Well, I'm replaying Fallout 1 now thanks to you

Which is more than a little annoying as I liked Falls From Grace and Annah a great deal.
Keep in mind that the plight of the Nameless One in Planescape: Torment is a tragedy waiting to happen all over again.

Being involved in a long term traditional romance with the two would end in a disaster for both of them so it would be safer if the Nameless One did not end up in a full-blown romance. Plus the two are drawn to him for more reasons than attraction.
Keep in mind that the plight of the Nameless One in Planescape: Torment is a tragedy waiting to happen all over again.

Yep, given the Nameless One ends up in Hell.

Being involved in a long term traditional romance with the two would end in a disaster for both of them so it would be safer if the Nameless One did not end up in a full-blown romance. Plus the two are drawn to him for more reasons than attraction.

It DOES end in disaster for them.

I do, however, love romances which do work out and wish you'd had the option of getting Christine and Veronica back together.
i'm alright with romances. my criticism is that they're typically mishandled, corny, and not at all nuanced. i think the problem lies in that romances are usually added in as an afterthought. i've yet to see a game that pulls off romance in a satisfactory way. not even Bioware can do it right.

now, the thing with Bioware is sheer corniness. in Inquisition i felt like my character was literally forcing themselves on their LI, the flirting was so awkward and... accosting. also, it didn't really feel as though it changed my experience much, other than entreating me to a couple of cheesy sex scenes.

Oddly, I think the romance in Wolfenstein: The New Order is one of the rare cases of it not feeling forced because its depicted as something which just happened. I also give credit to the Leliana and Morrigan romances (Alistair is my wife's favorite) while the Inquisition romances felt like sexual harassment as you say. Ironically, in Skyrim, they didn't have one for Serana despite that being one of the few romances which felt like it would have been good there.

I also love the Cait romance in Fallout 4 while the others feel like afterthoughts.
Fallout Thoughts 2#

+ Okay, it's off to Junktown now that those dirty dirty Vault 15er's have failed to protect their beautiful Vault! It's almost as blasphemous as Vault City turning their Vault into a warehouse! Seriously, though, I wish more Vaults had survived in Bethesda. Either that or lived to have their people form new communities.

+ I love Junktown because as much as junkyard towns are overused in post-apocalypse fiction, it feels like a real classic vibrant place with lots of crime and interesting characters. The Skullz, Killian Darkwater (that's a name there), Gizmo (who I named one of my dogs after for being a fat French Bulldog), and Tycho.

+ I get Dogmeat because I'm wearing leathers.

+ It's interesting to note I find Killian Darkwater and the "good" faction to be scary and unpleasant in this replay. Gizmo seems to employ everyone in town but Killian's General Store & Deputies and everyone has something good to say about him but not Killian. It makes me think the original ending really was a better idea.

+ Despite the fact I consider the "Killian Darkwater ruins Junktown by turning it into a police state" ending to be canon, I side with him anyway because my Vault Dweller is still pretty damn naive and trying to but his nose into matters more complex than simple good vs. evil. I get Gizmo on tape and murder the poor bastard.

+ Dogmeat is the one who kills Gizmo in this playthrough. Vicious little pooch.

+ I like the homage to Wasteland with Tycho and wish they'd shown up more prominently in Fallout: New Vegas. It's a pity they didn't do a CGI scene of him like Darkwater and Gizmo since that would have been badass. I will always choose Ranger Combat Armor over Power Armor.

+ I feel like the "This gang is no future for you" is a after-school special speech and I'm kind of annoyed I talked her out of it. I wish I could have joined the Skullz for more than just these couple of events but I did steal an urn.

+ The Skullz remind me of the Tunnel Snakes and I wonder is that supposed to be sexual? I do think murdering them all if a bit harsh. Still, I appreciate the "evil" options being front and center. They're not exactly well-developed but given the conditions Tim Cain was working under, it's amazing the level of detail they got.


+ Murder murder the Skullz with my new friends. I will say that it was a harsh fight this time around and made me appreciate V.A.T.S much better. I remember that I never quite mastered it in Fallout 2 and that just made every battle a slog.

