Warhammer 40k thread!

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
Anybody here play 40k?

If so, what faction? I play Tau.

Also, is forgeworld any good? Games Workshop charges out the ass for miniatures.
Frankly I stopped playing 40k because of their money-grubbing oriented policies. They seem more interested in people constantly buying new codexes and new miniatures they can use to powergame rather than making a fun game. I used to play Imperial Guard altho mostly just for the miniatures and the lore, wich hurt my army effectiveness because my builds always tended to be more about what I liked to put on the table rather than what was more effective, nowadays you basically are boned if you don't have at least a flyer and some sort of AA wich limits my army builds even further. What if I want to do just mechanized with no air support and use my heavy slots for russes instead of hidras? Boned.

These days I mostly play Flames of War, some Dust Warfare and even tried some Warmachine. I'm also starting an NVA Ironclad battalion for FOW Viet Nam wich I intend to theme as Nationale Volksarmee rather than North Vietnamese Army, with the T-54 dubbing as east german T-55 and WWII begleit escorts painted as Mot-Schutzen. Also interested in starting some Adriadna in Infinity.
Gonzalez said:
They seem more interested in people constantly buying new codexes and new miniatures they can use to powergame rather than making a fun game.
The codexes are all free and online now, they realized that they were better off focusing on the minatures.

As for the actual question, I can't justify spending at least a couple hundred dollars to field and army, it's just too damn expensive.
Yes, orks and necrons.

Forgeworld is amazing. Better rules, better service (Free PDF updates in stead of waiting for the next edition), better models (show me a shitty FW model that's en par with the razorgore!)

UncannyGarlic said:
Gonzalez said:
They seem more interested in people constantly buying new codexes and new miniatures they can use to powergame rather than making a fun game.
The codexes are all free and online now, they realized that they were better off focusing on the minatures.

As for the actual question, I can't justify spending at least a couple hundred dollars to field and army, it's just too damn expensive.

No, they aren't.

Please show me where I can get free codices legally.
I always liked miniatures and I've been interested in the game, mainly because of its history and lore. Plus, I'm a sucker for models and painting a 40k squad would be a very enjoyable experience.

However, the figures, the paint and everything is really damn expensive. I wanted to get a single Marine once (I think it was a single), which was some sort of a starter set, and it was way beyond my budget at the time.

I might get one small set, sometime in future, just for the sake of it. Not that I'd play it...I don't know anybody else who is interested.

As for video games, they're okay, but I'm not a regular player.
Atomkilla said:
I always liked miniatures and I've been interested in the game, mainly because of its history and lore. Plus, I'm a sucker for models and painting a 40k squad would be a very enjoyable experience.

However, the figures, the paint and everything is really damn expensive. I wanted to get a single Marine once (I think it was a single), which was some sort of a starter set, and it was way beyond my budget at the time.

I might get one small set, sometime in future, just for the sake of it. Not that I'd play it...I don't know anybody else who is interested.

As for video games, they're okay, but I'm not a regular player.

Third party retailers are your friend. Wayland is a popular choice.


They are expensive, but the detail is usually worth the price. Still, it does get ridiculous at times.
CthuluIsSpy said:
Third party retailers are your friend. Wayland is a popular choice.


They are expensive, but the detail is usually worth the price. Still, it does get ridiculous at times.

Eh, they don't ship to my country.

Still, thanks for the link. I will browse the products, if I find something interesting, I will bookmark it, and then, maybe someday...
I get most of my stuff from Wayland now that Maelstorm went broke. And yes, it's evil expensive, it's almost unbelievable the amount I have spent so far in my armies.

I have an IG army, wich is by itself expensive because it's many miniatures, and now if I want to put together anything remotely competitive I have to get a Valkyrie wich I was trying to avoid purchasing (£41.00 for 3 dirty plastic sprues dafaq???)

I also have 2 Flames of War armies and I'm on my way of building a third for Tour of Duty rules. Plus several other stuff from about at least 3 or 4 other games. When you come to think of it that's a whole lot of money I spent on all those damned things.

Oh, and try getting anything from Forge World and see what it costs.
Main problem I have with Valkyries is I can only carry what I can fit in a backpack.
Still you can always use proxies, Old Crow did a dirt cheap flyer but he's annoyingly closed down his web store for the time being so it's hard to browse his miniatures.
Scotia Grendel do a right-ish sized flyer for 15 squids, wack on some weapons and it should work.

I play Guard but more and more of it is none GW fellas.
I would play 40k, but they changed Necrons and Dark Eldar, and I really do not like that new style. And Dawn of War II exists. And III might come some day.
What's wrong with the Dark Eldar? Their lore hasn't changed that much and they are sorta broken against a lot of close combat armies.
Necrons I can understand, tomb kings in space which isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Eh, crons were always TK in space thematically. Even in 3rd ed they had pyramids and scarabs. Granted, they should have not given the new overlords bunny ears.
I still miss the IG 4th Ed doctrines, they added unlimited customization to your armies. I don't know why they had to take them away, they could have just added the new units and leave the doctrines alone.

One of the reasons I stopped playing was because they started to release codex after codex changing the balance with each new release and basically giving the advantage to whomever owned the latest codex of the latest army, instead of updating them all in a way they can all be balanced simultaneously.

For me this was nothing but a cheap tactic so powergamers would buy the latest codex and the latest miniatures for different armies and races, just so they could get the latest more powerful stuff, and I known people who did this, all in detriment of the game balance.
When I first began with 40k, Necrons were always a big temptation, ancient space terminators with energy weapons, whats not to love?

Although I didn't like the whole Egyptian overhaul.

I saw these recently, I thought they looked very interesting.

Warning, massive pictures.


AlphaPromethean said:
Shit, really sorry about the massive images, I don't know how to spoiler.

[spoiler]put images in regular [img][/img] here, and then [/spoiler]
Besides my dislike for the new miniatures, there's also changes in the lore I dislike. Things done by the likes of Matt Ward.