What are your favorite fallout quotes?

"Leave now. Leave, while you still have hope" hits me right in the feels everytime.

Played Fallout again recently. I agree, that line really hits home. It's when you realise, for all his evil and all the crimes he commits, the Master was just trying to help people. As Arcade would say, another case of good intentions gone wrong.

"Kiss America goodbye, boys." - Orion Moreno. I'm no patriot, (I'm not even American) but I found something very poignant about this quote. Again, like the Master, here was some guy, believing his whole life that he was bringing back the old USA, and with the destruction of the Oil Rig and fall of Navarro, he saw what he believed to be the old world die. Moreno's no saint, but you can't help feeling sympathy for the guy.
My favorite Fallout 4 quote is the computer in Hubris Comics describing the dumbing down of Silver Shroud for the TV adaptation, because it's like Bethesda is admitting they made a dumbed down lazy crap game for the lowest common denominator:

First computer terminal:
"I came into work today and found another stealth revision to the shooting script. Now the Shroud has an English butler? I keep telling Babowski that we need our core fans to be our evangelists, so we can't keep making these stupid little changes. You have to talk to him...otherwise, I swear I'm bringing it up to Pete."

Another terminal:
"We have to accept that there's going to be changes to get to the small screen. I agree that our fans are important - but the Silver Shroud's numbers outside of Boston are...well, not ideal...Mr. Babowski thinks an English butler could help the show."

Another terminal:
"We're not writing Shakespeare here...I know you don't like the new monkey, but focus loves him."

A final terminal describes the lead writer quitting.
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My favorite Fallout 4 quote is the computer in Hubris Comics describing the dumbing down of Silver Shroud for the movie adaptation, because it's like Bethesda is admitting they made a dumbed down lazy crap game for the lowest common denominator:

"I came into work today and found another stealth revision to the shooting script. Now the Shroud has an English butler? I keep telling Babowski that we need our core fans to be our evangelists, so we can't keep making these stupid little changes. You have to talk to him...otherwise, I swear I'm bringing it up to Pete."

Another terminal:
"We have to accept that there's going to be changes to get to the small screen. I agree that our fans are important - but the Silver Shroud's numbers outside of Boston are...well, not ideal...Mr. Babowski thinks an English butler could help the show."

Another terminal:
"We're not writing Shakespeare here...I know you don't like the new monkey, but focus loves him."

A final terminal describes the lead writer quitting.

That was such a weird location. The implication that Bethesda could implement such a reference to the Batman comics and feel no self-awareness whatsoever kind of freaks me out a little.
My favorite Fallout 4 quote is the computer in Hubris Comics describing the dumbing down of Silver Shroud for the TV adaptation, because it's like Bethesda is admitting they made a dumbed down lazy crap game for the lowest common denominator:

First computer terminal:
"I came into work today and found another stealth revision to the shooting script. Now the Shroud has an English butler? I keep telling Babowski that we need our core fans to be our evangelists, so we can't keep making these stupid little changes. You have to talk to him...otherwise, I swear I'm bringing it up to Pete."

Another terminal:
"We have to accept that there's going to be changes to get to the small screen. I agree that our fans are important - but the Silver Shroud's numbers outside of Boston are...well, not ideal...Mr. Babowski thinks an English butler could help the show."

Another terminal:
"We're not writing Shakespeare here...I know you don't like the new monkey, but focus loves him."

A final terminal describes the lead writer quitting.
That's a really cool nod... to anything really. Bethesda has a knack for writing books and terminals in their games it seems...
I don't give a damn about them, whether they're good or bad, but I never read terminals. Ever.
Then you'd miss out on the Survivalist Terminals in Honest Hearts then. Some of the best writing on Honest Hearts is from there. Like this final line from the man himself:

"It's cold enough that I won't last long on the high mound up next to Red Gate. I think I've got enough breath left in me to make it. I'll just lie down and stare at the sky. Feels right.

I hope they'll do well. I hope no harm comes to them, from within or without. Did my best to prepare them with the last few notes. Said something kind about each one of them, what makes each one special. Told them The Father was pleased by their kind natures and that it would be up to them to handle things on their own from now on, that I'd be silent but still watching and still caring.

Lying, then. Oh yes.

Lied to you, Char. And Alex. And Sylvie. Told you I'd be with you forever. But I wouldn't go back and unsay it once if I could.

What was the point of it all? So many failures.

But I never forgot your face. Or Little Nut's. Or (sorry) Sylvie's. They used to say that happened after a while but it never did for me.
Maybe the only point of all this living was to keep those pictures in my head going for as long as I could. It was the only life I could give you. Not a day went by without.

It wasn't choice. I chose to die again and again. Just never did. Body had its own drive.

Well, the little ones will need it. Species will need it if it's to continue. That blind drive onward.

I wish them well. It's been a gift to me, at the end of it all, to behold innocence.

Goodbye, Zion."

