Just the people working for Wikileaks are not professional journalists nor are they a organisation even similar to investigative journalism or some newspaper which are somewhat responsible for the information they show. Yes freedom of spech works both ways. And even a journalist has to act within the laws of his nation. It is somewhat an gray area but it works most of the time.UncannyGarlic said:I agree but apparently they are considered a journalistic organization and that would be extremely difficult to argue otherwise in court. There is something to be said for licensing journalists in a manner similar to how Lawyers and Engineers are licensed in order to grant them the extra legal protection but the issue comes in how licensing is decided..
Investigative journalism par excellence is what Anna Politkovskaya and the Nowaja Gazeta did and she got probably killed for her work. Or Günter Wallraff which is incognito researching as undercover journalist about the conditions of Gearman guest workers. I also can not see either Assanage or Wikileaks contributing to the situation about the world in the same way as Rebiya Kadeer which aims To Help Uyghur People from Exile
The problem which I see here and BN explains very nicely (not talking about you garlic) is that some seem to have a very huge bias toward the gouvernement and it smells almost to me like those conspiracy theories. I would not be surprised if most of the people here which hold some grudge against "their" gouvernemt life in one of the democtatic states like the USA or those in Europe. Truth is even if we dont like everything in our gouvernemt it doesnt work without them. And I think when it comes to the state it self its not that bad as some explain it here.