What are the issues with New Reno?

You didn't prove there is no problem with New Reno, just stated that and went on to address two completely irrelevant points.
I beg to differ.

1. There was a debate about how did the crime families survive and not take each other out. My point was that in 250 years since the war there could have been many more families but at the time of the game only 4 remained all being at a stalemate as if one openly would attack the other the other 3 would ally themselves against the attacker, that is why all of them were trying to get outside help.

2. There was a debate about how the technology like the neon lights survived, I stated they bought it from NCR, and if we question the neon lights we could also question the light bulbs

2. There was debate that because the Sierra Army depot was in the vicinity New Reno should have bean a nuclear waste, the logic behind this reasoning being, that San Fran had only a demo vault and still got nuked. I stated that the Chinese had other more important targets to nuke than a lame ass military deposit (skynet being a well kept secret). Anyway San Fran got nuked because it was an important city, thus potential industrial target, not because it had some lame ass demo vault

3 there was an argument about the quantity of alcohol and that it could have been used until the appearance of jet as a bargaining chip, counterargument was that brewing alcohol is not rocket science, I beg to differ if anybody ever saw how to make booze it is very much rocket science from a certain point of view. If you don’t do it I correctly you can go blind or die. There is a reason for which you pay a shit load of money for a 20 years old whiskey or whine, hell even beer can de fucked up into an undrinkable swill. So if New Reno was the source for GOOD alcohol it could very well be used as a powerful bargaining chip, as people always pay and appreciate a good hooch over a bad one, especially if it’s not radiated.
Also related to this, if we consider all booze coming from NR which as I demonstrated could sustain an economy, then the Wrights are not weak as they seem, having a much more wider market and older tradition the jet, and we can argue that they just didn’t want to show their true strength as deception being a powerful weapon.
Oh and about the needed power, heck there are many alternative ways to get it,(besides buying the obvious micro fusion cells). Wind mills and such, ow what the fuck put 1000 slaves on bicycles from all I care and you could still generate power, heck in Mad Max 3 they made it from shit….. And yes it would be enough to run like 3 casinos. We have to consider that the demand for power was seriously scaled down as there were not so many people, and of those remaining non had televisions, or radios or washing machines, or other household utilities that makes industrialized countries consume a shitload of electricity.

So economy sustainable by booze possible if it’s of good quality, New Reno not being hit by bombs possible, power possible, tech possible via buying, families not being able to wipe each other out because of a stalemate, posible, thus I can conclude that New Reno fits into the world of fallout without a glitch
Rev. Layle said:
The temple of trials is absolute crap. It wasn't even a planned location originally in the game. IIRC, marketing insisted that the devs put in a tutorial level... and the Temple of Trials was the result of that edict. Even then, it is terrible at being a tutorial :)

I agree with the temple of trials being crap.. waste of time jus to get the game started. I did like how FO1 sends you right out there. But I liked New Reno thought it added diversity to the game plus some of the mission story lines where cool like Bishop's quests with double crossing Governments and political Assassinations.. But if we were to complain about New Reno and it's working casinos and neon lights what about the working car I found that kinda far fetched. I still used it though :D took time out of walking. and San Fran was a tad lame IMO with the Kung Fu Moral and Immoral fighters. and the Hubologists kinda stupid. But then again what about the super computer with the Shi.. that tops New Reno by far.