There is absolutely no problem with New Reno, heck it was stated somewhere that the it could have been a primary target because the army depo was there but what the hell I don't think the Chinese wouldn't have bombed every goddam military facility when they had bigger fish to fry, like NORAD, Washington, Are 51 Florida Keys, etc., and we can assume that the prewar US could at leas keep some of it's secrets like Skynet, oh what the hell even Skynet said that sentient computers could have been the cause of the war, so we can at least assume that it took precautions not to get bombed.
So if the bombs didn't destroy New Reno, most of the city could have survived, with it's population(the intro is a little bit exagerated....not everybody has to come from the vaults) together with it's criminal world. And remember 250 years passed since the war, and nobody has said that in the beginning there weren't more crime families, but they just got elliminated in the process the ones from the game being the last ones. There is no problem with the gambling, slotmachines or the rest of the techier things, those things never get old, and somehow always manage to survive cause there is always a need for them like for the rest from which New Reno makes a living (sex, drugs, and....). And what is the problem with the neon lights? maybe they were brought from NCR, cause they had the technology to make forcefields, so what is so special about the neons. At the ending of Fallout 1 it was clearly stated that the BOS slowly reintroduced technology in that part of the world, and we can see from history that once technology gets rolling it has a way of spreading like wildfire ( you can find some high tech equipment in the remotest parts of the world). If people have problem with the neon lights why the hell don't they have a problem with every goddam lightbulb that appears in the game (it's not like they are so easy to manufacture) so in my opinion just give it a break.
And then with the arming of the families, it very much looks like a recent development. The salvatores just got the laser guns, they didn't have the numbers, and they barley could use them(never got it why you needed a special energy weapon skill, it's not like shooting a laser pistol would be harder then shooting a regular pistol, it may be even easier, because there is no recoil, but its the game makers choice so I don't have a problem with it) and in the game they only had laser pistols which weren't such a big deal, (personally I would prefer a 223 over a laser pistol any day). Jet was also a recent development. And none of the families could actually get the upper hand without outside help, as if one of them would try something funny the other three would have allied themselves, you know....the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
About the Wrights, well there is no problem with them either, I heard that somebody said that anybody could make alcohol....well that is not entirely true. There is the problem of quality. It is not the same if one drinks moonshine that is made in the back of the yard from which, if you don't have the know how, you could easily go blind and die, or a 20 years old whisky. So who knows maybe all the good booze was coming from the Wrights in New Reno.....which if we think about it could give them quite the influence they being in the business much longer than the Mordinos (they didn't have a cassino....maybe they preferred to keep a lower profile mislead the other families,or maybe Ms Wright didn't let them and a Cassino is much harder to hide than a distillery).
So in my humble opinion there is not a single problem with New Reno.....