Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2

I wonder. I just read an article where this was said:

I remember seeing the bonus of buying the most expensive version of the pre-order (Premium Edition: Blood Moon) would include 2 Story Packs and 1 Expansion. I wonder if these story packs will be the ones bringing more clans, and if so, they will not be free.

Which is another thing that worries me, blocking clans behind a paywall.

It was mentioned that clans will be completely free.

Found in the pcgamer article:
"The one thing we can say, we will have a good amount of clans in the main game that are really interesting, but we'll support it with more clans after launch," said Christian Schlütter, lead producer at Paradox. "And one thing that you need to write down is that every clan that we release later on will be free. We will never charge you for any clan." I wrote that down.
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Eh a thought just occured to me, maybe, instead of creating a sequel, they should have re-made the original game, only this time by giving it all the time the original lacked to be finished because of Valve?
Thanks but no thanks. There's a lot of insufferable parts in VTMB, no matter how good the overall tone is. Action packed locations such as Hollywood warrens, Lotus Blossom in Chinatown, Hallowbrook hotel and others just suck unholy ass.
I wonder. I just read an article where this was said:

I remember seeing the bonus of buying the most expensive version of the pre-order (Premium Edition: Blood Moon) would include 2 Story Packs and 1 Expansion. I wonder if these story packs will be the ones bringing more clans, and if so, they will not be free.

Which is another thing that worries me, blocking clans behind a paywall.
Sounds like a reasonable concern. Hopefully 1 "story pack" will be a 20-30 hour experience. Make it worth the price.
Thanks but no thanks. There's a lot of insufferable parts in VTMB, no matter how good the overall tone is. Action packed locations such as Hollywood warrens, Lotus Blossom in Chinatown, Hallowbrook hotel and others just suck unholy ass.

That's why, below what you quoted, I added:

I don't only mean better engine or bugs fixing here, but incorporating quests which never got past the ideas status, make the main storyline branch more, give more life to existing LA's Kindreds, give the players more meangniful choices and consequences, ect...
I am normally not a big fan of remake or remaster but Bloodlines is a special case in it's way, it never got the real chance it deserved at initial release and it wasn't the devs's fault there.

Improving locations like those you mentionned, plus the entire ending paths with various choices and ways to proceed, among other things, would go without saying.
It would be pointless to go in details on how this would be done since Bloodlines 2 isn't about remaking the original, but if it were, and if given the proper development time the original never had, then there could be a chance to see the real fully completed Bloodlines that the original never got the chance to be. And I admit I would be a little exited by that possibility, given all the wasted potential of many things in Bloodlines.

Though to be honest, I will be surprised if this Bloodlines 2 won't have at least a few heavy action maps with little other choices than sneaking and fighting. Let's hope the devs will have found the right balance.
Interestingly, in an interview with GamesBeat conducted at the Game Developers Conference 2019, Christian Schlütter (RPG Segment Lead Producer at Paradox) hinted that Bloodlines 2 will also be a way for the publisher to reignite interest in the whole World of Darkness setting and open up ‘for a lot more opportunities’.

Mitsoda: We cannot be specific about what else you might encounter right now, but I will say that it is the World of Darkness, and not just Vampire the Masquerade.

Kipling: One of the great things about the World of Darkness is how rich it is in terms of the ability to speak to today, and then weaving that darkness through it. Not just vampires.

Mitsoda: Sometimes people can be just as bad as vampires, too.

Schlütter: It’s also fair to say for us that one goal for Bloodlines II is to bring the IP back, to show people how cool this universe is, and then open up for a lot more opportunities.

Truth to be told, there already is another game in development in the World of Darkness setting. It’s Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood, an action RPG due next year on PC and consoles, developed by Cyanide Studio and published by Bigben (who acquired the rights from Focus Home Interactive). Werewolves are also pretty much confirmed to be in Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, with the ‘Season of the Wolf’ pass that sounds basically focused on them.

I thought Werewolf game from Cyanide was dead, but this sounds rather interesting.
reignite interest in the whole World of Darkness setting and open up ‘for a lot more opportunities’.
A Werewolf game done well would be great. I would also be curious to see other World of Darkness games (Wraith, Demon, Mage or even Hunter).
I would also be curious to see other World of Darkness games (Wraith, Demon, Mage or even Hunter).
Werewolf is getting a game. Through Bigben Interactive and Cyanide Studio and is apparently slated for a 2020 release. I don't know much about it or the devs/publishers but it's something happening I guess.

Also, started playing the first Bloodlines. It shows its age but I like it a good bit so far.
Thanks but no thanks. There's a lot of insufferable parts in VTMB, no matter how good the overall tone is. Action packed locations such as Hollywood warrens, Lotus Blossom in Chinatown, Hallowbrook hotel and others just suck unholy ass.

They could do what they did with Deus Ex: Human Revolution and add some ways of doing it without all the action.
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Late, yeah, but no one else posted it anywhere here, I don't think. I also didn't know there was a playable version at PDXCon. Hopefully they release footage of people playing it. I want to see some more actual gameplay though I know what will be at the con won't be the final product or could even be a streamlined section of the game. I just feel indifferent about the slideshow trailers.
Well, I can't go to Berlin. Boo. :(

E3 is in a month though. We should at least know all the clans by then. They're announcing one per week. Though we didn't get one this week yet.

EDIT: I spoke too soon. Here's Tremere.

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This week's clan update is Toreador.

So we have 4 out of the 6 now. I'm gonna assume the next one is Ventrue. The last one could be Malkavian, Nosferatu or something else. They're not doing Gangrel because they left the Camarilla in v5. I'm also hoping for Lasombra at some point. If they had them over Malkavian or Nosferatu I wouldn't even be mad. I'd even probably play Lasombra first if they had them at launch.
I'm gonna assume the next one is Ventrue. The last one could be Malkavian, Nosferatu or something else.
My guess is that the last two are Nosferatu and Malkavian. Nosferatu for that unique experience and Malkavian due to how memorable they are (especially in Bloodlines 1).
Well the next one is Ventrue.

The last one is questionable but Nosferatu were hated by players and Malkavians loved so....

It could also be Gangrel.
Nosferatu were hated by players
I wouldn't say hated but say less popular due to their gameplay differences. There are people who still like the differing playstyle.

I doubt it's Gangrel. They're using V5 source and the Gangrel left the Camarilla.
So, it'll be Camarilla clans that will be considered as playable clains? I don't recall if there's any info on that but if so, I wonder if they may slip in Lasombra since iirc, Lasombra have aligned with the Camarilla.
So, it'll be Camarilla clans that will be considered as playable clains? I don't recall if there's any info on that but if so, I wonder if they may slip in Lasombra since iirc, Lasombra have aligned with the Camarilla.

Yeah, ever since the announcement and they had that launch event and some of the pins they were giving away had the Lasombra clan logo on it, people have been speculating Lasombra will be in it at launch. But if not, I would assume it'll at least be one of the Clan DLC's. All Clan DLC is free too.

I mean, if Lasombra is in it at launch, that's who I'm playing as first. Otherwise it'll be Tremere.

EDIT: also, Nosferatu are my favorite clan. But I won't play as them first since you have to sneak around and such.