+ I go to sleep in the hotel and wake up to help Sinthia. My Vault Dweller doesn't turn down a chance to Wasteland Herpes (no, wait, Gizmo runs a clean business or...well....did). This is where I appreciate Tim's philosophy of "talk, shoot, or sneak" out of every encounter.


A Comparison of Fallout 1 vs. Fallout 3

+ So far, I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised and enjoying Fallout 1 much more than I remembered. It definitely reminds me of the parts I enjoyed of Fallout 3 and is a great more violent than I remembered with the sense of leaving the Vault resulting in a savage murderous wasteland where you have to kill over and over again.


+ The use of violence in this game is well done as while turned based combat isn't great, it's a recaptured feel for the megaviolence of The Road Warrior. I will say it's notable that humans start appearing as the enemies only after you've had plenty of time to adjust to murdering animals in the Vaults and in Shady Sands. So, you don't blow your first human away (Gizmo's assassin at Darkwaters) until you're already comfortable murdering.

+ I know I sound like I'm harsh on turn-based combat but I should note it's very familiar to me as a guy who grew up on D&D and roleplaying games like it which Interplay was producing at the time. I also think they managed to capture the visceralness of it as well as the "everything trying to kill you" sense of the RPGS based on D&D at the time with a more gritty realistic feel. It's more chaotic in the Capital Wasteland but definitely think they drew from this game for the explosive deaths I've witnessed.

+ I do, definitely feel the design philosophy of freedom here at work and I appreciate that. You can side with Killian or Gizmo, the Skullz or the local bartender, with everyone feeling humanized. I think Mister Burke vs. the Sheriff of Megaton was meant to be based on Gizmo vs. Darkwater and there's a lot of similarities. It's just more overthetop with "Nuke Megaton and everyone inside" or "serve as a hitman for the local mob boss against a kindly shop owner/mayor/sheriff."

+ You can really see they were trying to follow the emotional beats of the first game, albeit the absence of a Shady Sands-esque community really does separate Fallout 3 from Fallout 1 and not for the better. Shady Sands shows a new humanity emerging in the Wasteland and while Megaton has that to a certain extent, it's also quite a bit--how do I put this delicately--whiter. Whereas Shady Sands shows the diversity of humanity intermarrying and forming a more cosmopolitan emergent society.

+ It's interesting Fallout chose to use Richard Dean Anderson as an actor for such a relatively bit part as Kilian Darkwater. It definitely is a treat to see his Talking Head and acting even if it's for such a small part. I do wonder, however, if the "celebrity guest star" element was better versus simply hiring someone to do the voice work who wasn't a celebrity. I recall reading about Grand Theft Auto and how much they regretted using celerbities in Vice City.
With Fallout Fixt, you can hook Tandi and the Vault Dweller up.
I like doing this as I consider The Vault Dweller to be very flawed.
Fallout Thoughts 2#
I envy your discoveries. Wish I could forget Fallout just to rediscover it, anew. Have fun.
About the romances, the one between Annah and the nameless one is probably the best one I've had the chance to witness in a video game. I also liked the way Dishonored treated the romance between Corvo and the Empress. You experience it through discoveries, hints and memories long after her death. Whispers from your targets, shadows in the void, drawings from a child... All of that, building an actual romance narrative, and yet, the empress is long dead and buried.
Experiencing the romance years after it actually happened actually enhanced my immersion : I knew that at this moment, Corvo was feeling something. Sorrow, nostalgia, something. A rare thing for this type of game, and quite a unique approach on the romance in a narrative, I think.
To clarify once more, I've played Fallout 1.

I just played it in college....15 years ago.


So, it's been awhile.
I prefer my Super Mutants dumb and violent like the noble orc.


I believe...let me check. Why yes, I almost laughed. How wonderfully humorous.

