Van Buren video

Yes, we realize that, and have changed our descriptions accordingly if you care to check.

There seems to be a large amount of misattribution floating around (such as here, for example), which lead to our confusion in the matter.

You can also watch the this video of "Dream a Little Dream" by The Beautiful South.
In all honesty... How many of you would love the same kind of lay ouy as Fallout 2, but more time spent on Worlmap development, quests, towns, encounters, combat and items? I mean Fallout 2 was and still is a fuckin GREAT game, that game looked a bit shite, animated characters all disproportionate and combat semi turn based semi real time. Keep it turn based. Don't change the game so much...
I just watched it again and what occurred that "Dream a little Dream of Me" would've been a great choice for their Bethout teaser page.

But then, I am long past expecting anything but the worst from Bethesda.