Upcoming game - The Last of Us

Driver Nephi

First time out of the vault
Naughty Dog's new project is called "The Last of Us" and its a post-apocalyptic game about a man and his daughter(?) trying to survive in this new hostile world filled with crazed people. Looks very interesting, and by the look of the trailer reminds me of "I Am Legend" and "The Road". Could be very good !!

Good, I was almost afraid that there weren't already enough games with a Zombie-like setting.
This is getting ridiculous. How many zombie games do we freaking need?? I got a I am Legend vibe too. That and Enslaved.
I really should give those Terminator games a try I got a while ago, would be nice for a change; a post apocalyptic Earth devastated by a nuclear war and were the survivors are hunted down by killer machines (okay I know Enslaved also had robots but there is still a difference) and not a zombie in sight.

I honestly wish the whole Zombie popularity would come to an end, what once was rare has now overrun the market.
If its not complete games its DLCs for games.
Depends, Enslaved had some good stuff in it, but it just didn't have much of a wow factor to it.

Personally, I'm interested in this mostly because it doesn't seem like a zombie outbreak scenario so much as it does a zombies have already won scenario.

The level of plant growth and decay in the cityscape suggest that a serious amount of time has passed so the survivors may actually have some sort of survival skill rather than the usual 'survive due to being the protagonist' skill that's so prevalent in games.
It shows some potential, if they put more emphasis on the threat of hostile humans and the degradation of society then they do on the OMG ZOMBIES factor, then it could be a really good game. I like the idea of a twenty-eight days later setting, where while the zombies/infected are dangerous, the real threat is the other humans, and the zombies were only the thing that threw society into it's collapse.
I, for one, have yet to feel that it's too much zombie games / movies.

I have to say i'm looking forward to this game. I love "The Omega Man" movie, and "I Am Legend" as well. Surviving in a harsh world never gets old for me.
I'm actually really excited for this game. This and I am Alive both seem like games that are actually about survival, not just an action game with QTE.
Has it been confirmed to be a zombie game? From the trailer I couldn't tell. They just looked like crazy people to me.
Wow, that looks pretty good.

I am sick of zombie things too (always was, only exception is left 4 dead) but this looks really tense and interesting. Plus I don't think those were zombies
They certainly are. Rapid movements, growling-like sounds, and trying to eat your face. And brainless.

Isn't that what makes a zombie? I mean, in science fiction at least.
Looks good to me. Naughty Dog is one of the best developers in the industry today and this will probably find a place in my PS3 when it ships.

I wish stuff like this still was made on PC, but it seem that PC only gets crappy ports of console games these days.
This game will probably be ported to the PC eventually, especially if there's enough interest. Let's just hope it's a good port.