UP and RP updates

I can't wait to see new content for this. I'm more interested to see if they added in new quests, weapons, characters, or even locations to visit
I think beardude was pretty through with adding the missing contend that was originally intended, or not?
I think beardude was pretty through with adding the missing contend that was originally intended, or not?
I think? I'm more interested to see if the folks working on the mod and even some folks around NMA will hopefully contribute and add in new content as well. Something thatd truly compete with Megamod and actually work very well
Was that ever the goal here? This is just a continuation of beardudes work, and he just wanted to fix and restore missing content and not just add any thing that isn't on a tree by the count of three.
How does Jet Addiction work in RP ? I used an antidote that i got from Vault City quest, it disappeared(a first - in unmodded game you can use it multiple times) but didn't cure jack. I managed to find 3 other doses of antidote on a merchant and used those, still didn't cure addiction. What the hell is going on here?

EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. You need get high on Jet first then immediately use an antidote, then it works. Is this a bug or a feature?

EDIT2: Now it's completely borked. The addiction is gone, but my character's stats seem to be permatently damaged - i lost 1 str and 1 pe. Yes, permanetly, i waited a whole week just to be sure. Is there any savegame editor compartible with RP?
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EDIT2: Now it's completely borked. The addiction is gone, but my character's stats seem to be permatently damaged - i lost 1 str and 1 pe. Yes, permanetly, i waited a whole week just to be sure. Is there any savegame editor compartible with RP?

Pretty sure that losing permantly ST and PE alongside some Action Points are the consequence of Jet Addiction, otherwise its a bug. To not lose permanantly your stats you have to take Jet Every 2 or 3 days I believe.
Anyhow, here's a save editor : F12se it works both on F1 and 2.
Jet addiction seems to be fixed in the newest sfall>

>Fixed the Jet addiction not being removed when using the antidote in some cases
Anyone care to explain to me how Restoration project mod gives every mob in every encounter at least, AT LEAST 3 bonus move points?

Anyone care to explain to me how Restoration project mod gives basic human mob (that I've encountered thus far, before uninstalling this) enough action points to move 9 tiles, open inventory to use stempak, and still attack?

Also, not much of a fan of the "artistic liberties" taken to chance quests and areas, from what areas I could get to and what quests I could complete.

Sorry if this is not the right place for this, but dang.... Was lookin forward to enjoying old fallout 2 on a modern system just to run in to this.
Extremely disappointing.

Fallout 2 ver 1.02 US store bought disk made in to ISO for archiving.
No clue what you are talking about. The RP doesn't do changes like that.
Is my copy just too old then? Has RP been "updated" to work with the Steam/GOG edition (UK 1.03?)
Iirr, what ever editions that are floating out in the either of "online game stores" are all the censored to heck baby tier versions last time I looked ages ago.

Ran down to the still in the den and gekos was moving 4 spaces, attacking twice so kiting was out of the question with only 7 action points and melee.
After I gave up on that, a random encounter on the world map had some humans (highwaymen iirr) and there the ones that really went all ape on me with the extra action points. That's when I uninstalled everything and reinstalled base.

Sorry again if this is wrong spot for this, but thank you for the response.
The RP made this game worth playing all over again, even after so many times. Thank you so much to everyone involved for the years of hard work.

that said, is anyone else getting dog food when looting fire geckos? I've got some nirran mods and fo2tweaks installed but can't imagine it's coming from there.
Hi, everyone. UPU and RPU are updated to v25.
  • Sfall is updated to 4.3.2, fixing Jet addiction causing permanent stat loss.
  • Fixed crash in EPA when trying to clean fans from goo if sfall QoL component wasn’t selected during installation.
Download: UPU, RPU | Forum | Discord | Translate
Sorry if this is a stupid question but if i want more changes and additional stuff to the game i should install Restoration Project Updated instead Unofficial Patch Updated?
Hey guys ! I have a problem, I donwloaded the UPU along with some other mods like the party order, inventory filter and hero appearance mod. But it seems like I cant finish the Gecko Power plant quest. Here's my current save file.

Also, for some weird reason, the Inventory Filter stopped working on my Fallout but it still work on Nevada.

Thanks in advance :)

Edit : Okay I found the problem, its my fault I rushed way too quick the dialog and forgot to give the Part to fix the Gecko Power Plant. I thought I already did that.


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Hello again !

It seems that for some reason in my game, the stat loss from Jet addiction isnt fixed in v25 for the UPU, whats actually very curious is instead of -1 in ST, PE and AP (thats what the wikia says) I have -2 in ST, PE and AP despite getting myself cured from Jet addiction with the Jet antidote from Vault City.
Here's my most recent save if you want to check the problem.


So I'm playing the RPU v25 now and... when did all the clay pots get added all over the maps? Like a lot of the art that was new to Fallout 2, it doesn't blend that well and these things are all over.
So I'm playing the RPU v25 now and... when did all the clay pots get added all over the maps? Like a lot of the art that was new to Fallout 2, it doesn't blend that well and these things are all over.
That's the map changes in RP long time ago (at least since RP 2.3.3, 7 years ago).
That's the map changes in RP long time ago (at least since RP 2.3.3, 7 years ago).
Do people like this change? I likely haven’t played the RP since 2.0, maybe 1.x, as I usually replay F1. Despite the amount of time since then, the pots immediately stood out to me. They look.. off.