Wasted Potential

Fallout 4

On a serious note:
-Generic protagonist- no point in him/her being from the pre-war if you only mention it a couple times the whole game.
-Piper- She gets tiny little details about her sister trying to be like her and little things about her father too but you don't learn much about her besides how she became a newspaper journalist.
-USS Constitution quest- a big fetch quest where you fetch around 2-3 parts depending on perks, kill things, then kill more things, finally pulling a switch and stuff happens.
-Every Minutemen quest could've been more then "Go to settlement to kill zombies for them".
-Vault 81- Boring with nothing fascinating besides saving a cat , telling a story, and getting a cure.

Damn it Snake you beat me to it!

Sorry I didn't know. D:
On another note, I do like being called Snake haha.

I wanted to say Fallout 4.


Glad someone shares similar humor, have you played it yet?

Yeah, it sucks. A lot. It reminds me of Fallout 3... is that coincidental?
Fallout 4

On a serious note:
-Generic protagonist- no point in him/her being from the pre-war if you only mention it a couple times the whole game.
-Piper- She gets tiny little details about her sister trying to be like her and little things about her father too but you don't learn much about her besides how she became a newspaper journalist.
-USS Constitution quest- a big fetch quest where you fetch around 2-3 parts depending on perks, kill things, then kill more things, finally pulling a switch and stuff happens.
-Every Minutemen quest could've been more then "Go to settlement to kill zombies for them".
-Vault 81- Boring with nothing fascinating besides saving a cat , telling a story, and getting a cure.

Damn it Snake you beat me to it!

Sorry I didn't know. D:
On another note, I do like being called Snake haha.

I wanted to say Fallout 4.


Glad someone shares similar humor, have you played it yet?

Yeah, it sucks. A lot. It reminds me of Fallout 3... is that coincidental?
I'm sure it's safe to say Fallout 3.5. I feel buyer's remorse now and I didn't even pay the full price. It would've been even better spent on a prostitute. :/
Fallout 4

On a serious note:
-Generic protagonist- no point in him/her being from the pre-war if you only mention it a couple times the whole game.
-Piper- She gets tiny little details about her sister trying to be like her and little things about her father too but you don't learn much about her besides how she became a newspaper journalist.
-USS Constitution quest- a big fetch quest where you fetch around 2-3 parts depending on perks, kill things, then kill more things, finally pulling a switch and stuff happens.
-Every Minutemen quest could've been more then "Go to settlement to kill zombies for them".
-Vault 81- Boring with nothing fascinating besides saving a cat , telling a story, and getting a cure.

Damn it Snake you beat me to it!

Sorry I didn't know. D:
On another note, I do like being called Snake haha.

I wanted to say Fallout 4.


Glad someone shares similar humor, have you played it yet?

Yeah, it sucks. A lot. It reminds me of Fallout 3... is that coincidental?
I'm sure it's safe to say Fallout 3.5. I feel buyer's remorse now and I didn't even pay the full price. It would've been even better spent on a prostitute. :/

Oh that I know, that I know.

Yeah it's a damn shame. Again my plan to sell it to some poor fucker comes to mind.

Damn right...
Fallout 4

On a serious note:
-Generic protagonist- no point in him/her being from the pre-war if you only mention it a couple times the whole game.
-Piper- She gets tiny little details about her sister trying to be like her and little things about her father too but you don't learn much about her besides how she became a newspaper journalist.
-USS Constitution quest- a big fetch quest where you fetch around 2-3 parts depending on perks, kill things, then kill more things, finally pulling a switch and stuff happens.
-Every Minutemen quest could've been more then "Go to settlement to kill zombies for them".
-Vault 81- Boring with nothing fascinating besides saving a cat , telling a story, and getting a cure.

Damn it Snake you beat me to it!

Sorry I didn't know. D:
On another note, I do like being called Snake haha.

I wanted to say Fallout 4.


Glad someone shares similar humor, have you played it yet?

Yeah, it sucks. A lot. It reminds me of Fallout 3... is that coincidental?
I'm sure it's safe to say Fallout 3.5. I feel buyer's remorse now and I didn't even pay the full price. It would've been even better spent on a prostitute. :/

Oh that I know, that I know.

