What game was this?

iii said:
Thats Hunter! One of the best games I played on my Amiga 500.

Correct! That video did a good job of showing it off, but there's even stuff it didn't mention, like the fact that you can ride a windsurfing board and get chased by a shark! And if you have a motorboat and have bad memories of swimming from one island to another, you can just run over the shark and explode it! Or you can have tank duels!

Eyenixon said:
I still don't know what it is (I don't have a great knowledge of action and puzzle games), but that is one of the most convoluted interfaces I've ever seen in my life.

As you can see from the video it doesn't look like that all the time - it's the inventory tab, complete with all items and weapons you could have in any vehicle, like a tank or a heavy chopper.

maximaz said:
Is the other half in 3D?? Rare for a 16-bit game.

Actually vector 3D was done on the 8-bit C64 and even on the 48k Spectrum, I think.
You forgot to mention the bunnies 8-) .

Okey this one should be a bit tricky:


I have to admit that this one might be unfair! :mrgreen:



Its part of a Galactic trilogy.
Advanced Galactic Empire, apparently. Basically never heard of it. Remember that DC's from last page is unsolved.
You guys will never guess it.

Your minds cannot comprehend a game of such simple awesomeness.
The problem with flight sims is they all look the same. The old ones do anyway.
Ill give you a hint.

It's for PSX. And when you shoot down other planes, the pilots eject and you can shoot them into pieces and guts splatter your screen if your close enough.