Weapons in Fallout 4?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Is it just me or does anyone else feel a big majority of the weapons found in Fallout 4 like the 10mm and the assault rifle are weapons most common in the Northeast or they were built after the war? I never saw troops in the intro carrying an assault rifle like that. in reality I think carrying a rifle like that around would be pretty cumbersome. Thoughts?
Im sure someone will make a classic weapon mod somewhere along the line, I always play FO3, FONV with it installed. I consider it a must
I know precisely nothing about real life weaponry, but I think the ones in Fallout 4 are pretty much entirely based on the rule of cool. Like, the 10mm pistol looks like it weighs 10 kilos, and if a gun barrel is glowing red in real life then that means the gun now scrap metal, but the minigun in this game keeps firing even still... Some of the pipe weapons are ludicrously unwieldy if you give them the pistol grip, etc etc.

At least they removed the godawful repair system, for which I am eternally thankful.
At least they removed the godawful repair system, for which I am eternally thankful.

What did they
replace it with? Or did'nt they? Can't you repair wepons now or can't wepons get broken anymore?

Weapons are armor can't be broken at all, albeit you can scrap them for components. For some reason, the exception is Power Armor, which will break under fire and require repairs at a designated station. The ',replacement'' is an expanded crafting system.

As for the OP, I personally mostly use the Combat Rifle. Good range, good damage, and ammo is common enough. Supplemented with a combat shotgun, a .50 sniper rifle and a laser rifle.

And let's not pretend Fallout was ever a super realistic series, weapons wise. The way that you used the plasma/laser rifle and minigun in Fallout 1 and 2 would, in real life, prevent you from hitting the broad side of a barn, gripping a weapon like that looks cool but is useless in combat. Or how FO2 had several very rare guns and no common ones.

I am looking forward to a classic weapon mod, plus one that adds common real-life weapons such as AKMs and Mosin-Nagants. And maybe some more silly stuff like New Vegas's Ballisic Fist.
I just want my dear Wattz 2000 with mods for it, it this so much to ask for?
And M72 Gauss Rifle, because what they designed for F4 looks ridiculous. Even worse than the F3 one.
The weight of the weapons seems to reflect their bulky design. Maybe it's just because I've upgraded it, but my combat rifle weighs like 16 pounds. That's almost two times as heavy as an FAL, which is considered quite cumbersome and almost as heavy as an (unloaded) M249/FN Minmi
The weight of the weapons seems to reflect their bulky design. Maybe it's just because I've upgraded it, but my combat rifle weighs like 16 pounds. That's almost two times as heavy as an FAL, which is considered quite cumbersome and almost as heavy as an (unloaded) M249/FN Minmi
Damn Bethesda. At least the R91 assault rifle in Fallout 3 was applicable and made sense. The Assault rifle in Fallout 4 is just big unwieldly, I wouldn't see pre war militaries yielding such a weapon. It would've done better as a SAW or LMG.
Yeah, with mods especially weapons become very heavy. As if inventory management wasn't enough of a chore. I mean, with some mods my Combat Rifle somehow weights almost as much as a missile launcher.

I am also seeing a derth of energy weapons. Laser musket, laser rifle, laser pistol, plasma pistol, Institute rifle and pistol. So far, that's it, and I'm level 28 so it can't be because of the level scaling. I hope to start grabbing some plasma rifles soon.
Yeah, with mods especially weapons become very heavy. As if inventory management wasn't enough of a chore. I mean, with some mods my Combat Rifle somehow weights almost as much as a missile launcher.

I am also seeing a derth of energy weapons. Laser musket, laser rifle, laser pistol, plasma pistol, Institute rifle and pistol. So far, that's it, and I'm level 28 so it can't be because of the level scaling. I hope to start grabbing some plasma rifles soon.

You can buy a plasma pistol rather early on and convert it onto a rifle yourself if you've got the perks. I personally didn't, because I'm a sucker for laser weapons and the notion of a "plasma sniper rifle" makes me seriously dry heave.
Yeah, with mods especially weapons become very heavy. As if inventory management wasn't enough of a chore. I mean, with some mods my Combat Rifle somehow weights almost as much as a missile launcher.

I am also seeing a derth of energy weapons. Laser musket, laser rifle, laser pistol, plasma pistol, Institute rifle and pistol. So far, that's it, and I'm level 28 so it can't be because of the level scaling. I hope to start grabbing some plasma rifles soon.

You can buy a plasma pistol rather early on and convert it onto a rifle yourself if you've got the perks. I personally didn't, because I'm a sucker for laser weapons and the notion of a "plasma sniper rifle" makes me seriously dry heave.

Plasma Minigun, on the other hand... *trouser bulge*
Are there Gauss weapons at all in this game? Can you minigunize them? Any game that doesn't have Gauss weaponry is inferior to those that do.

Yes, there is a Gauss rifle in F4, I have a special one, but didn't have the opportunity to test it out. Apparently you charge it up for better damage. Typical sniper one shot kill weapon with a bit over 300 dmg/shot with 2/3 sharpshooter perks. I don't think you can minigunize it.
Also it's ugly as hell. I want my M72 back!
Are there Gauss weapons at all in this game? Can you minigunize them? Any game that doesn't have Gauss weaponry is inferior to those that do.

Yes, there is a Gauss rifle in F4, I have a special one, but didn't have the opportunity to test it out. Apparently you charge it up for better damage. Typical sniper one shot kill weapon with a bit over 300 dmg/shot with 2/3 sharpshooter perks. I don't think you can minigunize it.
Also it's ugly as hell. I want my M72 back!
Looked up an image of it now. I... actually kind of dig it. I like the black, bulky, menacing frame it has, and all the exposed copper coils. When you look at it, you know that there's nothing good coming out of that barrel. Contrast that to the goofy-as-ever Plasma Rifle, which looks like it should blow soap bubbles at you.

I must say, I also like the way the new Gatling Laser looks, which I did not in F3/New Vegas. Still wish the Plasma Caster/Turbo Plasma Rifle was around though, that is my favorite weapon in the whole franchise.
Yeah, the Gauss Rifle in this game isn't so bad once you mod it up. Usually Bethesda fucks up the weapons by giving them names that are already taken, and making the new weapons look nothing like the old (Plasma rifle, laser rifle, Gauss rifle, Gatling Laser, to name a few). It's like they never played Fallout 1 or 2 with an energy weapons build.

My main problem is that nearly ALL of the weapons look like homemade pieces of shit. I'm really waiting on a classic weapons pack, with maybe 2-3 mods per weapon. I want the P94 Plasma Rifle and the Wattz 2000 so bad.