Yeah it's a damn shame. Again my plan to sell it to some poor fucker comes to mind.

Damn right...

I'm sure that "poor fucker" would enjoy the game and eat that steaming pile of shit right up.
This game has so much wasted potential from everywhere you go is filled with enemies that go hostile the minute they see you to the bad dialogue and removal of skills. Have you encountered the Atom Cats yet?
Probably, then again who knows?

That sad greaser gang? Yeah, I know em.
Do they have any quests and do they have any engaging dialogue or background history?

Unless you count Duke telling you their garage location as a quest not really no. An engaging dialogue? Hello!
I was trying to give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt but I guess once I get the masochistic tendencies to slog through some more of this torture I think I'm going to slaughter them all then put it on the forums for everyone to enjoy.
Probably, then again who knows?

That sad greaser gang? Yeah, I know em.
Do they have any quests and do they have any engaging dialogue or background history?

Unless you count Duke telling you their garage location as a quest not really no. An engaging dialogue? Hello!
I was trying to give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt but I guess once I get the masochistic tendencies to slog through some more of this torture I think I'm going to slaughter them all then put it on the forums for everyone to enjoy.

Mini nuke them is what I did. God damn it but they have absolutely no purpose.
Probably, then again who knows?

That sad greaser gang? Yeah, I know em.
Do they have any quests and do they have any engaging dialogue or background history?

Unless you count Duke telling you their garage location as a quest not really no. An engaging dialogue? Hello!
I was trying to give Bethesda the benefit of the doubt but I guess once I get the masochistic tendencies to slog through some more of this torture I think I'm going to slaughter them all then put it on the forums for everyone to enjoy.

Mini nuke them is what I did. God damn it but they have absolutely no purpose.

The same could be said for the majority of the factions I'm sure? I know the Minutemen are just pointless but I haven't joined any other factions yet so I wouldn't know.
Man, basically all of Fallout 4 is a massive waste of potential. Every single good idea was half-arsed, or at least feels like it.
Even the Atom Cats could have been cool (I like them anyway, because Zeke is so pathetically convinced that they're really cool and the next big thing in the Commonwealth. It's just... Adorkable, to use the TV Tropes terminology) if they had more to them. That whole idea of power armour gangs isn't all that bad, given that there a lot of power armours around. Some greasers fixing them up and tricking them out, why the hell not? I would have liked to see them used in construction and manual labour, too, because, well, it makes sense.
But no, half-arsed, like everything else. I finished the main quest yesterday, so I think I'll write an extensive review tonight.
Write down the characters/locations that you categorize as wasted potential. The ones that present themselves as being cool and interesting at first but they fall short eventually.

I'll start with: Goodneighbor, Graygarden, Preston Garvey.

Preston Garvy's voice acting might as well be made with a synthesizer because they clearly copied and pasted separate recordings of him together to make his dialogue, so going to have to disagree with you there.

I think Soup Can Harry is the best-developed character in the whole game, and he only appears in Vault 114 Interview # 87 audio log. That is very sad and telling of how bad the other characters are.

Piper is at decent and doesn't make me cringe and have to turn off the game.

Paladin Danse sounds like Buzz Lightyear and walks around the zepplin talking to himself about how great the Brotherhood is and how my instincts are "on point" despite me not taking him.

Dogmeat is the best companion because he doesn't talk or judge me when I have to steal a stimpack from a RAIDER like Piper.

Actually I just realized all the characters are classified as "wasted potential" because they're all so awful it could only improve with better writers. Except the protagonist, his voice acting makes me quit Fallout 4 many times.

