metatarsal said:
Aha, why waste time going anywhere, why not stay home forever,
It's dangerous out there.
1. NCR is safer
2. NCR has business and work
3. NCR has entertainment
New Reno:
1. No safety
2. Criminal work
3. Shitloads of entertainment
It's not a hard choice for a wastelander.
I get the feeling you're only interested in erasing the possibility of Reno.
I'm talking about demand, and you're saying there can't be a New Reno. It would be nice to read, and stop repeating yourself over and over again.
Because we're discussing New Reno, not demand. Demand for entertainment will be present, but, as I said, not in the amount to justify the emergence of a city founded purely on entertainment.
Kanhef said:
Fallout 2 takes place 165 years after the Great War. Same amount of time as American Revolution to WWII. The entire Industrial Revolution took less time. At least five generations have passed, depending on how you count. Even if 99.9% of civilization is destroyed, it will not take that long to "only start to rebuild itself". That description would better fit Fallout 1, which is just 85 years after the War.
I hope you didn't miss the point that the world was destroyed in a nuclear fire, which set humanity back several centuries. You're comparing it to real-world events, but COMPLETELY FORGET that they took place in a different time, where foundations for the Industrial Revolution were already made.
Now, the Great War erased pretty much 90% of progress humanity made, throwing us back into the stone age (well, almost). To make any technological advancement, you'd need a proper industry working. And to get industry working, you need all of it's organs working, and that's really hard to do in a nuked-out wasteland.
Take Fallout 1 for instance - in 85 years, only small scale weapons manufacturing (Gun Runners), ammunition making (Adytum) and primitive agriculture (Shady Sands) have emerged. In 80 years, those settlements have prospered and emerged.
But, look at Fo2. After 165 years, on the worldmap, four (four) settlements have electrocity - NCR, Vault City, Broken Hills and San Francisco, three of them basing on pre-War technology and only the NCR having installed it's own after the war.
The rest are still dwelling in pre-War ruined buildings or shacks made from junk, lighting their buildings with torches and fire, eking out a pathetic existence, on the level of Shady Sands from Fo1.
Josan12 said:
I think New Reno serves another significant purpose not really mentioned in this thread:
It serves as a source, breeding ground and 'cultural center' of the violent wasteland. I mean, realisticly or not, the FO2 wasteland has alot of robbers, highwaymen, Yakuza, and other groups of 'criminals' roaming it. I think Reno convincingly serves as a way to justify the existence and operation of some of these groups. In fact, in my most recent FO1 game i felt the lack of such a 'source'.
Errr, no. Bishop would not let this happen, since he's looking forward to joining the NCR as a state with benefits.
Overall, my 2 cents on Reno is that it certainly doesn't fit perfectly within the FO2 context - in a 'versimiltude' sense. (correct spelling?)
You forgot one 'i'. But you're right, and that's my point - it's a city that doesn't fit.
IMO, there are certainly too many prozzies, pimps and the like. I think the Reno designer got a bit carried away (was it Chris? or did he just write the dialogue?) But in fact, Chris himself admitted Reno was overloaded and had 'too many families'
But nevertheless i have no doubt it enhances my FO2 gaming experience. I'll never forget the first time i walked into Reno *nostalgic glaze* The gunshots, the erie music, talking to Jules for the first time, having my car stolen later .... fucking awesome. Smile)
It's nevertheless a masterpiece of RPG design.