Upcoming movies 2010

and more then half of them have been already mediocre even in their best years, I am not impressed. And I doubt that Schwarzenegger will play a major role in it considering his current job.
Expendables could be that one last huge badass old school action movie that could blow everything and anything away with its cheesy bulging awesomeness. Unfortunately, it looks like one of those straight to DVD flicks with some ex WWF clown as the main guy. The action doesn't look impressive at all, the setting is cheap (basically Rambo 4), and the story is probably shit.

I really wish they made the Predators sequel with that cast instead. I don't know what's worse: this or watching Topher Grace and Adrien Brody take on the predator.
Sephis said:
Other then Avatar and some other overhyped movies what was there?

That sounds like your problem.. There were several pretty great movies that came out last year, like Inglourious Basterds, A Serious Man, Up In The Air, The Hurt Locker, Fantastic Mr. Fox. I also liked The Hangover, a lot. Sure it was quite silly but it was also genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. Except for that way over the top gay chinese gangster dude maybe.
Multidirectional said:
Sephis said:
Other then Avatar and some other overhyped movies what was there?

That sounds like your problem.. There were several pretty great movies that came out last year, like Inglourious Basterds, A Serious Man, Up In The Air, The Hurt Locker, Fantastic Mr. Fox. I also liked The Hangover, a lot. Sure it was quite silly but it was also genuinely laugh-out-loud funny. Except for that way over the top gay chinese gangster dude maybe.

There were some enjoyable movies, i'll give you that. But what, especially The Hurt Locker which won best picture, will stand the test of time? Maybe Avatar, just for ushering in a new version of 3D.

There aren't any Gone with the Winds or Casablancas.
Professor Danger! said:
There were some enjoyable movies, i'll give you that. But what, especially The Hurt Locker which won best picture, will stand the test of time? Maybe Avatar, just for ushering in a new version of 3D.

I can definitely see Inglourious Basterds and A Serious Man standing the test of time. These are already counted among the best movies of these great moviemakers by many, me included. I doubt Avatar will last very long though, just up until the next flashy shit comes along from someone like Spielberg or the very same Cameron. I can't say anything about it's 3D effects, I can't watch 3D cinema, my eyes and head start to hurt, probably cause I already have one pair of glasses I use. Hurt Locker, as much as I enjoyed it, certainly didn't deserve the praise it got, I can agree on that. A very solid movie, just not as good as it's hype.
Multidirectional said:
Professor Danger! said:
There were some enjoyable movies, i'll give you that. But what, especially The Hurt Locker which won best picture, will stand the test of time? Maybe Avatar, just for ushering in a new version of 3D.

I can definitely see Inglourious Basterds and A Serious Man standing the test of time. These are already counted among the best movies of these great moviemakers by many, me included. I doubt Avatar will last very long though, just up until the next flashy shit comes along from someone like Spielberg or the very same Cameron. I can't say anything about it's 3D effects, I can't watch 3D cinema, my eyes and head start to hurt, probably cause I already have one pair of glasses I use. Hurt Locker, as much as I enjoyed it, certainly didn't deserve the praise it got, I can agree on that. A very solid movie, just not as good as it's hype.

Probably, since both Tarantino and to Coens have pretty good followings. Actually, I want to check out "A Serious Man".

I'm actually surprised Hurt Locker won. I'm happy it did over something like Avatar, which was nothing more than an effects extravaganza. If Brad Pitt wasn't in it, I would have gone with Inglorious Basterds. Pitt's character was absolutely horrendous and completely took me out of a great film. Especially the scenes with the dude that won best supporting actor.
The movie that will blow everything away with its awesomeness:

maximaz said:
I liked the first half of Up a lot but not so much the second half.
True. I'd put the first half of UP up against anything last year. If the second half had been as good as the first half, it might have won Best Picture.
Saw Robin Hood last night and absolutely hated it. It wasn't Robin Hood (which I already expected) and it wasn't even Gladiator 2 (which the trailer promised). It was a boring, mellow, prequel to a somewhat proper RH movie. The characters and the writing were cheesy crap, although overall it's an interesting take on the whole RH situation. Avoid like the plague.
Crni Vuk said:
kinda sad what kind of movie maker Scott has become over the years ...
American Gangster was pretty good, but you're right that he hasn't made anything to compare with Alien or Blade Runner in a long time.
maximaz said:
Saw Robin Hood last night and absolutely hated it. It wasn't Robin Hood (which I already expected) and it wasn't even Gladiator 2 (which the trailer promised). It was a boring, mellow, prequel to a somewhat proper RH movie. The characters and the writing were cheesy crap, although overall it's an interesting take on the whole RH situation. Avoid like the plague.

It suffered from terminal rewrite syndrom. The script went through about five different plots. Some of them were interesting like making Robin the bad guy and the Sheriff the good guy or making them related or even the same person.
In the end they just went with the boring.
The Robin Hood tale went through a lot of rewrites through history too.

At the start Robin was a 16-ish year old aristocrat and Marianne was nowhere in sight. The french added Marianne and the brits took it from them. :)
UniversalWolf said:
True. I'd put the first half of UP up against anything last year. If the second half had been as good as the first half, it might have won Best Picture.
They upped the best picture nominations to 10 in order to put in films they want to snub but that were popular. Up was nominated because they snubbed Wall-E in 2008, which was the best picture that year. Up was a fine movie but it wasn't a best picture quality film if you ask me. The second half was worse but what was weird about it was that it was a movie for people over the hill.

2008 was a much better year for movies than '09 if you ask me.
Well I am still trying to kinda overcome the last 20 years. Though I guess nothing was so bad like the 90s. hmmm but I heard most of the remakes are still yet to come :S ...
I saw Robin Hood last night. Watching it, it honestly reminded me of Fallout 3. Using a franchise when there was no need for it. The only semblance to the originals was the use of town names and character names.

The story had no elements of the original Robin Hood, with the last 5 minutes being their attempt at cramming everything in to justify it being a prequel.

I think the movie would have appealed more if they ditched Robin Hood and just made their own unique characters. I mean really, how many people think of charging into a swarm of soldiers on horseback wielding a battle hammer as being robin hood?
SimpleMinded said:
I saw Robin Hood last night.
Oh man, what a movie! It's a such a train wreck I'm almost glad I saw it. I certainly got a few laughs out of that final battle. The strange thing is that from a technical standpoint, it's actually well-made, but intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually...confused is the word I use. I have no idea what I, as a viewer, was supposed to take away from this movie.

SimpleMinded said:
I think the movie would have appealed more if they ditched Robin Hood and just made their own unique characters. I mean really, how many people think of charging into a swarm of soldiers on horseback wielding a battle hammer as being robin hood?
That's exactly what I was thinking. If it had been some sort of fantasy movie with no connection to England, the Crusades, or the Robin Hood tradition, it could possibly have worked. Or worked better, at least.

It's a Robin Hood movie that has nothing to do with Robin Hood.