What I want to see implimented.

Or let's go back to examine the basics, most people can't light a fire with matches or a lighter, let alone with a ferro rod or even more primitive methods.
How about water? Most people can't identify drinkable water, or how to sterilise / filter water. How about edible plants? These are essential skill's, and some people will have that knowledge and some will have survived the war, but lot's of people don't have the first clue, because they don't need that knowledge and it takes time to learn, do you think so many copys of "Survival for Dummies" will have survive?

Firstly, there's this thing called natural selection.

Secondly, simply because most people can't do some basic survival protocol does not fucking mean that no human being has the knowlegde. That means that the people who do know will survive and the people who do not, will die or be generally unsuccesful.
Bam, within a generation, it's likely the vast majority of people have incredible survival capability as those who did not, died. Henceforth, people survive operably on the whole.

Furthermore, books spoken language will exist and will assist men in rebuilding society. Or, building guns.

Fun fact: the instant one unwashed guy with a bit of knowlegde, a book, an perhaps a couple helpers figures our how to produce guns and ammo, his society will be wildly succesful and spread this knowledge within a generation wherever it needs to go, and your poncy crossbows will be eliminated within that same generation as weapon.

So with the sheer amount of people, the natural pressure for logic and intelligence, humanity's easiest task will be learning to make fire and purify water. If not one that never even becomes a problem in the first place, given the great lot of survivalists, or even people with the slightest bit of survival skill in our society even today.
Just having standard bows would be a bad idea I would say.

But arrows are easy to make, and can be just as damaging or even more so than a bullet. So crossbows or mechanical arrow launchers would be a good idea.

It's always idiotic how many supplies have outlasted the war and scavenging. It makes no sense that SO many bullets, guns, food, drugs and medicine survived. So reducing that I would very much support.

Or otherwise, stop making ridiculous timejumps.
I would like to see :
(Bear in mind that I will compare most of the things to Fallout 3 game because the rumours say that Bethesda will be making the next Fallout game so... yeah, just to let you know ladies and gentleman)

- Improved S.P.E.C.I.A.L character system.

This would mean our old Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck would remain the same because it's a good system and I think and it served Fallout games well but there should be some relation between them. What I mean is now we get to distribute XX points between these 7 attributes with no relation between them. For example you can focus on Strength and Endurance and still be a genius in Science, Medicine and so on with Intelligence at 1. For me this makes no sense but I do understand it's been like this for the purpose of pure gameplay mechanics and I get all of that, no problem... but later on our in-game characters become essentially Gods in the fields they weren't supposed to specialise in.

- More Skills/Bring back old Skills/Redesign the skill system.

Fallout 1&2 had 18 skills :

1. Big Guns
2. Energy Weapons
3. Melee Weapons
4. Small Guns
5. Throwing
6. Unarmed
7. Doctor
8. First Aid
9. Lockpick
10. Repair
11. Science
12. Sneak
13. Steal
14. Traps
15. Barter
16. Gambling
17. Outdoorsman
18. Speech

Fallout 3 had 13 skills :

1. Big Guns
2. Energy Weapons
3. Melee Weapons
4. Small Guns
5. Unarmed
6. Explosives
7. Barter
8. Lockpick
9. Science
10. Medicine
11. Sneak
12. Speech
13. Repair

Fallout New Vegas had 13 skills :

1. Barter
2. Energy Weapons
3. Explosives
4. Guns
5. Lockpick
6. Medicine
7. Melee Weapons
8. Repair
9. Science
10. Sneak
11. Speech
12. Survival
13. Unarmed

Now, I think that Fallout 1 and 2 had a good skill system BUT it could be changed in the future games to help make our characters specialise in something rather than being good at everything or rather being geniuses at everything.

