Nice attempt to reverse the situation, but that falls apart becuase I didn't use a meme there.>Can't offer an actual counter argument
>resorts to memes
Yeah, great way to kill any sort of validity your post may have had by memeposting.
Nice attempt to reverse the situation, but that falls apart becuase I didn't use a meme there.>Can't offer an actual counter argument
>resorts to memes
Yeah, great way to kill any sort of validity your post may have had by memeposting.
Ultimately you did as much RPGing in Skyrim it seems as I did in Starwars Battlefront 2: "I shot them with a shotgun for a hours, then went back and killed them with a rocket launcher for more hours but this time I refused to fight for CIS!"
Incorrect. But feel free to keep making hyperboles in your counter-arguments, it's the NMA standard after all
Where are you guys actually coming from? Shouldn't you be bussy playing Fallout 4 or something, deeply invested in that rich role playing experience or something like that?
Where are you guys actually coming from? Shouldn't you be bussy playing Fallout 4 or something, deeply invested in that rich role playing experience or something like that?
It's nice to take a break now and then you know
Where are you guys actually coming from? Shouldn't you be bussy playing Fallout 4 or something, deeply invested in that rich role playing experience or something like that?
It's nice to take a break now and then you know
Yeah those repetitive kill quests do get draining.
Something everyone on 4chan does to make the specific thing they are responding to stand out is a meme?
Not really.
Metacritic, the site known to get constantly raided by places like 4chan and reddit, who give popular games large numbers of negative reviews for TEH LULZ!.Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:
Metacritic, the site known to get constantly raided by places like 4chan and reddit, who give popular games large numbers of negative reviews for TEH LULZ!.Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:
Not exactly a great source there.
Metacritic, the site known to get constantly raided by places like 4chan and reddit, who give popular games large numbers of negative reviews for TEH LULZ!.Ok. You want me to make your so-called "legitimate arguments." Here's some mathematics from Metacritic with all values correct as of this date:
Not exactly a great source there.
Then why is FO3 not lower?
Oh look another video bitching about DEM CASUAL GAMERS!! and game mechanics being changed for the benefit of the player, what a surprise
Oh look, frajaq missing the point again, who would've seen it coming?!
I think he means evolving into first person shooters with "press X to pay respects" and "press Y to be sarcastic."RPG'S EVOLVING!? HAHAAHAHA! Please tell me you are joking. Are we still talking about Fallout 4?