Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

PsychoSniper said:
Did anyone do the Tawni mission for Imala ?

Ive done it w/o getting caught, Tawni appears on the cover of the paper for the Llama sex scandal, but Imala is still bitching at me for failing.

Llama sex scandal? I never had THAT paper. And which was Tawni? Was that the one with the posters from your computer because I never found any of those :-\. And who is "A friend" from the computer? Is that Beckett?

Sorry for failing to answer your question but well, I tried :).
A freind is proably Caine/cabby, but thats just speculation.

The apartment across the street from thelucky star motel has stairs leading to a locked room.

Imala (the model on the poster in the bounty hunters Apt in Mercurios building) is now a Nosferatu.

Shes jealous of "tawni sessions", a easter egg of the real life Tawni Stone (a net porn star)

Basicly, Imali gives you a mission to plant some webcams in Tawnis house without getting caught.

The cams show Tawni/boyfreind/Llama getting freaky, resulting in an intersting papper article.

I dont get caught, but Imala keeps bitching at me for getting caught anyway.

For those that havent found Imala...... look in the Warrens.
i did the tawni quest no problem. the thing is, i made sure not to even touch them. or was it that i did touch them, ie feed on them until they daze out? i don't know? i tried a few times with the quick loading, so meh.
it is possible you got caught while leaving psycho. i started walking when i left the app, and i think i might have set off a script that way.

i redid it while sneaking the whole time (even in the lobby) & the quest worked as it should've.
I enterd and left, and never ceased sneaking, so no clue.

What do you get for compleating it ? And does she give you and further quests ?
I think the condition for it is that they can't even suspect that you're there. They can't stop in their routine to look around AT ALL. You have to be entirely undetected.

Also, I played through the game 3 times, and on the third, I even killed the werewolf, but it was still the most frightening experience in my life all three moments.

On the third playthrough I thought I was all big and bad and confident, until the werewolf burst through a glass dome in the ceiling right in front of me. Our rooms echoed with a string of profanities.
I really liked this game and just thought I'd share my impressions on it with my "unofficial" review. ;)

Overall, its very well done. The atmosphere fits the game almost to well, the voice acting is top notch and is one of the most visually beautiful games out there that, at the same time, didn't have very much hype surrounding it (ala Doom 3/Halflife 2) which aids to the "Unknown but awesome game" factor. Apart from being a somewhat buggy game, it still plays very well and you shouldn't find many of the problems rampant throughout the game a hiderance... and as much as I *do* like the game, there are some annoyances that I do wish were looked at and possibly fixed to keep the game in high standing..

First off: Firearms. Both sides will argue that its a useful skill to pickup and a worthless skill at the same time. I sorta agree with the latter. You can go through the entire game and not even touch a gun, not to mention that, to be any good at it, you really need to devote the effort into raising the skill and stick with it or it will just be a waste of points. For the most part, all it raises is accuracy and damage by a small percent. You'll be hard pressed to hit anything at a distance if the skill isn't maxed and most of the enemies in the game have very high resists against Firearms anyway. So, all in all, if you have to get that close to hit something with a gun, you may as well just do Melee or Unarmed which do more damage overall. Ammo is also hard to find and it does cost money and unfortunatly, there isn't an unlimited supply of that laying around. I will give it one high point though: you can do a ton of damage with the Flame Thrower, regardless if you have that many points in it or not since it's a close-quarters weapon to begin with. All in all, I think this is the most broken skill in the game and its a shame really. The game combined both FPS and 3rd Person Melee very well, its just that the skill is so darn useless most of the time, its not even worth bothering with.

Secondly: Powers. There are a few in the game that are just obscenely powerful and it kind of limits the game's fun-factor just a tad. VtM PnP had the potential to make almost godlike characters and I don't fault the PC game for having that, its just the game can be a little to much on the easy side. For example; Obfuscate. Sounds very cool and *is* very cool, but just a little too cool if you get my meaning. You can literally go through the entire game with Obfuscate and never get damaged, not to mention, kill everything in the game with little effort, excluding bosses of course. Missions also become extremely easy, especially those requiring stealth or any mission you don't want to lose Humanity or Masquerade points over. As long as you gain Obfuscate L3 (or whatever level lets you crouch and move while invisible) and pump Unarmed up, you can easily throttle and drain anyone and/or silent kill them instantly, and you aren't even hurting yourself by doing this since Unarmed is a very useful battle skill to use throughout the game, plus it raises the chance of letting you feed on an unwilling target (ala, person trying to kill you). Only two Vampires can grab this skill though, and they both have a drawback for playing them (Nosferatu, being unable to communicate with anyone short of special NPC's and it becomes difficult to walk streetside and not break the Masquerade due to their appearence; and a Malkavian, who is literally insane and possesses an "insight" that can be somewhat detrimental when conversing with special NPC's), but I had no trouble at all going through the game as a Malkavian and I even got a laugh listening to my character baffle everyone with her strange way of speaking. Its a two player swing! Protean on the other hand can turn a Gangrel into a lethal killing machine and as long as you pump Strength, you're good to go and well on your way to punishing anything the game has to offer with ease.