1. Big Guns (Rifles, two handed etc)
2. Small Guns (SMGs, pistols etc)
3. Energy Weapons
4. Melee Weapons
5. Unarmed
6. Throwing
7. Explosives
8. Custom Weapons (Hand made, weapons from blueprints, weapons made out of junk and so on)
9. Doctor
10. First Aid
11. Lockpick
12. Repair
13. Science
14. Hack
15. Sneak
16. Steal
17. Traps
17. Barter
18. Survival
20. Speech

That's my proposal, it might not be the best but I think the more choice players have the better for all of us, especially in a game like Fallout.
Also I would like to see a system for raising skills similar to the one present in Skyrim - our character could train for example Energy Weapons by taking apart these guns, studying them, combining them, discovering new effects and learning about different parts of weapons that essentially make it shoot and kill, possibly even training on a home made shooting range or something like that.
Similar with other skills, Science could be raised by examinating technology, disassembling it and looking inside of it and so on, I hope you get the idea.
Just to sum up it would be a good idea to make our characters gain less skill points on levelling up/reading skill books/doing things so our characters don't become masters in everything.

- Better dialogues/characters/story.

I liked how Bethesda has improved on their engine for Skyrim and it definitely shows some potential for future games and opens even more possibilities. Imagine a town like Rivet City which is nothing like the one we all know of, imagine a City like this with all of the additions from Skyrim - people doing their jobs instead of staying still behind a counter, talking with each other about the newest rumours and gossip, reacting to the changes in the world and so on.
Now the most important thing for me is the amount of characters - I was really disappointed when I first entered Rivet City because there were not many people in there, I though there would be much much more people on board but it was almost empty with occasionally a person or two walking through the corridor. The city looked safe so I would assume more scared people would hide in there from the horrible reality of the Wasteland but ... nope, it didn't happen.

And of course the story and dialogues, I want much, much more dialogue from future Fallout games so I can be really sucked into the game's world and the same principle goes with the story - I want more of it, I don't want it to be so fast and shallow AND I DON'T WANT TO BE ABLE TO SKIP THE FUC**** HALF OF THE STORY BECAUSE ... I DON'T KNOW ... FUC* IT ?!
This was just pure bullshit to me, why would you make an RPG with the ability to ship half of the story by going to a location without a real reason ? Oh I know, maybe Bethesda knew it was shit :P ?
Come on, compare earlier Fallout games or the mafia/gangs from New Reno and the Fallout 3 main story... come on Bethesda, you can do more than that!
Surprise us, give the game more time, focus on the important aspects like story, dialogues and not frickin' bloody, pointless shooting. It was an RPG and a good one at that, bring us more of that, you'll earn more trust from current Fallout fans and I'm sure you'll gain even more after releasing a good product.

- More locations and more LOGICAL locations.

The jump from the isometric view of older Fallout games to the modern 3D is a huge step and I'm sure it is very hard to make a big, open world game with a wide variety of locations and interesting ones at that but what we've seen in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas wasn't bad except some non logical situations like, for example - your character discovers a pre-war bunker, possibly filled with an armament of weapons and some supplies to help you survive. You then try to breach a 100 lockpick level lock or you try to hack a 100 science skill computer and you finally open the huge, metal doors. Now what do you find at the end of the bunker ?

Fuc**** bottle caps and some other crap.
Are you serious ? Did the people before the war knew that bottle caps would be the wasteland currency or what ? Same goes with some of the other locations or offices because you will find shitload of bottle caps inside of every worker's desk. Who in their right mind would hoard bottle caps in their workplace ? And don't even try to tell me someone was there before our character because I'm sure they didn't fight waves and waves of security robots and locked doors and then placed bottle caps in there to possible get rid of some weight to carry some other loot because I HAD TO KILL EVERY ROBOT AND UNLOCK EVERY DOOR TO GET TO THAT PLACE!

If you're reading that then I know this might sound like I'm just saying crap on these games but come on, these are all of the little things that make the game special, the more and more you screw that up the more and more your game becomes something less, something not worth loving it for what it is...

- More weapons

I think that's self-explanatory, who doesn't like more and more and more and more weapons in a game like this ?

