USA elections

I've heard talk that Rudy Giuliani might take a run for the 2008 presidency.

Ditto for Hillary.

Wouldn't that be an interesting race?
Which is funny, because Republicans like Giuliani and McCain should have ran in THIS race. >;(
I have been reading as much as I could about this thread, but I couldn't get to read all.

Anyways, something is true, Americans deserve the president they chosen, out of being idiots, blind-like fanatics or some serious sons of a ... hmp. That's all the reasons I can think of why that 50% voted Bush.

About the other 50% of the people that have been smart or human enough to not vote Bush, well, I am sorry for what you will have once again have to suffer, and for whatever worse is to come (I pray with my heart it doesn't get any worse).
A fact is that I never was really touched nor interested in US policy during most of my life (also consider I am only 18 until the eight of this month), but since Bush was elected back in 2000, I began to grow not only interest but lastly even get very upset with the US policy, mostly with their external policy. Maybe if Bush wouldn't had made such a disasters ever since he get to the presidency, I would still minding my own business, not caring about what happens in the US. But the truth is that what he is doing is every time more and more difficult to ignore.

I am still against the US external policy, not against America nor America's people. But that 50% that voted bush, whatever the reasons where, are accomplices of what Bush administration does, and now they must take responsibility, because they are responsible of bush being president, they are not to blame their government for what it dos and wash their hands, not anymore, they knew him, and they re-elected him.

I am really sorry because there have been many the americans that opened their eyes and voted against Bush. But still he won.

Now I guess the rest of the world will have to suffer for it too.
The Rest of the World was bound to suffer for it when Democrats chose to nominate Kerry instead of Edwards or Dean.
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Well, we'll see. If Bush's second term is as disastrous as his first, god forbid, I guarantee there won't be a Republican in the White House after 2008's elections.

There was a CNN comentator that expressed very well the problem facing Democrats and making that turn around in four years quite doubtfull. In his view during the Reagan years the Republicans took the time in power to reinvent themselves, going to the Right, making the party more cohesive and focused. They started all the institutes and think tanks that allowed for the ideological revolution and method changes in electoral and day to day politics reality that helped them gaining momentum.

I would add that allowed them also to have the experts that were needed for the small adaptations in their speech and practice, from the constucionalist "the world will be what will make of it" from Bush father to the essencialism of the messianic interventionism of the Bush son, from the Compassionate conservadorism to the gung-ho policies that always show up from one president/two majorities political contexts.

This fundamental changes still didn`t happened in the Democratic party field. They are better raising funds now, oh ok. Didn`t helped much did it, when the ideas and what groups they have as the basis of their support aren´t clear, or are diminishing in importance even more.

When the best chance the democrats have is the fact that either in homeland security or in the international stage things can go very wrong at any time, putting more voters against the Republican incapacity of providing security, on top of the bad economic records, than we have reasons to be scared.

Ohio lost 200000 jobs in the last four years and still voted Bush. If i lived there i would run away fast. It`s a place where really anything can happen...

Forbes was interviewd an hour ago on BBC. He said that the President can finally go and tell Iran to change or else. In his views the or else could mean a military intervenction. Fascinating.

This time it can´t be said Nader stole the election. Only stole Kerry victory in New Mexico. Yeah, goody.

Young voters went to vote in massive numbers. But they were just 17% of the total of voters, everyone else voted massively, so their vote didn`t matter in the end. Curious.

Bush junior is the President elected by the larger number of voters in the USA ever. Good lord, we´re doomed...
Im not registered to vote, I should have been...should have thrown in my single vote amongst millions.

Today seemed, very gloomy and depressing...I see a future that will only drag on the ground, emerging broken and bruised after bush ass rapes it.

If the world goes to shit, so be it, we all had it not limiting this opinion to just Americans either. I dont give two shits who is president from the democratic or republican party since we'll all still be chugging oil, mutilating forests, fucking and breeding like stupid self righteous pigs.

Don't get me started, we began this race to extinction many years ago, and nobody actually gives a shit to do anything about it.

Bush and Kerry can both eat my ass because neither of them cared to speculate on the REAL goddamned problems of the world, and (for Americans) the country we live in. I would vote for some unknown independant party with a "campaign" budget of 5 cents if he was actually sane and honest.

A country full of fucktards shall be led by a fucktard, and the world will not care about social securitry, the war on terrorism, or will only care about the gruesome scarring that has occured during the "reign" of the human populous.

