessDocM said:
This guy pretty much sums up what's wrong with DNF IMO.

!!Spoils the first 45 utterly boring minutes of the game:


I am also wondering why the big review sites haven't uploaded any reviews yet.

It's REALLY sad. :cry: Cut-scenes, stupid minigames and almost no shooting at all. Seriously, they did work on this for 14 years?! :shock:

The 1911 pistol is ok -but looks too big. The jumping is nonsense, he doesn't move his arms! Wtf... I would rather play with the original Duke Nukem.
I_eat_supermutants said:
The game is.....bad. Not the good bad, but bad bad.

Graphics on the x-box(Heard PC is better but not by much): BAD
Level Design: BAD
Writing: Bad
Witty one liners: Bad to non-exsistant or already used in DN3D.

I could look past most of that if the game was fun but alas it is not.

The level design is really not any worse than 90% of the current top shooters. And the Tiny Duke sections were actually pretty well done (though the rest suffers from being mediocre at best.)

Everything else you said is true. Though the animation for the aliens is pretty good (unfortunately the animation for PEOPLE is god fucking awful.)
Goes to show what the industry standard is now.
I didn't mention the tiny duke sections. I did enjoy running around the Duke Burger.

Though it is just a rental from my local Hastings.

EDIT: Duke Nukem's Titty City seemed out of place and just there for fan service. Tits, tits and tits. Duke 3D the strip club was there for the level and not just to show tits, though at the time was relatively unheard of so it was a bit of a shock value. This time it's just there for the sake of being there. Nothing added to the game unless you want to waste time playing the pinball machine or pool for the worthless ego boost. So for I'm just I'm at the point of driving to the hoover dam and getting utterly bored. Maybe 5 hours into it?
Ausdoerrt said:
Well, considering that the only other FPS on the consoles that's worth talking about is the CoD series, Halo isn't exactly getting a lot of competition. But yeah, I kind of agree.

Where have you been? There is a shit load of big-deal FPS's on consoles. Pretty much every FPS is on consoles nowadays, from Crysis 2 to Brink to Unreal Tournament III. A lot of them are given more priority for the consoles too. Plus, there is a crap load of big console-only FPS's: MAG, Shadowrun, Killzones, Resistances, etc. I'd say the competition is pretty freaking stiff.
Except MAG, Killzone, and Resistance are all on PS3, whereas the Halo franchise is Xbox. Most people playing shooters on the 360 are playing Halo, COD, or a Battlefield game. Other shooters like Gears of War or Left 4 Dead or Rainbow Six still have fairly decent followings.

Halo does have plenty of competition, and takes hideously good care of their multiplayer fan base. They regularly break down game mechanics, explain things, and take things under consideration from the fans. Not always, and when they do they sometimes shouldn't, because they do somewhat cater to the "MLG" crowd who do not have a clear understanding of the word fun.
Senna M said:
So, your experience was indeed wrong. Don't beat yourself up over it, though, it can happen to anyone. In fact, it's safe to say more than 90% of all opinions are wrong, unless they are my opinions, which you will find are generally incontrovertibly correct. :smug:
My experience was correct. Halo has shit AI. Nothing you can say will change that fact.
Mosto f what I have heard in reviews about Duke Nukem FOrever being "TERRIBOLZ" is mostly complains about 1. the game being in development for so many years and it's not perfect (because thats how game production works) and 2. WUAAAAA the game has a very gallows brand of humor that purpousely makes very chauvinistic things for giggles, it's like that guy Linkara is now making game reviews....

I played it a little while, t didn't seem worse than most FPS, the humor is funny in a retarded intentional way, I think thsi game works better as just a comedy game, when yo uare not expecting it to be anything more than it was gonna be frm the begning.
Man, I've barely done more than glance over reviews and even I know there is a ton more to complain about than that, Walpknut. You don't even mention the core complaint everyone brings up, namely the game's clumsy adaptation of modern gaming sensibilities.