Warhammer 40k thread!

Akratus said:
Besides my dislike for the new miniatures, there's also changes in the lore I dislike. Things done by the likes of Matt Ward.

Wasn't there that whole hullabaloo about the Blood Angels being changed into vampires who were best friends with the Necrons?

That was really stupid.
The Blood Angels were always a tad vampiric, iirc. The incident with the Necrons wasn't so much "let's be BFF" than "oh fuck me, there's a bunch of bugs coming this way. Cease fire before both of us become chow, k?"
CthuluIsSpy said:
The Blood Angels were always a tad vampiric, iirc. The incident with the Necrons wasn't so much "let's be BFF" than "oh fuck me, there's a bunch of bugs coming this way. Cease fire before both of us become chow, k?"

Maybe, but Ward is a horrible writer.
AlphaPromethean said:
CthuluIsSpy said:
The Blood Angels were always a tad vampiric, iirc. The incident with the Necrons wasn't so much "let's be BFF" than "oh fuck me, there's a bunch of bugs coming this way. Cease fire before both of us become chow, k?"

Maybe, but Ward is a horrible writer.

That is true. His fluff comes across as very amateurish.
CthuluIsSpy said:
The Blood Angels were always a tad vampiric, iirc. The incident with the Necrons wasn't so much "let's be BFF" than "oh fuck me, there's a bunch of bugs coming this way. Cease fire before both of us become chow, k?"

Whatever happened to the stubborn, paranoid and completely xenophobic humans in the 41st Millenium? Alliances with xenos? Pffft.. :wink:

I play SM and Tyranids back from the day when there were no tau, necrons and dark eldar. And the squats still lurked in the galactic core.
Necrons have been around since the early 90's, they were just a small fluff piece and a bad guy in Space Crusade though.
Called robot men or something as it was back when the Imperium hadn't retconned it's use of robotics.
Alphadrop said:
Necrons have been around since the early 90's, they were just a small fluff piece and a bad guy in Space Crusade though.
Called robot men or something as it was back when the Imperium hadn't retconned it's use of robotics.

Necrons were called "Chaos Androids" at first, iirc. They then became a xenos raiding force, and finally got their own codex and background in 3rd edition. I could be mistaken though. There has been so many changes to the background, it's hard to keep up. Especially if you started in early 4th ed, like me.
After digging out the ol Spehs Crusade box turns out they were plain old "Androids".
A bugger to kill as well.
I never played them or against them in TT, only saw them in the DoW series. Lore-wise i think it's cool and fitting that there is at least one machine race stomping around in the galaxy but I know next to nothing about them. I have no codex or rulebook that covers them, are they just a space version of the undead armies in WH? What is their goal? Why and where do they turn up? In DoW they were already on the contested worlds and were awakened by the fighting.
Arden said:
I never played them or against them in TT, only saw them in the DoW series. Lore-wise i think it's cool and fitting that there is at least one machine race stomping around in the galaxy but I know next to nothing about them. I have no codex or rulebook that covers them, are they just a space version of the undead armies in WH? What is their goal? Why and where do they turn up? In DoW they were already on the contested worlds and were awakened by the fighting.

This just about covers them.


Note that this was post-DoW fluff. The fluff for the necrons was expanded upon (with some changes) in the 5th ed codex, which was released several years after DoW.

Prior to the 5th ed codex, there were no dynasties, triarch, and the Necrons as a whole were bound to the will of the C'tan. Now it's a bit more varied.
The C'tan fluff got so stupid though I'm glad they retconned them to psychotic Egyptian robo pharaohs in space.
The C'tan sorta went all badly written fan fiction on the universe, which is the Emprah's job.
Alphadrop said:
The C'tan fluff got so stupid though I'm glad they retconned them to psychotic Egyptian robo pharaohs in space.
The C'tan sorta went all badly written fan fiction on the universe, which is the Emprah's job.

Yeah. It didn't make much sense either that a friggen Eldritch god can get his ass kicked by sniper rifles and Power Fists. Now it does; those aren't gods, they are just pieces of one.
I was a big fan of 40k when I was younger, but stopped when the prices just started to become more and more crazy. Back then it was mostly space marines but I always really wanted to create a Tyranid swarm. I've always been a fan of the whole Hive Mind thing and would have loved to make and paint a huge army, but like I said, so expensive. I also quite liked the Tau lore when I looked into it but I haven't really read much about all the stuff in years. :shrug:
I don't play the tabletop game,but I do like the pc games. I've also read several of the books and found them enjoyable, particularly the Horus Heresy.
I've recently completed campaigns of DoWII and Chaos Rising, and was somewhat disappointed by the second one, but I figure I should've played the original DoW in order to enjoy it fully.

Should I get Retribution?
I will probably do so when it is on Steam sale, but is it better than CR?
Eh, Retribution at least removed that god awful games for windows live. But the main campaign was just copy pasted and changed only a little for all the races. It might be fun, but I personally like the more focused original more.

Still, the last stand mode is fun, the multiplayer isn't bad, and there's some nice moments in the campaign. But I felt the campaign was mostly ruined by making it so easy to just buy units. That 'band of brothers' feeling was lost by simply making it a steamrolling excersise, were defeat simply means walking back a bit and waiting for your army to fill up again.

As you said, best to get it on sale.

It IS better than chaos rising though, I would say. And it certainly gives you more content for your buck.
Yeah, getting away from Live is a blessing, but if it like you say it is, then I don't feel very compelled to get it, at all.
To be honest, I'm more or less just interested in single player, so if it is a dull, repetitive experience, I may just lay it off for a while.
Retribution is helped by the characters, both the Guard and Ork campaigns are helped immensely by their respective Victorian hunting gentleman and mental Ork space pirate with a fancy hat.
I liked it due to no longer being from the Space Marine angle but the copy pasted maps do make the game lag a bit in the fun department even if there is a sorta reason for it.
It's on sale often enough you might as well wait for it.

Oh yea, crazy Scottish Chaos Baneblade driver shall never be forgotten.