1. I won't pretend to know how inXile develop their games, but I'm pretty confident that it's not developed for consoles first and all we'll get is a crappy pc port. I'd venture a guess and say that the pc version has been close to finished for a good while now, and the console developement began much more recently. A studio works on many parts of a project simultaneously. If all they're doing for the pc build now is localization, then where's the harm in the programmers transferring it over to consoles? Without any facts to back it up, this complaint is nothing more than "whaaa, I want it to be pc exclusive, filthy console peasants, whaaa".
The game was funded on KS at April 6 2013. The promised initial release was December 2014, ~17 months of development period, which was supposedly unbound by a publisher's demands etc etc and they could have delivered it that way since they were a veteran developers. Of course, there's an inevitable delay for many unseen problems along the way. But then, it was delayed
27 months since initial release date (Jan/Feb 2017 or Q1 of 2017). They announced working with Techland as the publisher back at Jun 10, means they got 6-7 extra months to work on the game--for what? What's stopping them to publish the game for PC, right now? If it's not for gimping the PC version in favor of the console version, then I don't know what is.
2. I'm glad publishers are taking an interest in these types of games. Isn't that what we kinda wanted ever since Fallout 2?
Huh, really? I don't know, man. I'm still a new guy in the Fallout/cRPG community, so I wouldn't know.
3. In what way is Torment now appealing to the mass market? Just because the genre is now finally getting more popular again, doesn't mean it's mass marketed shovelware.
From what I could remember as far back before this whole Codex-inXile debacle, the game was supposed to have some system regarding the health. It was changed to regular health bars, or something, supposedly due to newer players not understanding it at all.
There was also the Torment tradition that suggest 6-man party, now changed to 4-man party because the mass market was used to it (see: Dragon Age games).
I don't have any more to say about the console version than I said above. I don't see why it would automatically make for a bad game.
It won't make for a bad game, but would most likely prevent the PC version potential fully realized.
Health bars? What is that even about? And I'm one of those SJW's you're so afraid of. That whole thing is so utterly ridiculous. Please explain to me exactly how the game will "pander to the SJW crowd".
Like I said, there was a system that was scrapped all together, due to newer players don't really understanding it related to the health system, and thus "dumbing down" the game.
As for SJW stuff, I apologize if I say something wrong. I shouldn't have mentioned it any further than once. I preferred not to talk about it anymore.
No I have not, and reading from your previous posts in this topic neither have you. You reacted upon reading on the Codex, and then you searched for information (on the Codex) on what to think. Hence, you chose to hate it because they hate it, not really knowing why. That's how it looks, at least.
Yeah, sorry. Should've tried to research more. I got angry at Techland cancelling the interview for bullshit reason, and then to add fuel to the fire Fargo and BN's response was too half-hearted and too set up.
But you gotta admit the Codex were much more in the know here. All I'm suggesting initially was to thread carefully, and don't just throw money just because it's Torment. This whole debacle stink, that's what I'm trying to say/
It's all about trying to be a little realisitc. What exactly would inXile gain from turning on their fanbase, releasing a completely different game than they've been working on, and lying about all sorts of little things? Give me some actual reasons why.
We've all been wondering why Bethesda did that, right? Oh, right, all the money from a newer, more ignorant fanbase that would easily threw money at them without second thought. Think about it, the Codex would most likely be very vocal and critical when interviewing Fargo at Gamescom, which might hinder their attempt at selling the game (console version most likely) to wider audience, mass market out there. Can you do that with the game being so niche, and when you start changing all the fundamental principles surrounding the game that made it niche in the first place, there's this vocal, critical minority interrupt its marketing process?
See, the problem here is that you seem to think that you get a definitive say in the developement because you donated a larger amount of money than most. That's not how it works. No matter the amount, if you backed you're a backer and the developers will listen to all backers (that take part in the discussion) in equal measures. You're not buying shares in the company. You're not publishing their game.
Right, that's the reality. Oh, well, fortunately I personally haven't wasted any dime for this. The Codex spent so much money together, and then disposed simply because inXile no longer need their support.
A small-time company turning to mega-corporation trashing their loyal supporter in favor of mass market. More news at 11.
I think it's a shame the Codex didn't get their interview, but I find it hard to believe they're lying about how it all went down, and that it's some kind of big conspiracy again the Codex. And in the end, it won't affect the quality of the game whatsoever. What, do you think the Codex will ask the type of questions that will suddenly make inXile push back the release and go back to developement?
