Buxbaum666 said:Does this allow you to target children in VATS, too?
Yes, it seems to allow VATS targeting of those foul mouthed insubordinates!
They also get death animations, and such, but that was known as they are universal.
Buxbaum666 said:Does this allow you to target children in VATS, too?
Lexx said:Is it possible to add the "missing gore" (when the head is "missing" and or a leg and so on) with easy editing the childrens 3d modells?
TwinkieGorilla said:Lexx said:Is it possible to add the "missing gore" (when the head is "missing" and or a leg and so on) with easy editing the childrens 3d modells?
yes. as stated, you can use the "optional" file that comes with it. the only difference is that the female kids have more...*ahem*...adult features if you steal their armor/clothes, but up until that moment...they're still kid models. the Modder explains all this in his file description you lazy, lazy assholes.
The Wandering Milkman said:Don't see why anyone would steal their clothes anyway. Just console that stuff onto your character if you want to dress up as a girl scout.
Pope Viper said:Don't tell me, they whacked any threads related to this?
Neclipse said:Oh and thanks Twinkie Gorilla for not censoring my mod like Bethesda did lol.
Magnus said:I don't like having many accounts, they tend to be very rarely used and then forgotten. Anyway, I managed to get the mod. For anyone wanting more than a screenshot, here's the YouTube link:
Magnus said:I don't like having many accounts, they tend to be very rarely used and then forgotten. Anyway, I managed to get the mod. For anyone wanting more than a screenshot, here's the YouTube link:
tortoise said:those little lamplight shits are gonna pay for calling me a mungo!
Willybean said:Here's a thought how about a mod that uses the 10 year old version of the Wasteland Vault Dweller. Your not killing kids but you are the kid who is killing. Its simply a matter of using the already existing child skin for your character yet keeping it for when you leave the vault. Perhaps when you step through that final door you can select 'child mod' and be your 10 year old self again.