Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

Noone knows CCR.

And how did the Qui-Jen get the key?

How did Jack get the explosives put in ? Did Beckett know how to get in the sarcophagus all along, or fiigure it out?

LOTS of unanswerd questions....................VTM:B2 anyone ?
King of Creation said:
. The real Caine was holed up in some cave in Turkey. He had the ability to "project" himself, but Smilin Jack wouldn't have been able to see him, due to his lack of power or whatever.

Maybe he *was*. You know where Ankara is?
PsychoSniper said:
And how did the Qui-Jen get the key?
Qui-Jen=Key Gen.


Seriously, that explains it right there, if you know anything. :twisted:
I think the Qui-Jin stole the key. The Archeologist fella said it was the first thing to be stolen. Which was probably why "Caine" and Jack messed with the sarcophagus in the first place.

As for who killed the crew of the Elizabeth Dane, I'm pretty sure it was either Caine, or Jack. In either case, Jack would've had to have been there to take out Messerach and plant the "surprise."
But remember how Beckett left then he showed up one last time to warn you to NOT open it ?

I think Beckett might have helped some, and the explosives mightve been planted much later.
I'm pretty sure Beckett warned you not to open it because he knew that doing so would trigger the explosives. I'm pretty sure it was a set up from the get go to rid LA of the Camarilla and the Kueijin. If you use Dominate on the Professor in the Society of Leopold dungeon, you learn that the AS was found at a dig site that was thought to be exhausted of all of the artifacts or something...someplace where they were sure nothing else was. But then, someone called, iirc, the professor and said "hey, look over there for something leet" and that's where they found the AS. SO, I figure that Jack and Beckett and the Caine figure were all working together, and it was them who set up the professor "finding" the AS. They set it up so that LaCroix would want the AS, and so would the Kueijin. They let the Kueijin steal the key so that the PC would have a reason to go and kill all of them, and then when lacroix got the AS, he would either open it and die, you would open it and both of you would die, or the Camarilla would take Lacroix into custody. So, anyway you look at it, the Prince and the Kueijin are taken care of.

As for everyone on the ED dieing...maybe that was because the Caine figure was trasported in the Sarcophagus, and broke out of it, killed all the people on the ED, and escaped into the night, but not before putting all the C4 in it.

Its all a big conspiracy, using you as a pawn in a much bigger scheme which you only get a cryptic glimpse of.

Bradylama said:
As for who killed the crew of the Elizabeth Dane, I'm pretty sure it was either Caine, or Jack. In either case, Jack would've had to have been there to take out Messerach and plant the "surprise."

jack is a pirate ffs! who would take over a ship, yeh think? :roll:

ARRRRRRRRRR! :wink: :lol:
I saved up enough experience to hack into the logs of the Elizabeth Dane, and from what they describe, it looks like it was Caine that murdered the crew. The manor of their demise was slow and mysterious, taking several days to finalize. Jack would've just slaughtered them all in a matter of minutes. :)

There was also a Turk on board, apparently, who was telling "Ghost Stories."
Wrong link, Briosa. It links to the TOEE patch news post.

The Vampire Patch, however, has its release notes here, and can be downloaded <a href ="">here</a>, here, here and here.
Got the game for XMAS, played a bit so far. Lordie, the Ocean Hotel is definitely THE gaming experience. 9AM and I was still freaking out all over the floor.

I'm definitely impressed with the game so far. I haven't gotten too far (at least I hope not, its been pretty linear so far) but I've been loving it. Sneaking around and popping up behind folks to slit their throats or blast them with some magic. This is what gamings all about :). Much good, I hope this game sold damn well.

I am a bit disappointed with the physics though. I'm watching my brother play HL2 after I play VtM and it definitely uses the physics a lot more. But that doesn't really affect me too much, it's still an awesome rpg, with or without the use of awesomeness physics.

I just noticed this when looking thru some old screencaps.

Seems they like the gravity gun.......
ocean hotel... isn't that the one where you get the ghost's necklace or something for therese? i didn't think that was too scary. now the werewolf part, that had me on my toes. you don't quite know where he's coming from, and even when you do see him there's no fighting him. you're just running from a much more powerful foe.
You can also KILL THE WEREWOLF, the following tip is from John White:
Also, when you're running from the werewolf, run out back to the little
shack, hit the switch to turn on the observatory power. Run inside and open
the observatory, then get the werewolf to follow you through the now open
observatory dome. Once inside, hit the switch to close the dome as he's coming
through and it will kill him and stop the timer.
From GameFaq, JayDarco's guide.

I initially tried to do that, before faqing it just now, but for some reason i couldn't time it right.