I agree that Greygarden could have been interesting, but like all other locations and aspects Bethesda simply plopped them into the universe and left it to us to pretend that these characters and places have more depth than they really do. The fanboys posting here are actually using that as an argument for why the game has MORE depth - because you can pretend to be doing something or pretend to be a type of character despite it having no impact whatsoever outside your own imagination. So basically I could sell them a blank sheet of paper and tell them to pretend it's a role playing game. The largest wasted potential would be the various creepy locations, but exploration is still pretty good and some places have good environmental storytelling.
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The Glowing Sea area..... with all the bunkers and that piramid thing with all the nukes in it. I really liked exploring that part of the map, I wish there were more quests there... or more interesting things to discover. At least I got 2 suits of PA from there...:roll: The game feels empty and boring. The only quests are fetch quests and kill this and defend that. With 5 years in development you would figure that they would come up with something better than that. Other than exploration I really don't enjoy anything else..
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-has anyone been to listening post bravo, that shit really pissed me off. it had me very curious but there is fucking nothing to it

basically its an army guy who heard voices and someone banging on a door and sent the tape off to Washington to which they reply its blank. it could have been some cool mystery but it seems like it goes no where

-the glowing sea could have had some cool big underground military complex with an interesting story to it instead it has 2 stupid bunkers with basically no story to it and really quite boring all you do is go in and kill/loot

-the sea, could have been some cool research bunker in the sea or random shit you could explore but it doesn't seem like there is shit

-settlement system, you should have had like 3 or 4 places you can build, I DONT WANT TO FUCKING PROTECT GENERIC SHITHEADS OR BUILD BEDS FOR THEM OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN DUMB RANDOM PLACES...

-minuetmen I wish I could change the uniforms of all of them and make them my own personal military force to take over settlements

-the weapons are garbage and there is not many of them

-the armor is garbage and there is not many of them

-the ammo is garbage and there is not many of them

-the vaults are garbage and there is not many of them
I've made an oath to ignore BOS so I haven't spoke or followed any BOS in my run so I don't know about Danse, but from what my brother told me, they're pathetic. I say that Garvey is wasted material because he is presented as "that" guy. The guy that helps you out from the beginning of the game, has ties with other characters, factions, locations bla bla then he just turns into a "Hey, settlement X needs help with Y." 100000 times.

Piper started attacking me when I returned to Covenant because...I defended myself against the town's population after they turned hostile after a certain quest. Did I say she was immortal..?
From reading all the responses I see I don't have to mention several ones that irked me because of the potential they showed and yet how really underdeveloped they were such as the Institute, the Synths, the Glowing Sea (I thought that the missile silo would play a role in the end game, the player using it to either destroy the BOS or the Institute), the settlement building system, the Vaults, the Player being from before the War.
The wrong thread for this but there is also stuff I really think should not have been included and got more attention than they should like Cabot house or the Triggermen.

They were already mentioned here but I really think something could have done better with the Minutemen. Basically these guys are the East Coast Version of the Desert Rangers and should have gotten more development.
I think it would have been more interesting if the surviving Minutemen had scattered and part of their quest line was to get these separate groups back together again, resolving some of the issues that have divided them amongst each other.
Instead after the player is made the new general of the Minutemen they start to show up despite Preston Garvey telling us that he was the last one (outside the retired veteran he did not know was still alive).

The player should not have been made general from the start, and the player should have put the pieces of the organization back together, then reclaim the castle, and then start uniting settlements under the protection of the Minutemen.
The Combat Zone is, without a doubt, the biggest wasted opportunity in the game. That could have been amazing. A raider fighting arena? Sign me up! But of course, you have to kill everyone inside as soon as you enter, and then the place is shut down. I was so disappointed with that. What a waste. Maybe Bethesda will expand upon it later. If not, I'm sure some modder will release a "Run The Combat Zone" mod that lets you build it back up, and fight in it.
The Combat Zone is, without a doubt, the biggest wasted opportunity in the game. That could have been amazing. A raider fighting arena? Sign me up! But of course, you have to kill everyone inside as soon as you enter, and then the place is shut down. I was so disappointed with that. What a waste. Maybe Bethesda will expand upon it later. If not, I'm sure some modder will release a "Run The Combat Zone" mod that lets you build it back up, and fight in it.

I concur - when I went in there I thought it was going to be great. Then I realized it was just another area where raiders shoot me on site and there's no one to talk to.

The same with this little area where I found raiders running a robot-racing event on an old horse track or something - I was attacked on site.

As far as environmental storytelling goes both of these things look nice, but if this was made by an actual RPG developer there would be a lot more going on that just stumbling across these things and getting attacked the second they see you. Instead this plays out like a scene in Borderlands.