Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

10 hours. I'm a bit concerned that it might slow down now, although I guess they'll make it if they have a month to go.
I was going to inherit a lot of money, but it has been held up in legal bullshit for awhile. If I get that money, I think I will buy myself a NPC spot. Someone over in the Order suggested that they raise money to get the group mentioned in Wasteland 2. I think NMA could do the same thing. It would be massive kudos to our esteemed community.

Just a thought.

Wow. It just keeps climbing. Keep on going up! I want to see 1.5 million at least!
Everyone's watching Double Fine at the moment as that's in its last two hours. Still feel Wasteland 2 should have waited until DFA ended, to maximise the 'initial rush' of cash.
God is Dog backwards said:
Everyone's watching Double Fine at the moment as that's in its last two hours. Still feel Wasteland 2 should have waited until DFA ended, to maximise the 'initial rush' of cash.
Yeah, and straight after Double Fine it's going to be Wasteland 2. More content to watch, more content to pledge... I think it wasn't a bad PR-move, but then again, I ain't a businessman.
Ausir said:
10 hours. I'm a bit concerned that it might slow down now, although I guess they'll make it if they have a month to go.

It's been steadily slowing down for the last few hours (with occasional spikes).

If I didn't completely fuck up my math, they need about 18-20,000 a day to reach the 900k goal. I would think that's manageable with the fieldwork fans and press are doing - at least I hope it is.
So I asked JE Sawyer if he would be donating enough to have an NPC put in the game.

Me: So the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter is up. Are we going to be able to blast Josh Sawyer into bits of red paste next October?


Does anyone speak crazy dev? Can someone translate?
Neogaf are saying that Notch (minecraft) is the $10k backer, a guy from Epic games backed $5k and MCA has confirmed he backed $250.

Notch rules. He's trying to fund Psychonauts 2 and has given $10k to both Wasteland 2 and DFA.
Alrighty, then. I'm going for a little rest, by the time I access my laptop this thing better have half a million. 12 hours is more than enough in my opinion.

Good luck to Brian Fargo and all.
30.7 % done. heck ya, this is faster then windows ME installation.

And congrats to double fine adventure games fore gathering 3.3m $.
live steam here "http://www.ustream.tv/channel/double-fine-adventure"

Have not been this exited in years.

it gona be exiting to follow the news anyway.
Half a million dollars by midnight CST isn't that far fetched anymore. Sitting at 323,000 nearly. 6.5 hours left. It should be awful darn close, that's for sure.
Autoduel76 said:
In many games NPCs, locations, etc get named for employees, friends and family anyway.

Actually, this was the case with several NPCs in the original Wasteland.

Ausir said:
Damn you, Autoduel76, I had this avatar here first! Now I mistake your posts for mine.

Who are you?
Watching the double fine lifestream right now, Tim talked about Wasteland 2 too, there.

Also, please don't steal my avatar, kay?

/Edit: Damnation, post 7001. Where did all the time go...