Why the hell would Wasteland 2 be closer to Fallout 2 than Wasteland 1.
But at the end of the day Wasteland 2 is closer to Fallout then Wasteland 1. Certainly not a bad thing, if you enjoy Fallout ... but if you expected actually something that was close to Wasteland 1.
I supported the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter back then because after Fallout New Vegas it did not seem that there would be another decent PA game set after a nuclear war, a setting I enjoyed for RPGs. But I got kind of burned with Wasteland 2 as it was not the spiritual Fallout 1/2 sequel I had hoped it would be.
Wasteland 2 was a pile of regurgitated dog excrement. Combat and exploration felt like chores. After 20 hours of playing it and waiting to see if at least the plot was ever going to get any good, I just gave up and uninstalled. Whoever designed that thing had no clue whatsoever about what is it that makes the oldschool Fallout games good.
I haven't played Wasteland 2 so what was particularly wrong with it? It and the other Fallout inspired games doesn't seem like it is meant for me. So what is missing?
I don't want a one-to-one copy of Fallout but what is exactly missing.
And then the game worsens the situation by placing you as a full party of characters that you create yourself at the beginning of the game. The point of creating your own character in a RPG is that you get to roleplay as different characters on different playthroughs. The downside of that on every RPG is that you can't make the story be too centered on the player character (no grandiose and dynamic characters arcs, etc) or you curb on the freedom for roleplaying, but if the possibility to actually roleplay is there then it is an acceptable loss. But when you make the player act as a whole squad at once through the story, the only thing you get is blandness since you aren't going to feel like you are roleplaying anything and none of the party members is going to get any development whatsoever either. It's the worse of both worlds: You don't get to roleplay and you don't get to experience much of an interesting story either.
My words exactly. Wasteland was like other old early RPG games where we make an entire party and play with it (like Eye of the Beholder).You've missed a point by a mile. Play the original game. Wasteland was never about character creation or roleplaying a single character. It was always a squad-based game and the sequel was faithful in that regard.
I've seen plenty of people list this as a "flaw". WL2 is NOT a Fallout spiritual sequel, and people should get that. It's a sequel to Wasteland, which while similar in theme and setting, is an entirely different beast.
I can agree on most of the other points you've listed (though I would argue that dialogue wasn't that bad, at least there were some good moments here and there).
i would like if they going for xcom approach, since i dont think fargo want to aim it as an AAA release.Wasteland 3 should be also open world and in first person, and they should get rid of the top down view for once, it's outdated, let us face it. In first person you could als get much more immersed!
2040: Duh, that's the only kind of game there is now. What do you mean by "RPG"? Is that like a mobile game or something?Wasteland 3 should be also open world and in first person, and they should get rid of the top down view for once, it's outdated, let us face it. In first person you could als get much more immersed!
Wasteland 3 should be also open world and in first person, and they should get rid of the top down view for once, it's outdated, let us face it. In first person you could als get much more immersed!