I don't think we will ever see a leader of a country actually make an attempt to reverse the damage done on the soil that we come from.

It doesn't matter if Bush or Kerry were elected, we're all going to destroy ourselves sooner or later because it is in our nature. Again, not one candidate that had even a "humble" amount of publicity emerged to speak of the REAL troubles of our country and the world around it. It's all one big circle jerk over one evil versus the other.
A little more motivation for ya' (if it's not too late; oh those wacky time zones):


Edit: Fuck, of course it is too late, it was on the 2nd right? Damn Onion... Fo sho'!
DJ Slamák said:
(snip image)

I love the "international jewish-masonic conspiracy" logo at the top.

Anyway, the one thing I didn't vote on was the presidency. The world's going to hell in a handbasket, and neither Bush nor Kerry would stop it if they were at the wheel. I guess the story is going to end with the US being nuked by North Korea, as opposed to being nuked by Al Qaeda. I would've voted for Nader...but then, I'm pretty sure that if he won, he'd spend four years in disbelief that he won.
What? I don't even remember you.

The point is: I hate conspiracy theories. They barely ever make any sense, and even more barely ever are true. And I've had almost a lifetime of disagreeing with conspiracy theories behind be, since my parents are the most paranoïd people you can imagine.

I mean: an international Jewish-Masonic conspiracy? Do you really expect me to waste time writing a dignifying response to that? Heh.

Let me put it simply: I am directly affilliated (if not a member of-) both those fractions, yet I have never experienced any benificial influence of them on my life. On the contrary, actually.

*EDIT* Hey, you can't just delete your post like that! Bad boy.
But conspiracy theories are real! Didn't you hear the one about how the Pope controls every country through his system of pigeons and mice. ;)
And don't forget how Bill Gates and Al Gore are actually mutant leaders of an underground vigillante group sworn to bring justice to the world. C'mon Jebus...pick up on sarcasm when you read it, don't need to get all bent out of shape over a misconception on your part :wink:

jebus said:
*EDIT* Hey, you can't just delete your post like that! Bad boy.

hee hee hee
Okay, to summarize, I think we all know that dark cabal involving Helios, MJ12, and the Illuminati, under the supervision of the reverse moon vampires, is responsible.
Anyone care to help me write the national anthem for Pax Americana ?

Thanks Brios, that's the first thing over a paragraph that I've ever written about politics. I personally don't think that Bush will be so stupid as to attempt another invasion of a country really. Maybe if he would, I doubt the Republicans would let him... Right now they're at a high point and allowing him to go off and fuck up some more would be bad for them.

I'm personally more worried about him pissing China or North Korea off. Mainly because I live in Anchorage, Alaska which is in range of NK's nuclear missiles and Anchorage is a prime target. Massive international airport with attached national guard base, massive airforce base, massive army base, seaport, etc. There is also Fairbanks with its military installations and then the pipeline. Yeah, I'm fucked if they launch.

Hey Ashmo, do you hate me now too? I'm going to cry if you do. :cry:
You're American. Of course I hate you!

Doesn't mean we can't be friends, right? ;)

(calms himself)

Thank you to all of you who voted against the senselessness...shame on those foolish enough to believe outright lies.

Let me apologize to all you Europeans...dont worry. Were gonna suffer enough over here to learn from our mistake.

Praise to you once again Sander for not only providing commentary, but backed by hard info and descriptively in depth! You keep impressing me...

By the way...the nation of Vietnam was a Nationalist Dictatorship that had a civil war between the Communist rebels and the Nationalists...there was no "North" or "South" Vietnam except that which politicians chose to draw on a map to justify the war.

Well...I can only pray there isnt a draft. My family has a lot of war stories...particularly my all-American Uncle who always was and always has been religious, working, and supportive of American ideals...well the latter was shattered after 7 years in Vietnam...thats another story however.

Hopefully if it leads to Nuclear War we can all die quickly as were vaporized by intense flame and not suffer...or be dehumanized...

Im sorry God.

:cry: ,
The Vault Dweller
You know, thinking about Bush being president for four more years makes me think about something. The outcome of that politician being elected on The Dead Zone.
Hey you, yes you guys, down there in the states!

If there ever is an American draft, I just want to know that you're always welcome in my country. You're also welcome to start a civil war over the issue in your own country.