Bradylama said:
I think its funny how people consider Bush's victory in 2000 an affront to Democracy since he won without the popular vote, and now that he has won with the popular vote they see it as a failure of Democracy.
I would disagree that it's a failure of democracy. In fact I haven't heard that yet. Rather, it signals a couple of things-
-The republicans were better at mobilizing their grassroots support
- the country is going conservative.
- perhaps the country is a afraid of gays and the Bravo Channel.
But yes, in 2000 a lot of votes were not counted and a lot of folks were dienfranchised from their right to vote. If that's not an afront to democracy, I am not sure what is. That he didn't win the popular vote was disturbing, especially in light of the electoral discrepencies in Florida.
This time Bush got the popular and electoral vote, and it suggests the country is moving to the right. Maybe the democrats are just getting sloppy. It seemed Kerry was too much on the defense and Bush had much of the initiative. Or maybe it's because we're at war and people don't want to change the leadership.
Bush still has high disapproval ratings, even if he won the vote. That suggest that what got people voting was that they were more afraid of the values being presented by the Democrats, and perhaps the most significant was the "gay right to marriage."
We've had that discussion before. What does it mean when you take an individuals right to partake in a civil right that is protected under the substantive due process clause, and you take that right away merely because of his sexual preference? It's a violation of equal protection. But then violations of equal protection and the discrimination against individuals has been a consistent trend in popular elections.
Yeah, as if every vote for Kerry was an "enlightened" one. I know Welsh would like everyone to think otherwise, but the sad fact is that a significant number of Democrats are dullards that swallow whatever activists and liberals shove in their mouths.
Bradylama, taking a page from the Republican ticket and putting words in someone else's mouth and lieing about it? I don't care if you want to be an asshole or if you're working at being an asshole, but don't start a personal flame fest here.
Yes, there are plenty of Democrats who follow the party line. But that's true across the board. Party loyalty explains a lot of voter turn out and participation. There are die hard Republicans or Democrats. Blacks, women, most minorities find strong affinity towards Democrats because the Democrats are more willing to take their concerns seriously. Not surprisingly, many intellectuals also favor democratic tendencies- which is why the Northeast goes liberal.
Are the Democrats more enlightened? Well they aren't as conservative for sure. If you look at the notions of expanding civil liberities, reducing poverty, protecting the environment, and social progress towards equality - you will find more of the major developments come through democratic tenure. If you want more environmental damage, tax cuts to the rich, big business influence in politics, and the use of traditional values- you find that in the republicans.
Which is more enlightened? Which stands for more social progress to a better society? That depends on your values. If you want more church in school, if you don't think gay people are entitled to equal rights, if you want more tax cuts for the wealthy, less equality in society- then go republican. I don't buy that line, so I go democrat.
And that's why you normally find more democrats in urban developed areas and more republicans in rural traditional areas. IF you doubt it, look at the electoral map and figure it out. One of the great divisions in the US now is between progressive liberal city folk and traditional conservative country folk.
Eitherway, Ashmo's correct in that Americans have a cattle mentality.
Thus Bradylama- by your own words you say-
The sad fact is that a significant number of Republicans are dullards that swallow whatever activists and conservatives shove in their mouths.