Couldn't resist.
6. Combat, Combat, Combat: I actually have always felt the turn to first person and third person shooting is entirely consistent with Fallout because this is a murder-heavy game. I killed 17 or so rats on the way out and that's just how the system works.
Lol what? The way the system works? You know you can sneak past them. Or just flat out run. You can complete the entire game without killing a single thing did we play the same game? Iirc it fo3 and fo4 that forced you to kill shit on the way out of the vault... Humans In fo3's case which is just... Unacceptable.
Lol what? The way the system works? You know you can sneak past them. Or just flat out run. You can complete the entire game without killing a single thing did we play the same game? Iirc it fo3 and fo4 that forced you to kill shit on the way out of the vault... Humans In fo3's case which is just... Unacceptable.
You don't have to kill anything in the vault except maybe the roach with the bb gun in F3 and in F4 i think you can skip it all.
You don't have to kill anything in the vault except maybe the roach with the bb gun in F3 and in F4 i think you can skip it all.
No because officer forggetable-bethesda-character #9478 opens a dialogue with you no matter what and the proceeds attack regardless of your stats and dialogue option. Killing that NPC is unavoidable unless the roaches do it for you in which case your character has decided to just let a man die. Its a bullshit No-win situation for a pacifistic character.
No because officer forggetable-bethesda-character #9478 opens a dialogue with you no matter what and the proceeds attack regardless of your stats and dialogue option. Killing that NPC is unavoidable unless the roaches do it for you in which case your character has decided to just let a man die. Its a bullshit No-win situation for a pacifistic character.

Don't you actually have to kill something in every fallout game ? I mean you can chose not kill alot of people right but i was under the impression that you always had to kill something in every fallout game ? Fallout 3 was the radroachs of course and then general autumn. Fallout 4 you literally have to break the game to not kill anyone. FNV i guess you could go with out killing everyone but not too sure. I really did think you'd have to kill alot of stuff for fo1 and fo2 as wpould be harder tp sneak or avoid but maybe thats just my play style XD
Don't you actually have to kill something in every fallout game ? I mean you can chose not kill alot of people right but i was under the impression that you always had to kill something in every fallout game ? Fallout 3 was the radroachs of course and then general autumn. Fallout 4 you literally have to break the game to not kill anyone. FNV i guess you could go with out killing everyone but not too sure. I really did think you'd have to kill alot of stuff for fo1 and fo2 as wpould be harder tp sneak or avoid but maybe thats just my play style XD
That's just your playstyle. Sneaking is easy AF at about 60%. I suppose in one and two its unavoidable that you blow something up with a shitload of people on it but yes you can complete 1,2, & NV without directly killing anything. 3&4 are just Poorly designed RPGs.
That's just your playstyle. Sneaking is easy AF at about 60%. I suppose in one and two its unavoidable that you blow something up with a shitload of people on it but yes you can complete 1,2, & NV without directly killing anything. 3&4 are just Poorly designed RPGs.

I think they're shooters with RPG elements personally.
I think they're shooters with RPG elements personally.
Eh. They aren't particularly good shooters either. Especially 4 with its infinite leveling and horribly unbalanced combat.

Nv I consider more an RPG that is hampered with FPS elements. But i personally think its just fine as the near 50/50 hybrid it is.

And 4 doesn't really have any RPG elements aside from the fact that you level up.
That's just your playstyle. Sneaking is easy AF at about 60%. I suppose in one and two its unavoidable that you blow something up with a shitload of people on it but yes you can complete 1,2, & NV without directly killing anything. 3&4 are just Poorly designed RPGs.

Yeah I am quite nooby at that type of game mechanic. I'd imagine it still quite though to avoid things out in the wasteland and might make you're character weak but i don't know. I'd imagine that also long as you dont have to forced to kill humans that would be okay. I mean fallout 4 makes you kill shit loads og human characters
Yeah I am quite nooby at that type of game mechanic. I'd imagine it still quite though to avoid things out in the wasteland and might make you're character weak but i don't know. I'd imagine that also long as you dont have to forced to kill humans that would be okay. I mean fallout 4 makes you kill shit loads og human characters
Investing in sneak won't make your character weak. Guess what it does... It makes em sneaky. Jokes asidehaving a low score in endurance and strength will make your character weak.
And 4 doesn't really have any RPG elements aside from the fact that you level up.
Ha, good RPG not necessarily use level ups, it's more of a multiplayer FPSs' bollocks, mainly Battlefield 3 and newer.
See VtM: Bloodlines or Shadowrun (1994 version).