JunWisewar said:
The concept of '18 levels of hell' started in the Tang Dynasty. The Buddhist text Jian Di Yu Jing (間地獄經) mentioned 134 worlds of hell, but was simplified to 18 levels of hell for convenience.

Apparently 134 worlds of hell unable to fit into a simple pamphlet that will be given to the newcomer of Chinese Hell....so they have cut down the list. Imagine how the sinner will cried in horror to learn there are actually 134 worlds of Hell instead of 18.
1. Chamber of Wind and Thunder – People who kill and commit heinous crimes out of greed are sent here for punishment.
2. Chamber of Grinding – Wealthy men who do no good and waste food are ground into powder in this chamber.
3. Chamber of Flames – People who steal, plunder, rob and cheat are sent here to be burnt.
4. Chamber of Ice – Children who ill-treat their parents and elders are sent here to be frozen in ice.
5. Chamber of Oil Cauldrons – Sex offenders such as rapists, lechers, adulterers are fried in oil in this chamber.
6. Chamber of Dismemberment by Sawing – Kidnappers and people who force good women into prostitution suffer the fate of being sawn in this chamber.
7. Chamber of Dismemberment by Chariot – Corrupt officials and landlords who oppress and exploit the people are dismembered by a chariot in this chamber.
8. Chamber of Mountain of Knives – People who cheat customers by earning more than they should, profiteers who jack up prices and cheat on the quality of goods are made to shed blood by climbing the mountain of knives.
9. Chamber of Tongue Ripping – Gossips who stir trouble and liars suffer the fate of having their tongues ripped out in this chamber.
10. Chamber of Pounding – Cold-blooded murderers are pounded in this chamber.
11. Chamber of Torso-severing – Scheming and ungrateful men have their torsos severed in this chamber.
12. Chamber of Scales – Crooks who oppress the innocent, people who cheat on the quality of goods and daughters-in-law who ill-treat their in-laws have hooks pierced into their body and hung upside down.
13. Chamber of Eye-gouging – Peeping toms who go around peeking and leering have their eyeballs gouged out in this chamber.
14. Chamber of Heart-digging – People with evil hearts have theirs dug out in this chamber.
15. Chamber of Disembowelment – Instigators, hypocrites and tomb-robbers have their bowels dug out in this chamber.
16. Chamber of Blood – Blasphemous crooks who show no respect to the gods suffer the fate of being skinned in this chamber.
17. Chamber of Maggots – Crooks who use loopholes in the law to cheat and engage in malpractice are being eaten alive by maggots in this chamber.
18. Chamber of Avici – Crooks who have committed heinous crimes, brought misery to the people and betrayed the ruler are placed on a platform above an inferno. The unlucky ones fall off the platform into the inferno and burn while the lucky ones remain on the platform. These spirits are never to be reincarnated.
Eheheh... that's awesome. Not too strong selling points for the religion there. Here's my score:
1. Never killed anyone, and though I've been greedy, I don't think I qualify for 'heinous crimes out of greed', so I guess I'm off the hook for unspecified 'punishment'.
2. I'm not wealthy, but I've done no good and wasted a lot of food. Put me down for some powder grinding.
3. I've stolen as a kid, of course (I think I was 12 or so the last time, nicking a dollar for candy), and I've cheated at tests and such, so I'm totally up for a burning.
4. I was somewhat of a jerk as a kid, I guess, so make my ice-freezing a double.
5. Not a sex offender, but pretty perverted. I guess I could just simmer a bit in the oil without getting deep fried? (Can I get rice with that? *ba-da-bum-ching*)
6. Aw shucks, never kidnapped or forced a good woman into prostitution. No dismemberment by sawing then, I guess. :/
7. Never been an official or a landlord, but I've been corrupted... Still, I guess i'm off the hook here as well.
8. Sure I've jacked up prices for some products.. that's what the entertainment industry is all about - selling crappy entertainment for obscene prices. I guess I'm in for this whole climbing the mountain of knives thing, then.
9. I've lied and gossiped, so off with the tounge!
10. Eheheh... I'm obviously not a cold blooded murder, but if I were, I would get *pounded*? I just climbed a fucking
mountain of knives for having jacked up a price a little bit, but had I killed someone, an old fashioned pounding would have been the punishment? (Would that be a straight pounding or a prison pounding?)
11. Yep, I've schemed, and I've been hella ungreatful, so it's a jackpot for the champer of torso-severing.
12. Unless internet politics count, I don't think I've been a crook who's oppressed the innocent... And I'm obviously not a daughter-in-law who has ill-treated my in-laws. This was a weird chamber.
13. Bwahaha, a whole separate chamber for peeping toms! I'd easily have my eyes gouged out here. I mean, who hasn't snuck a peak when opportunity has presented itself?
14. I honestly don't think I have an evil heart, but I don't think it's purely good either. So do I get half the deal of having my heart dug out, or is it no game? :/
15. I've never been a tomb-robber, but I've been a hypocrite

. Away with the bowels!
16. Yep, I'm a top notch 'blasphemous crook' who show no respect for the gods - guess I'm in for a skinning.
17. Hmm, I guess with some creative interpretation, I've 'used loopholes of the law'. Perhaps not to the greatest extent, so I guess the maggots can just eat me alive for a little while?
18. Nope, not even with creativity can I qualify for this one. (Unless, again, you count internet politics

). I haven't brought misery to the people and betrayed the ruler. (Though, hmm, I have brought misery to
some people, and I haven't exactly
not betrayed the ruler... But yer, that's too creative.) So I'm off the hook for the platform above the inferno.
Pretty content with the score, there. A funnier sheet than the seven christian cardinal sins (where I of course score 7/7).
On my grave, in the event that I get one (I dunno - I might just live forever... or get cremated or w/e - doesn't matter to me much), it could of course be funny with a cynical little strip of text. I don't think "At least I got to fuck a stripper" would get approved. So maybe something along the lines of "Finally", or "I decompose in your general direction", or "If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten... I forgot what it was, and look at me now."
Or mebbe a longer snippet; "I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get *that* day over, and over, and over..."