Other than that, the only other problems I've found are minor. You'll find LA strangely devoid of moving cars... which I find odd, but maybe thats just me? Clipping between characters can be annoying if your the type of person that dislikes that sort of thing, and *trust* me, there is a lot of that in the game. Some in-game movies (more like sequences involving character interaction that you don't take part in, not actual video-like movies) will sometimes mess up and take to long or go to fast for the game to align properly, so you may see in some instances where a character is still talking, but then completes a motion for another part of his speech before he finishes what he was saying first. The first part I encountered this was when I met Nines for the first time and he was talking, pauses for a moment when the Vamp runs at him, shoots him and then says what he was supposed to say before he shoots the guy and also when I started a new game and the intro video was playing. You'll notice a lot of tiny details that looked like they could have been polished better, but weren't. In no way do these little bugs lower the gameplay value, though.

Now for a little praise! The games models are VERY well detailed and pretty, I'm sure the guys don't mind how well Janette or VV look. :P They are really top notch and, for lack of a better word, gorgeous.

The music fits the game very well, the gothic techno music combined with some heavy metal totally fit the setting and you'll be amazed at how well the words for such songs like Lacuna Coil's "Swamped" almost totally describe your characters life throughout the game... which was wierd! I have been a fan of Lacuna Coil for years and was surprised to find my favorite song being played during the credits, not to mention fit the life of my character so well! Its the small things that make for such a great experience!

As I said before, the voice acting is well done and not in the least bit amatuer. All of the voices fit the characters well and I really like VV's voice actor, I can't even begin to describe how beautiful her voice is. Other characters throughout the game also deserve praise. Beckett is also very well done and so is Jack, though I've heard from others that they didn't like Nines' voice very well and I think they're silly. I thought he did a great job at playing the part. Your cab driver is also another very well done voice, especially for someone who doesn't have that big of a part in the game... he is a bit odd though....... an easter egg... I'm sure others probably figured it out. ;)

As much as I like to complain about the things I find wrong and I wish were fixed (and the absence of a certain patch that should have been out a long time ago!), the game has certainly replaced a few others on my top 10 list and will remain to be one of my favorite RPG's to date! (Not better than Fallout, though. ^_^) Its very well done and worth the money you pay for it and I would recommend it to anyone that may have second thoughts about it... but I'm sure everyone else here agrees with me that its certainly not a waste of cash. Troika made a good game that I think any fan of the RPG genre will like, so go out and buy it already!


P.S. If anyone wants to discuss certain parts of this game, talk about it or if you are in need of hints, send me a PM. I'll be glad to answer any questions. I've played the game up and down and enjoyed every minute of it and I'd love to have some great big discussions about what other people thought about certain things... like that mysterious cab driver! If you don't know about it already, send me a PM and I'll fill in you... Just to keep my post from being in any way a spoiler. :)
P.S. If anyone wants to discuss certain parts of this game, talk about it or if you are in need of hints, send me a PM. I'll be glad to answer any questions.

Only if you promise not to touch my 'special' places!
Jabbapop said:
P.S. If anyone wants to discuss certain parts of this game, talk about it or if you are in need of hints, send me a PM. I'll be glad to answer any questions.

Only if you promise not to touch my 'special' places!

I promise!
I see someone didnt read the thread..........

We figured out that the cabbie is Cain a few pages back..............

Overall I gotta agree with some of that though, the guns were useless unless you are allready a twitch game, and pump up your ranged skill.

There seem to be 2 stratagies with guns

Strat 1: Shoot atenemy as you run away.