Even if they had a reason for not wanting to talk to the Codex (such as the Codex actually breaking embargo), then that's their prerogative.
Have you even paid attention to all those links I gave you? Here, I reiterate them:
Bubbles said:
12th of July: I ask Techland if Torment would be at Gamescom. 3 hours later, Techland PR confirms their presence and promises to get in touch to book us a slot once the invitations are ready.
19th of July: we receive the invitation through the third party PR agency, asking us not to reveal any information about the console release. Infinitron confirms in the forums that Torment will be present at Gamescom. (note that he waits a full week, until the official invite, to reveal this)
26th of July: we successfully book the presentation and interview with the agency (waiting times are long with Gamescom bookings)
4th of August: Torment is officially confirmed for a console release. Infinitron publically states that we had known about this since July.
10th of August: we receive the question about Infinitron from Techland at 16:22 Berlin time. I politely ask for the reason behind this request at 17:54. We are informed of the cancellation of our interview and presentation slot at 18:22.
And to add to that:
Bubbles said:
For future reference, this is the text of the "NDA"
And this is in the e-mail:
Information about the game's planned console release is strictly confidential and not for publication.
So Techland specifically asked not to reveal the
console release. What Infinitron revealed was only that he knew Torment would be presented at Gamescom and....that's it. And then Techland cancelled the interview anyway.
Do we 'know' or even 'suspect' that InXile ran out of money?
Just.... take a look at
this, and follow it.
Do we 'know' that Techland 'demanded' that console versions be made? InXile wanted console versions for WL2, and releasing the PC and console versions at the same time when the marketing and hype is at its highest near release date is far better for sales than releasing a port a year later.
Well, from most of my experiences, many games that had simultaneous release, had flashy trailers and all that, only to get released in a gimped version to balance that of the console's (see: Dark Souls 2, the Witcher 3, there were some changes to Wasteland 2 Director's Cut due to console from what I've heard).
Do we 'know' that the PC version was delayed?
The game's initial delivery was December 2014. It was eventually pushed back to Q4 of 2015, and then 2016, and now Q1 of 2017.
Do we have any clear cut 'evidence' of the PC version being gimped?
This is remain to be seen. I admit I'm don't have experience in the whole market of PC-console gaming industry, to but from what little I could experienced many PC version were gimped in favor of console (see: No Man's Sky).
No, that is not evil. They were working on making sure that they could get a distributor/publisher for console release and wanted to make an announcement about it and then some fuckwad goes and spoils it and Techland goes "fuck 'em" and I agree. Fuck 'em. The Codex is a place that has always rubbed me the wrong way. Whenever I hear about them or go in there to see what's up I see a bunch of shitheads sniffing their own farts.
Interview is scheduled.
InXile works with Techland to get console support.
They probably got an announcement to make.
Someone from the Codex ruins it and paranoia begins to spread.
Techland ain't having none of that shit and cancels the interview in a misguided attempt to punish The Codex.
This sounds far more plausible to me.
I think The Codex is reading too far into things with this but I agree that I would like Fargo to give a full disclosure as to what's going on but I ain't ready to put on a tinfoil hat and start throating Alex Jones' cock.
Seriously? Just follow those thread and read again what Bubbles said. This whole stuff is bullshit, if you really paid attention to it. In a twist of irony, though, the Codex guy who's supposedly fucked up this whole thing were actually inXile's biggest sycophant.
Alternatively, Fargo and BN might be busy and therefore didn't get into a multiparagraph short-novel answer?
Read again on both of their answers. It sounded
way too similar.
I admit, I don't know enough about all of this to clearly and definitely judge InXile on their actions.
The thing is, neither do you or the Codex.
Oh, yes, not me, but the Codex certainly do. Like I said, they raised ~$5000 for Torment, so it's only make sense they would pay close attention and be vigilant to the updates and development logs of Torment 2 (and, in an extent, how inXile's doing along the way ever since Torment 2 got funded, especially since Brother None and sea still more frequently participate in there, more so than here).
All I'm saying is we have to be careful from now on. Look, I'm tired repeating my points, and you guys completely missing the point and misunderstanding the whole thing, all because I seemingly wanted to trash Torment 2, but there's something really fishy going on here. So, I repeat:
Why would they cancelled the interview, for such a bullshit reason, if everything's okay?"
Just.... follow those threads in the Codex. Read up on the console announcement, and then the cancelled interview thread in inXile's Subforum. Some of the points of the messages there got missing as I brought the news to you guys, so I prefer you guys see it for yourselves.