That quote always gets to me and reading all those terminals often serve as a huge deciding factor for which route I go for in Honest Hearts with this line coming to mind: "I tell them never to hurt each other but that if someone else comes along and tries to hurt them to strike back with righteous anger."
Survivor's guilt is ever-present in the words he types out and the way he finally makes peace with his life is rather heartwarming. Certainly made trekking through those caves in Zion worth it.
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Then you'd miss out on the Survivalist Terminals in Honest Hearts then. Some of the best writing on Honest Hearts is from there. Like this final line from the man himself:

"It's cold enough that I won't last long on the high mound up next to Red Gate. I think I've got enough breath left in me to make it. I'll just lie down and stare at the sky. Feels right.

I hope they'll do well. I hope no harm comes to them, from within or without. Did my best to prepare them with the last few notes. Said something kind about each one of them, what makes each one special. Told them The Father was pleased by their kind natures and that it would be up to them to handle things on their own from now on, that I'd be silent but still watching and still caring.

Lying, then. Oh yes.

Lied to you, Char. And Alex. And Sylvie. Told you I'd be with you forever. But I wouldn't go back and unsay it once if I could.

What was the point of it all? So many failures.

But I never forgot your face. Or Little Nut's. Or (sorry) Sylvie's. They used to say that happened after a while but it never did for me.
Maybe the only point of all this living was to keep those pictures in my head going for as long as I could. It was the only life I could give you. Not a day went by without.

It wasn't choice. I chose to die again and again. Just never did. Body had its own drive.

Well, the little ones will need it. Species will need it if it's to continue. That blind drive onward.

I wish them well. It's been a gift to me, at the end of it all, to behold innocence.

Goodbye, Zion."

That quote always gets to me and reading all those terminals often serve as a huge deciding factor for which route I go for in Honest Hearts with this line coming to mind: "I tell them never to hurt each other but that if someone else comes along and tries to hurt them to strike back with righteous anger."
Survivor's guilt is ever-present in the words he types out and the way he finally makes peace with his life is rather heartwarming. Certainly made trekking through those caves in Zion worth it.

Sadly, I have not play the New Vegas dlcs. I'm sure they're good.
It was Hildern, the NCR scientist who sends you on that suicide mission to Vault 22.
I find it kind of ironic he's the one to say that line. Bet if Keely heard him saying that, she would be having his ass for dinner.
Anything that comes out of No Barks mouth. I know people like him in real life and I can just sit for hours listening to him talk nonsense! :lol:
Anything that comes out of No Barks mouth. I know people like him in real life and I can just sit for hours listening to him talk nonsense! :lol:
Firstly, am I the only guy who doesn't really like No Bark? I wouldn't call him a bad character (the only characters I would call bad are Ulysses and Jason, the former because he's a 15-year-old angsty edgelord trapped in the body of a potentially interesting character [thank you, Syy, for being able to put my disdain of Ulysses into words] while the latter is just a massive asshole to Chris) but I just find him rather annoying.

And now, the New Vegas Quote Hall of Fame;

  1. Anytime you've got a conversation with Caesar, especially the first one. He threatens to kill you, then... *beat* "Relax. I'm fucking with you." Best Fallout villain, period.
  2. "Nobody's dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Hence the name." ~ Cass. Just the delivery of that line really sells it.
  3. "Whatever. Joshua, put a cap in General Gobbledigook." ~ the Courier. Just that this is an option at all goes to show how great the writing can be at times.
  4. "I am DOCTOR MOBIUS! Transmitting from my DOME-SHAPED... DOME! IN... the FORBIDDEN ZONE! A zone that is - yes - FORBIDDEN TO YOU!" ~ Dr. Mobius. As if I didn't have enough reason to love OWB.
  5. "They asked me if I knew anything about theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said 'welcome aboard.'" ~ Fantastic. Truly fantastic.
I'm probably forgetting a ton, but these are the ones that stuck out to me the most. Also, I should mention that I love anything Raul says.
Firstly, am I the only guy who doesn't really like No Bark? I wouldn't call him a bad character (the only characters I would call bad are Ulysses and Jason, the former because he's a 15-year-old angsty edgelord trapped in the body of a potentially interesting character [thank you, Syy, for being able to put my disdain of Ulysses into words] while the latter is just a massive asshole to Chris) but I just find him rather annoying.

And now, the New Vegas Quote Hall of Fame;

  1. Anytime you've got a conversation with Caesar, especially the first one. He threatens to kill you, then... *beat* "Relax. I'm fucking with you." Best Fallout villain, period.
  2. "Nobody's dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Hence the name." ~ Cass. Just the delivery of that line really sells it.
  3. "Whatever. Joshua, put a cap in General Gobbledigook." ~ the Courier. Just that this is an option at all goes to show how great the writing can be at times.
  4. "I am DOCTOR MOBIUS! Transmitting from my DOME-SHAPED... DOME! IN... the FORBIDDEN ZONE! A zone that is - yes - FORBIDDEN TO YOU!" ~ Dr. Mobius. As if I didn't have enough reason to love OWB.
  5. "They asked me if I knew anything about theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said 'welcome aboard.'" ~ Fantastic. Truly fantastic.
I'm probably forgetting a ton, but these are the ones that stuck out to me the most.
I love No Bark, mainly because I know people in real life that are as crazy as him with the loony, nonsensical beliefs. They are incredibly entertaining and bring a smile onto my face. The world needs more entertaining people like that who make you laugh and forget about the bleakness of the world.