Western internet entertainment is in danger...

The Vault Dweller

always looking for water.
...the Japanese are making memes.

No I don't mean American or European made memes that use Japanese stuff...there's plenty of that stuff with western fans of anime as I'm sure you all know. I'm referring to memes made by the Japanese with Japanese media.

I'm also happy to introduce you to a meme by showing you the original before you see a spin-off since the originals are always the best, but often get lost amidst huge amounts of inspired parodies. Also who would have thought Goldeneye 64 (a legendary game) would inspire a meme after almost a decade?


I gotta admit it's one of my favorite memes. Though I have to admit to being biased since of all the spin-offs the highest viewed one (ironically having more views than the video that started the meme) is based off of...you guessed it Touhou. Nitori in fact.

More reasons to fund the North Korean atomic program, yay!
Kawashiro Nitori said:
you guessed it Touhou.

I couldn't really guess Touhou since I have no idea what a Touhou is. I only learn of most memes years afterwards in any case. Today I discovered "mudkips". I'm sure it was hilarious at the time.

Also who are you GTFO Japanese-named stranger with >5000 posts

Actually, I was thinking just today where the hell you were gone and what the hell you were doing.

And it's Polish-Mexican.
I don't think a meme that has less than 300k views on its most popular vid is much of a threat to "Western internet entertainment", KN.

As memes go, it's not very good. I give it 5 keyboard cats out of a possible 13 got-lions-and-tigers

alec said:
This thread sucks.

And not in the good way.

Can it suck in a good way?

You know, I was looking at that...odd instance too, Public.

Should we be worried about Kawa's sexuality?

The horror.