- Better AI

Yes, programming Artificial Intelligence in an open world game must be really, really hard and I understand that. Programming is not easy and especially if you're making a big, open world game where gamers try all different kind of stuff and mess around with things but at the same time I bet you're team consists of many talented and skilled programmers so make sure they do their job right.
I don't want to yell at my companions or NPC's just because they are too stupid to move or are killing each other for no reason because THAT BREAKS IMMERSION and immersion in an RPG game is everything for me.
I'm not playing RPG games to kill tons and tons of enemies, no.
It's the story, the setting, characters and their dialogues that make these games something more than an average FPS shooter or some other genre so please, make sure AI is top notch.

- Better graphics, especially faces of characters in game.

You know, if something that is not real like a character in a game or a robot tries to replicate human behaviour and fails to do that then humans are disgusted by it or even scared of it.
Do not make me scared of your characters Bethesda, but from I've seen in Fallout 3/Oblivion and then Skyrim ... it brings some hope but still faces look fake and not realistic enough for me and it's an RPG game where a communication between the player and other characters is very, very important.

Good God, I'm glad I have a good imagination...

Now for the rest of the graphic I don't really care, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas look decent for me, it's nothing spectacular right now in the 2013 but "it gets the job done". Same goes for Skyrim, it's more advanced that the previous engine and it's graphic but I'm sure we will see more advancement in that in the couple of years.

- Vehicles

Now horses won't cut it here Bethesda, don't count on that.
A bike or a car like in the Fallout 2 would do it just great!.
Imagine a vehicle which can get you to any location you've discovered, this would be the fast travel like in the Fallout 2. A vehicle would be hard to maintain, expensive but it could serve you well if you were able to take a proper care of it plus it could store some of your loot too within saddlebags/trunk.

Now I have no idea whether it should be something like a horse which you can ride anywhere or something like the car in Fallout 2, personally I would prefer no-foot fast travel and fast travel with a vehicle but that's just me, I love every aspect of hardcore survival.

And I think that's it, wow that's a huge wall of text.
Right now I don't have any ideas in my head but I'm sure there's much, much more to add to my post.
Anyway, thanks!
Vehicles? Bethesda's maps are fairly small to begin with so riding around the wasteland will make exploration pretty boring.
Sub-Human said:
Vehicles? Bethesda's maps are fairly small to begin with so riding around the wasteland will make exploration pretty boring.
It all depends on what format of map Bethesda is going to choose.
Look at the game called "Rage". It wasn't that bad there but like I said I would like to see something like a fast travel/storage option like in old Fallout games.

I agree but that's what I would like to see implemented into the actual game :)
Anyways, if they don't make something the way I want I will be able to mod these things on PC so ... yeah, Go go go modding community despite it's Bethesda's job to do things right :roll:
Generally, they stick with filling their land as much as possible with different shacks, houses, bases and enemies. That means you have to stop every few seconds to get out of the car, shoot, loot, and repeat - without getting to enjoy the actual sights.

Also, making the game more tedious (making you walk if you don't have a fast-travelling car) is not something Bethesda is about to do. They want their game as easy and accessible to the gaming community as possible.
I just want to see proper settlements. Fallout 3 had quite a few cool ideas, but the execution was so lackluster.
Arefu, for examples. Barely counts as a settlement, but the basic idea isn't all that bad. A highway overpass is very easy to defend as it's only accessible from one or two directions by nature. As a major settlement, with a market place and a sort of „upper town“ on the overpass itself and farms and slums down below, Arefu could have been quite a neat location.
Same with Rivet City. That whole space on top of the goddamn carrier, unused. the whole land around it, unused. It's supposed to be the sole source of non-irradiated food, but there's no production facilities. So much wasted potential.
New Vegas had proper town-design, I really hope Bethesda takes a hint from it.
Hassknecht said:
I just want to see proper settlements. Fallout 3 had quite a few cool ideas, but the execution was so lackluster.
Arefu, for examples. Barely counts as a settlement, but the basic idea isn't all that bad. A highway overpass is very easy to defend as it's only accessible from one or two directions by nature. As a major settlement, with a market place and a sort of „upper town“ on the overpass itself and farms and slums down below, Arefu could have been quite a neat location.