Strat 2: take shot or two at enemy, then switch to mele weapon.
Yup, yer right. I didn't read the thread. Though, if its already been discussed, I've heard people on other threads (most notably Gamespot VtM:B Discussion) that the cabbie is indeed NOT Caine, but a fake one. I've never read the books or played the actual PnP, but I know a bit about it and someone was saying that it is a fake Caine, and this is proven in the newest VtM book. Something about "Gehenna". I don't remember all the specifics, but they all seemed very set in the fact that it wasn't him, possibly a Malkavian who *thinks* he is Caine, and still powerful in his own right.
i only really used the guns on the zombies and boss characters, as the zombies are so slow and head shot kills em, and the bossess are usually pretty big, making melee kind of difficult.
Apris said:
Firearms. Both sides will argue that its a useful skill to pickup and a worthless skill at the same time. I sorta agree with the latter.


well let me say a couple of things.

it depends on the character. i have had sooooo much fun walking around with my lil' skinny Tremere chick with her Uzi Killmatic. i thought it was really fitting since Tremere are fysically a bit weaker, but mentally superior. i focused that char on rogue skills and vamp powers. Uzi & flamethrower are obvious choices.
however what bothered me most: how in hell can a 9mm ball Uzi (pistol ammo) do more damage to (armored) troops than a 5.56mm NATO Steyr (assault rifle ammo).
the first guns in game really suck. the shotty is slow, the sixshooter is weak. however, almost all other firearms in the game are very useful in some situations.
sniper VS the german dude
autoshotty & the magnum VS various enemies (but very effective against the lil abominations in the warrens)
Uzi (killmatic) VS zombies and humans (the killmatic takes down zombies with single bullet headshots, no time wasted on several melee hits)
the flamethrower VS everyone

useless? i do remember at least one part of the game that is way healthier to use a gun rather than going HtH. (shooting out the experiment stuff (electrical and fire stuff) when you get caught)

however if you want to overpower the game without vampiric abilities: go stealth (combo with melee or HtH)
little is as fun as smacking an unsuspecting victim 20 meter down the hall with a sledgehammer...
I haven't played this game but I poked into this thread to see what it was about... And it's 10 pages long.

I looked at their site and the weapons section on it... Why are you guys referring to the machinepistol they have as an "Uzi" ? It's called something different on the site and only vaguely resembles an Uzi.. Same for the rifle. 5.56mm Steyr? The rifle online looks quite a bit like a SIG 540 or 550. Anyway, just curious if I should look into this game or not. 10 pages has to mean something. - Colt
Colt said:
I looked at their site and the weapons section on it... Why are you guys referring to the machinepistol they have as an "Uzi" ? It's called something different on the site and only vaguely resembles an Uzi.. Same for the rifle. 5.56mm Steyr? The rifle online looks quite a bit like a SIG 540 or 550. Anyway, just curious if I should look into this game or not. 10 pages has to mean something. - Colt
took a quick peak

the Uzi (labeled "Killmatic" or something like that ingame) isn't on the site. there is a Mac10-clone (named Braddock in game) hanging on the wall though.
the rifle that reminds you of a Sig assault rifle is the automatic shotgun (i agree that it looks like shit on the website). the steyr aint there.
where do you get the flamethrower? i remember picking it up only near the end of the game. it would have been killer having it early on.
SuAside said:
Apris said:
Firearms. Both sides will argue that its a useful skill to pickup and a worthless skill at the same time. I sorta agree with the latter.


well let me say a couple of things.

it depends on the character. i have had sooooo much fun walking around with my lil' skinny Tremere chick with her Uzi Killmatic. i thought it was really fitting since Tremere are fysically a bit weaker, but mentally superior. i focused that char on rogue skills and vamp powers. Uzi & flamethrower are obvious choices.
however what bothered me most: how in hell can a 9mm ball Uzi (pistol ammo) do more damage to (armored) troops than a 5.56mm NATO Steyr (assault rifle ammo).
the first guns in game really suck. the shotty is slow, the sixshooter is weak. however, almost all other firearms in the game are very useful in some situations.
sniper VS the german dude
autoshotty & the magnum VS various enemies (but very effective against the lil abominations in the warrens)
Uzi (killmatic) VS zombies and humans (the killmatic takes down zombies with single bullet headshots, no time wasted on several melee hits)
the flamethrower VS everyone

useless? i do remember at least one part of the game that is way healthier to use a gun rather than going HtH. (shooting out the experiment stuff (electrical and fire stuff) when you get caught)

however if you want to overpower the game without vampiric abilities: go stealth (combo with melee or HtH)
little is as fun as smacking an unsuspecting victim 20 meter down the hall with a sledgehammer...

Agreed, my Tremere became very dependent on his firearms in the latter half of the game. The Killmatic can take down nearly every enemy, as can the flamethrower. While the rifles with the big zooms were useless on my character (they swirved all over the place) a lot of the weapons packed a punch powerful enough to take down most enemies.