What are your favorite fallout quotes?

I seem to have grown a fondness for Black Mountain Radio:

"Tabitha: one of the many benefits of living in Utobitha is the ready availability of pet centaurs!
Rhonda: Ooh, I love the centaurs! They're just so cute!
Tabitha: Exactly, Rhonda! Who could resist those sweet little faces, and that cute way they shuffle around on all those hands they have!"

"Tabitha: Are you tired of getting chased because you're bigger than humans and scaring them? Did you kill some, and they overreacted?"
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While everyone is arguing about OWB (liked it btw so I'm all for burning), I'll bring up this video filled with Joshua Graham lines after his own burning.

To be honest, the best quotes from Honest Hearts, for me at least, come from Randall Clark's terminal entries. I miss this quality of writing in Fallout:
"Well, the little ones will need it. Species will need it if it's to continue. That blind drive onward.

I wish them well. It's been a gift to me, at the end of it all, to behold innocence."

EDIT: Added a spoiler tag for people who have not read the terminals.
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Randall Clark is a fucking badass. Wonder if any of the terminals and skele-torytelling of Fallout 4 can come any close to his story.

"They escaped someplace they call "The School" but can't figure out where it was. When they want little one to behave they tell him to stop or "The Principal will get you."

Principal better not show up or I'll blow his goddamn head off. I can still shoot straight.
OH SHIT, I'm so sorry Doc.
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Just finished Dead Money for the second time. Oh how I love hearing the reconciled Dog-God saying this in his ending:

"The new voice did not think of the Courier again until the battle at the Divide reached his ears. The battle between the two couriers, beneath the torn skies and the Old World flag... each bearing a message for the other."
That quote is one of my favorites too.

However, it made me wonder if the mentioned battle means that, canonically, Courier and Ulysses fought at the end of Lonesome Road, or if "battle" has a more broad, poetic meaning, as in a conflict between two polar opposites, the synthesis of two ideas, two opposing messages, so to speak.
However, it made me wonder if the mentioned battle means that, canonically, Courier and Ulysses fought at the end of Lonesome Road, or if "battle" has a more broad, poetic meaning, as in a conflict between two polar opposites, the synthesis of two ideas, two opposing messages, so to speak.
I believe you've hit the nail on the coffin when describing the conflict between the two. I believe when the ending slides are describing the battle of Divide, the phrase "battle" is meant to have several meanings to it, either a physical battle, a conflict of fundamental ideas or it refers to
the battle where the two Couriers join forces against the Marked Men of the Divide.

As for another favorite Fallout quote:
'Who are you, that do not know your history?'
This quote is one of those thought-provoking lines that fits Ulysses's obsession with the legacy of the past and holding onto the history of one's self. (Plus I think this quote has more meaning when dealing with modern self-proclaimed Fallout fans who refuse to experience history (older Fallout games) for no rational reasons.)
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Can't bother citing the more serious and deeper stuff, but Hakunin's "Please reveal to clouded eyes the purpose of your passage" always makes me smile for some reason.

- Low INT Vault Dweller coming into someone's house in the Hub and randomly saying that to the owner. (been a long time so I don't know if that's actually what's said)

Also "Well nommy nommy nya nya" at 0:08

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"Well, I was born in a little town out Montana way. Me and ma didn't have much, ever since my pa up and left."
"Wait, Montana? You wouldn't happen to be 17, would you?"
"No sir I'm 28. Why?"
"Oh thank God. Forget it, never mind."