Van Buren video

Heh. It was the worst of two worlds - artificial APs and combat that is too fast to be controlled in detail.
That music was great. The opening movies have always been what I think about when I think of FO, and now I have something to remember when I hear "Van Buren."

The video was great. Yes, real time would'ntve been good. Yes, floating numbers are iffy.

But gorramit, when I saw that splash page, I felt my eyes welling up. I wanted to salute a flag. The world was Fallout. It just was. It wasn't as dirty, maybe, but as it's been said it's alpha. It still had the decay. It had everything. The 3d even worked, it looked sort of cel-shaded, and was as pretty as the 2d art in the previous iterations.

I watched it over and over again for about 20 minutes before starting up a new character in Fallout.
Sorrow said:
Heh. It was the worst of two worlds - artificial APs and combat that is too fast to be controlled in detail.

i think it could have worked ok given you controlled only one character ( and if not you had the TB option ) - i think FOT system was primarily bad because you had to control multiple units and it was way too hectic to be combined with ap - but given only one char and a pause button it could have worked

p.s. this post dont advocate in favour of CTB i still prefer TB with ap over any RT with ap but i just wanted to say it wasnt all bad
Thank God Almighty, the omnipotent shepherd in the skies, that I was able to watch the video whilst being banned.

My thoughts: I like it. I like it a lot. Considering this stuff is pre-alpha stage, one can only try to imagine what the finished product would have been. They sure as hell (forgive me Father) knew what they were doing: the atmosphere is there, the roof that goes transparant when the character enters the building (nostalgia kicking in there), the Vault door sequence...

May Hervé Caen, the anti-Christ, the human form of the dark lord Beelzebub, the incarnation of Mephistopheles, grow prostate cancer for snatching away a sequel to the Fallout franchise that seemed worthy of that title even in pre-alpha stage.

Well, if Bethesda is the owner of the FALLOUT licence and Van Buren stuff belongs to it, that is a proper moment to start terrorizing them about putting this demo as bonus or smth on the FALLOUT 3 cd. In this case everybody will buy it.
Bewitched said:
Well, if Bethesda is the owner of the FALLOUT licence and Van Buren stuff belongs to it, that is a proper moment to start terrorizing them about putting this demo as bonus or smth on the FALLOUT 3 cd. In this case everybody will buy it.

Ahaha. And risk this demo would get better reviews then F3? No way they'd risk it \o/ :lol:
Bewitched said:
Well, if Bethesda is the owner of the FALLOUT licence and Van Buren stuff belongs to it, that is a proper moment to start terrorizing them about putting this demo as bonus or smth on the FALLOUT 3 cd. In this case everybody will buy it.

I asked Pete Hines about that. This is what he said:
(...) releasing someone else's unfinished
product, or assets from it, is not something we intend to do.

PS: Madbringer, I sincerely doubt any techdemo would get a better review than any game ('cept of course Drake of the 99 Dragons, or Superman 64, or E.T., or Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, or E.T. 2600)
Oh my. Your sarcasm meter must be broken, mate, it was but a jest. :P

Anyway, what Bewitched said, would be cool to have the demo as a bonus. Too bad Mr. Hines apparently thinks otherwise. A thousand never fully drying scabs on him. :D :/
King of Creation said:
I'm still very disappointed in that combat system. It looks like it was made for a console with the floating damage indicators and things.
Yeah, reminds me of consolish crap like Jagged Alliance. :roll:

J.E. Sawyer said:
Of course, this is the most important element of the entire demo: companions that don't shoot you in the back with an automatic weapon.
So you really meant to ruin Fallout. You bastard! :cry:
So, seriously: who has got the demo? 'Cause someone has. I'm betting it's Briosafreak, 'cause he's got the contacts, but more importantly: any chance of the demo ever being released? I don't care if it's playable or not, all I want are those bits of hope.

Don't tell me you made that video without possessing the demo. It makes no sense at all.
ferrarimanf355 said:
It's always interesting to me to see videos of games in development in action, just because I'm curious as to how the games evolve from marathon development sessions to a boxed product at the local Best Buy. Or a downloadable game off of Steam. Or both. And the vaporware titles are even more fascinating, simply because it gives a glimpse of how far along they were before the project was cancelled, and to look at what could have been.

It's like... Archeology for... Video games... I've met my calling in life! ...*scratches head* wonder when I get paid...

I'm with you, its interesting to think where where the developers were at with the project... What main events transpired to arrive at the decision to cancel the project... How close were they from being able to fix one of the issues and forge ahead... Should be documented some place, I think it would make for interesting reading and GREAT reference for future developers.
Yes, Mr. None. What I am supposing is that he is using Limewire, or a DC++ client.