Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

I donated 50$ to the codex one instead to pledge money on the Kickstarter page.. Much better this way since I don't have to use a credit card, we might get the Codex Troll statue and I don't really need all this bonus stuff that comes with the kickstarter pledging.

I wanted to pledge more initially, but I decided to wait for it a bit, since we actually don't know anything about the game yet, no screenshots, no video, no knowledge how the game will eventually be. Don't get me wrong, I am excited aswell, but I don't have the money to throw around for stuff like this when I don't even know in what exactly I am investing in - buying a cat in the bag. ;)
I woke up and 503k, who said it will slow down?

but the best thing imagine that in that way we will have wasteland 3 in the future easily. Ofc they have to make 2 but finally we will have what we want
A very n00bish question: Will the digital downloads be available through Steam?

It's going to make target, there's no doubt about that. By Friday evening, I will be shocked if it hasn't busted $1.25 million. Usual payday for Americans means $$$ for this for inXile.
Just about midnight on the west coast- 517,000. Not a bad day.

I'm off to bed confident in finally getting this sequel to one of all time favs
This has been a fantastic day. Wasteland 2 will fucking rock. Now I want to know more. I want concept art and details. This game will actually give us the old school experience that we have been begging for. Who predicted this would happen? Kickstarter is officially the best fucking idea ever. Will we see more isometric RPG's in the future? What about Planescape? Maybe a new title? The possibilities are endless. InXile are rocking out with their cocks out on this one. That's a good thing in case you are wondering. Fargo, you are the man. Do more shit like this and you will have people worshiping you. Actually, I think that is already the case. Who wants to start a Brian Fargo cult?

TwinkieGorilla said:
Will you arsetards change yr goddamn avatars back, dammit? I just saw an Ausir conversation nearly all by himself before my drunk ass figured it out.
Just adblock avatars of Per and these other 2 guys leaving only Ausir's.

As for the 500k, I must say I'm pleasantly surprised. But we still need to spread the word further so that it won't slow down. It's also sad that quite a lot of money comes from other developers who probably experienced what Brain Fargo experienced when dealing with publishers such as Bethesda (otherwise we might have gotten something much better than Fallout:NV), instead of gamers.

Oh, and I suggest we contact Bill Gates, Google, Apple owners etc. and ask them to throw 15 $ at least. That's like 0.00000001 $ for average guy. ;P
Well, I'm in for my $175!

And thusly we are making the world a better place, one RPG at a time.
Serge 13 said:
A very n00bish question: Will the digital downloads be available through Steam?


FAQ at bottom of Kickstarter page said:
Can I get my digital copy on Steam, if I want?

Absolutely. The digital copies will be made available through Steam and other DRM free digital distribution methods.

And of course I am very happy they decided to supply a digital version for the $50 tier. Except now I am considering the $100 tier, so yeah.
Pledged. I'm really happy with the progress made so far. I hope they will gather more money than the required goal so we can have more features and translations and all in all a better game.
When was the last time so many people commented on NMA?

Also, someone uploaded the video on youtube (so be sure to +1 it and add to favourites):

Goral said:
When was the last time so many people commented on NMA?

When we had something to rage about Fallout 3.

$550,872 now. Nice.

Kickstarter should use some ajax magic or something to make the number change in realtime. Then I don't have to press F5 all the time.
Wagging The Dog

Wagging The Dog

Pushing the F5 key, and something awesome happens!

Pushing ONE *button* ...

that's the lone marketing premise for some recent multi-mill extrusion. :D

Who recalls ...



Those that remember "Joystick Waggle" may testify that THAT parody of that day had more entertainment value for time spend then many of the copy cat titles of that era.

May be, may be not, fan funding verses the video game industrial complex is a 'wag the dog' cultural event, half empty / half full.

Still ...

Pushing the F5 key in this WL2 fund raising context is more fun than it 'should' be. ;)

