Vulnerable Children Mod!!!

Buxbaum666 said:
Does this allow you to target children in VATS, too?

Yes, it seems to allow VATS targeting of those foul mouthed insubordinates!

They also get death animations, and such, but that was known as they are universal.
Is it possible to add the "missing gore" (when the head is "missing" and or a leg and so on) with easy editing the childrens 3d modells?
Lexx said:
Is it possible to add the "missing gore" (when the head is "missing" and or a leg and so on) with easy editing the childrens 3d modells?

yes. as stated, you can use the "optional" file that comes with it. the only difference is that the female kids have more...*ahem* features if you steal their armor/clothes, but up until that moment...they're still kid models. the Modder explains all this in his file description you lazy, lazy assholes.
TwinkieGorilla said:
Lexx said:
Is it possible to add the "missing gore" (when the head is "missing" and or a leg and so on) with easy editing the childrens 3d modells?

yes. as stated, you can use the "optional" file that comes with it. the only difference is that the female kids have more...*ahem* features if you steal their armor/clothes, but up until that moment...they're still kid models. the Modder explains all this in his file description you lazy, lazy assholes.

Don't see why anyone would steal their clothes anyway. Just console that stuff onto your character if you want to dress up as a girl scout.
Yeh, didn't downloaded it at the moment, just watched the screenshots when the file was not "adult rated" on the nexus site. So it's already a while ago. :P

I think, I will download and test it today.. but I am not 100% sure.. maybe I am already to lazy for playing Fallout 3. Heh.
The Wandering Milkman said:
Don't see why anyone would steal their clothes anyway. Just console that stuff onto your character if you want to dress up as a girl scout.

well, yeah. aside from making humorous (subjectively) screenshots, you wouldn't. but it made sense for the modder to give that warning, so reactionary bible-thumping asstards wouldn't jump all over him. of course that's what happened all day yesterday anyway. anybody in support of this mod was subject to the most inane and juvenile argument i've seen in quite some time.
Hey guys, hey TwinkieGorilla, just thought I'd pop in and let you all know that I have updated the Killable Children mod to version 1.1.


***New In Version 1.1:***
Increased all Children's Endurance to 10 (This should allow them to have more health in a fight). Children will also now fight back, so you have been warned. Most of them already have weapons, but those without weapons will beat you to a pulp with their bare hands.

Oh and thanks Twinkie Gorilla for not censoring my mod like Bethesda did lol.

If anyone finds a bug please let me know on the comments thread over at the nexus. Enjoy :)
Pope Viper said:
Don't tell me, they whacked any threads related to this?

They locked all my two release threads for the mod (One was over post count though). And implemented a new policy, like Oblivion's mod policy, where you can't link to adult mods. But they added that Child Killing mods are considered adult to.

So now they will warn you if you talk about my mod in a thread. (Sometimes if just a few people mention it.) And I saw them lock a few threads because they were talking about it a day or two after I released it. They are definitely trying to distance themselves from the mod.

But then again if they are trying to save face, I guess I can't really blame them.
first off, that was quick! glad you got that tweaked...that's really, really cool.

Neclipse said:
Oh and thanks Twinkie Gorilla for not censoring my mod like Bethesda did lol.

yeah well, they censored me once again too. account #3 has been banned from their site. goodbye, Lloyd. it's been fun. :cry:
Magnus said:
I don't like having many accounts, they tend to be very rarely used and then forgotten. Anyway, I managed to get the mod. For anyone wanting more than a screenshot, here's the YouTube link:

"Este vídeo ya no está disponible debido a una reclamación de copyright realizada por ZeniMax Media Inc. / Bethesda Softworks LLC."

It means "This is video is not available due to a copyright demand done by ZeniMax Media Inc. / Bethesda Softworks LLC."
Here's a thought how about a mod that uses the 10 year old version of the Wasteland Vault Dweller. Your not killing kids but you are the kid who is killing. Its simply a matter of using the already existing child skin for your character yet keeping it for when you leave the vault. Perhaps when you step through that final door you can select 'child mod' and be your 10 year old self again.
oh my...

how delightful.

i can't wait 'til i get home from work and install this.

those little lamplight shits are gonna pay for calling me a mungo!

Re: oh my...

tortoise said:
those little lamplight shits are gonna pay for calling me a mungo!


Not every kid was bad there :)

Still what Bethesda thinked? i mean kids in this game are worse than Raiders and you couldent kill them OMG...

Any way i got favor to ask any one can point me in right direction how to make all NPC killable i mean adults...
Willybean said:
Here's a thought how about a mod that uses the 10 year old version of the Wasteland Vault Dweller. Your not killing kids but you are the kid who is killing. Its simply a matter of using the already existing child skin for your character yet keeping it for when you leave the vault. Perhaps when you step through that final door you can select 'child mod' and be your 10 year old self again.

You can already do this, though there are a lot of little wonky effects of doing so.. This is how I've been playing my current character actually:

In console you can enter 'player.agerace -1' and you will become a 'child'. You look like one anyway.. There is another command called 'setPCYoung' which also makes you a kid, but for some reason whenever I tried to use it, it would make the kid look 'bald', or short shaven..

As a kid, you can't interact with certain objects.. like switches, traps, ect.. things of that nature.. you CAN still hack and pick locks. Can't drink from fountains.. it's weird. ("Children can't use that!")

Also, most headgear is distorted on the child models, presumably cus they aren't suppose to ever 'wear' them. You CAN wear them, but the models of those items clip through your chars head. The reason for this I assume is because proportionally speaking, a childs head is larger than an adults head in relations to the rest of his body.. that's how it should be, cus it's true.. but unfortunately headgear is 'scaled' to the size of your characters overall body size, but since your head is bigger than an adults, well.. yeah. Enclave power armor and regular PA helmets seem to look normal though, since they are so large and bulky, and thus cover up any potential clipping issues.

Also, using agerace -1 does NOT change your characters voice. He'll sound like an adult when he gets hit/punches/is hurt, whatever the case may be. He DOES sound like a kid if you use setPCYoung, but again whenever I used it, it made my char look like a bald dufus, so..

Armor and weapon model scaling, or more specifically, it doesn't. You would expect adult-sized armors and weapons to look disproportionately huge on a 10 year old but all the armor and weapons scale down to your size... So while the minigun looks big on an adult char, it WOULD look unmanageably ginormous on a kid model but, it shrinks to look about the same as the adult one.

Anyway, it's pretty amusing running around as a 10 year old beating up on Raiders and such.

I'm sure these oddities could be modded out if anyone ever took the time to do so. Until then.. player.agerace -1, and switch out of it on the occation you need to 'use' an object. : p