Well THIS is eerily prophetic...

Ultimately you did as much RPGing in Skyrim it seems as I did in Starwars Battlefront 2: "I shot them with a shotgun for a hours, then went back and killed them with a rocket launcher for more hours but this time I refused to fight for CIS!"

Incorrect. But feel free to keep making hyperboles in your counter-arguments, it's the NMA standard after all

The idea is the same: You both pretended to be a type of character despite the game not accounting for that whatsoever. Pretending to be a thief in Skyrim changes nothing about the game world, the story, or the dialogue. It provides the same value as pretending to be a Mage in Call of Duty. In Morrowind if you had one type of character you were essentially precluded from engaging in entire questlines and talking to whole groups of people. Your race and character type had far-reaching effects in the game world itself rather than in your imagination.
Where are you guys actually coming from? Shouldn't you be bussy playing Fallout 4 or something, deeply invested in that rich role playing experience or something like that?

It's nice to take a break now and then you know
Where are you guys actually coming from? Shouldn't you be bussy playing Fallout 4 or something, deeply invested in that rich role playing experience or something like that?

It's nice to take a break now and then you know

Yeah those repetitive kill quests do get draining.

Those things HAVE to be procedurally generated. There's just no way someone would individual write those things into the game. It's an MMORPG grindfest. I would say they were a good addition except they're pretty much the ONLY quests you receive. The deliberately written quests all involve run and gun as well.
It's just a motivator to go get more loot for the settlement thing which is executed poorly.
Something everyone on 4chan does to make the specific thing they are responding to stand out is a meme?

Not really.

Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:

Fallout 3 User Scores:
PC: 8.0
XBox: 8.6
Playstation: 8.0

Fallout 4 User Scores:
PC: 5.3
XBox 5.9
Playstation: 6.4

I understand if you need that in picture form, but I don't have any crayons.
Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:
Metacritic, the site known to get constantly raided by places like 4chan and reddit, who give popular games large numbers of negative reviews for TEH LULZ!.

Not exactly a great source there.
Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:
Metacritic, the site known to get constantly raided by places like 4chan and reddit, who give popular games large numbers of negative reviews for TEH LULZ!.

Not exactly a great source there.

Tell that to Bethesda.
Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:
Metacritic, the site known to get constantly raided by places like 4chan and reddit, who give popular games large numbers of negative reviews for TEH LULZ!.

Not exactly a great source there.

Which is why I gave you Fallout 3 numbers. If it was a conspiracy of people hating on Bethesda to give Fallout 4 bad reviews, then why does Fallout 3 have such good scores?

Why does Witcher 3 have such good user scores? Why does Skyrim have an 8.1 user score, and why does Oblivion have an 8.0 user score? There is only one outlier here.
Oh look another video bitching about DEM CASUAL GAMERS!! and game mechanics being changed for the benefit of the player, what a surprise

Oh look, frajaq missing the point again, who would've seen it coming?!

Easy to miss points when the "point"" is full of nonsense. God forbid Rpg's evolve at all. Every other other genre in gaming does but RPGs? Nope, better not change my RPGs, get off my lawn god damnedkids!!!
RPG'S EVOLVING!? HAHAAHAHA! Please tell me you are joking. Are we still talking about Fallout 4?
They evolve so much that even the youngest tot can pick up the controller and beat the big bad RPG without assistance.
Their evolving, some (an annoyingly vocal but ultimately irrelevant minority ;-) ) are just too stupid, and afraid of anything different, to realize it.