MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Well, we'll see. If Bush's second term is as disastrous as his first, god forbid, I guarantee there won't be a Republican in the White House after 2008's elections.
There was a CNN comentator that expressed very well the problem facing Democrats and making that turn around in four years quite doubtfull. In his view during the Reagan years the Republicans took the time in power to reinvent themselves, going to the Right, making the party more cohesive and focused. They started all the institutes and think tanks that allowed for the ideological revolution and method changes in electoral and day to day politics reality that helped them gaining momentum.
I would add that allowed them also to have the experts that were needed for the small adaptations in their speech and practice, from the constucionalist "the world will be what will make of it" from Bush father to the essencialism of the messianic interventionism of the Bush son, from the Compassionate conservadorism to the gung-ho policies that always show up from one president/two majorities political contexts.
This fundamental changes still didn`t happened in the Democratic party field. They are better raising funds now, oh ok. Didn`t helped much did it, when the ideas and what groups they have as the basis of their support aren´t clear, or are diminishing in importance even more.
When the best chance the democrats have is the fact that either in homeland security or in the international stage things can go very wrong at any time, putting more voters against the Republican incapacity of providing security, on top of the bad economic records, than we have reasons to be scared.
Ohio lost 200000 jobs in the last four years and still voted Bush. If i lived there i would run away fast. It`s a place where really anything can happen...
Forbes was interviewd an hour ago on BBC. He said that the President can finally go and tell Iran to change or else. In his views the or else could mean a military intervenction. Fascinating.
This time it can´t be said Nader stole the election. Only stole Kerry victory in New Mexico. Yeah, goody.
Young voters went to vote in massive numbers. But they were just 17% of the total of voters, everyone else voted massively, so their vote didn`t matter in the end. Curious.
Bush junior is the President elected by the larger number of voters in the USA ever. Good lord, we´re doomed...