Wasteland 2 Kickstarter has launched

Yeah, and the first $5k was Mike Capps I think, of Epic Games. Guess Epic are into Wasteland - Cliffy B also works there... awesome that other devs are backing this so much.

Notch also donated $10k, I believe. So there's an extra $10k backer whose id we don't know...
It will definitely slow down but the word is still spreading. Not everyone has reported on this yet or done research or got convinced to contribute.

When the page reaches a milestone (500k, 1m) it will probably be reported by news sites and there will be additional spikes.

I've played very little of the original but I want this game to happen badly and it's Wasteland party time, hence my avatar.
People will donate right before it expires. I just donated to Double Fine trying to be the last donor. I think 100 people did the same thing within a second or so of me.
We need more people spreading the Word, I mailed TB and twited SPoony, not much else I can do, most people I know don't even know what Wasteland is...
They got my $250+$15. I just hope there won't be extra charge for the international shipping. :oops:
Aaaaand $400.000+ now. :)

Need sleep now. Hope that it's $500.000 when I wake up in the morning.
Yep. Just saw it. Told myself I'd finally get up and be productive as soon as I saw $400,000.

Well...good job, lads! Let's keep up the fight!
It will happen, Fargo will get his $1-2M, and the real challenge will be for InXile to deliver the game on time (which I'm fairly sure won't happen).

I would hold my breath until early 2014. Very doable after 20 years of waiting.
Well, they'll be reusing a lot of the design from previous Wasteland 2 pre-production headed by Jason Anderson, so they might just make it on time.
Well, if it takes some more months, I don't have a problem with that. It's better this way than having a buggy release. Also if they manage it to raise more money than the needed 1 million and the game gets bigger, it's kind of given that they should work longer on it.
In wasteland, did you make an full party at the start of the game, or did you find NPC during the game?
Both. You could create up to 4 PCs and recruit up to 2 NPCs. Similarly to e.g. The Temple of Elemental Evil.
Haven't been on here in a while, but this is definitely the first PC game that has caught my interest. Lets hope these guys get the support needed to get the sequel to this classic going!!
Will you arsetards change yr goddamn avatars back, dammit? I just saw an Ausir conversation nearly all by himself before my drunk ass figured it out.