I don't know if these was mentioned before, so apologies if I make another thread about it.
Nowhere have I seen anyone, in any town make use of slaves. No one seems to be buying or selling them. In Fallout 2 at least its apparent that Vault City was buying slaves from the Den.
There aren't even any slaver parties capturing poor oblivious travelers.
So what exactly is the point of all that? What exactly is driving Paradise Falls' economy? Apparently no one is buying their slaves. And I'm not sure where they get them either. It also seems uneconomical to even have slavery given that there's barely any people anywhere anyway, and the fact that raiders outnumber town residents (if we can call settlements populated by 2-10 people a town, and a town populated only by children!)
Did I miss anything, if only just a single slave owner?
There also seems to be too many radscorpions.
Where are the tribals? Surely it makes sense that following almost total devastation from nuclear war, any remnant of human civilization that barely survived will take the form or revert back to primitive tribes. I don't understand why Bethesda ignored that aspect.
Seems like a crude half-assed gesture to fans with regards to the first two games.
I would have respected them more if they introduced something new instead.
I'm also new here as you can see, so I just want to express how cool it is to be part of this online community. I've read some very interesting comments from some what it looks to be very smart group of people here, even if it's just a gaming community. It's amazing to see the deep level of appreciation you guys have for these great games, which is uncommon.
Nowhere have I seen anyone, in any town make use of slaves. No one seems to be buying or selling them. In Fallout 2 at least its apparent that Vault City was buying slaves from the Den.
There aren't even any slaver parties capturing poor oblivious travelers.
So what exactly is the point of all that? What exactly is driving Paradise Falls' economy? Apparently no one is buying their slaves. And I'm not sure where they get them either. It also seems uneconomical to even have slavery given that there's barely any people anywhere anyway, and the fact that raiders outnumber town residents (if we can call settlements populated by 2-10 people a town, and a town populated only by children!)
Did I miss anything, if only just a single slave owner?
There also seems to be too many radscorpions.
Where are the tribals? Surely it makes sense that following almost total devastation from nuclear war, any remnant of human civilization that barely survived will take the form or revert back to primitive tribes. I don't understand why Bethesda ignored that aspect.
Seems like a crude half-assed gesture to fans with regards to the first two games.
I would have respected them more if they introduced something new instead.
I'm also new here as you can see, so I just want to express how cool it is to be part of this online community. I've read some very interesting comments from some what it looks to be very smart group of people here, even if it's just a gaming community. It's amazing to see the deep level of appreciation you guys have for these great games, which is uncommon.