One grenade, support gone, town gone.
But it IS a neat location. It's the content and characters, and quests that suck. Beth. . . whatcha gonna do?
Arefu, for examples. Barely counts as a settlement, but the basic idea isn't all that bad. A highway overpass is very easy to defend as it's only accessible from one or two directions by nature. As a major settlement, with a market place and a sort of „upper town“ on the overpass itself and farms and slums down below, Arefu could have been quite a neat location.

It apparently used to be bigger then it shrank as all the people folded up their shacks and ran away from the "scary" emo vampires.
LOL u know what would make fallout 4 really gr8?! Marriage options! Dual welding! The leveling up system from Skyrim!! I wanna be the Lone Wanderer again! Daddy? Daddy?! Where are you Daddy?! It's not Fallout without Daddy!

Seriously though, aside from better graphics and a compelling plot, what I would like to see includes:
A deeper companion system.
Game changing choices from the get go.
A faction system that's a little more complicated than just "good vs evil".
A brand new location for the game to take place.
A raider faction.
A Commonwealth presence.
More customization.
A S.P.E.C.I.A.L system that actually matters.
A Wild Wasteland perk for the sillier aspects of the game.
Oh and no random superhero quest this time around, mmkay?
well i think they should split repair into 3 different things

and some kind of armor skill
because repair is just too overpowered
I honestly don't like much realism in games unless they are intended to be realistic like ARMA, I much prefer fun and balance over realism.

What I would like to see implemented is more distinct manufactured weapons (I know in New Vegas they tell you the majority of guns out there are manufactured by the Gun Runners) like in Metro, the guns look very modular and post apocalypse manufactured, if you get my meaning,they look like they have been designed with scarce materials in mind and look very minimalist.

Also, Gunrunner tags would be a nice addition.

its hard to explain what I mean, but here:

These look like they were made Post War, they are minimalist and survivalist.



Whereas these look pre-war and luxurious for Wasteland standards


One last thing, to the survivalist expert.

Wether or not people of modern society are on the IQ level of a brain dead chimp is debatable, apparently.

What makes you think the people of the Fallout world (people surrounded by the red scare, xenophobic till the end, readers of Patriots cookbook and Future Weapons Today, who all have guns on them,and due to the red invasion scare,probably have fired a few shots and learnt a thing or two about their weapons, and don't forget,these are also the people that bring 10mm pistols to work and school (as evidenced by loot) wouldn't have any knowledge of firearms or how to maintain/reconstruct more?

I'm also sure this knowledge would pass down the descendants as it is very useful.

Bows and arrows will NEVER fit well into fallout, and what is the point of a homemade slingshot when you can just chuck some bricks.
AlphaPromethean said:
Bows and arrows will NEVER fit well into fallout, and what is the point of a homemade slingshot when you can just chuck some bricks.
If that was valid logic neither slings nor slingshots would have ever been invented. The point of them is to have more range and faster projectiles.
I think the OP touched on the real issue here - it's not so much a question of whether the food/ ammo would have survived, but why the hell large amounts of are just lying around when they would have picked clean decades ago...
Lyra Heartstrings said:

-Guns > Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifle, Pistol SMG, Grenade Launchers, Gauss Rifle, Rocket Launcer, Mini Gun, etc.. (Weapons using conventional ammunition and rocket propelled grenades. I don't see why you can't fire a Red Glare when you know how to one shot a Deathclaw with the most devastating weapon with a huge recoil that requires a lot of strength)
-Energy Weapons > Laser Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Plasma/Laser Pistol, Plasma Caster, Gatling Laser, etc.. (Weapons using energy cells, mfc, etc to power them)
-Survival (gets a bonus from science)
-Explosives (gets a bonus from guns and science)
-Repair (Gets a bonus from science)
-Hand to Hand (Throwing knives, hammers, wrenches, etc.. Things you can hit an enemy with that's not a gun, explosive or an energy weapon. Unarmed and malee. Sounds like oximoron)
-First Aid (Gets a bonus fom science
-Steal (Gets a bonus from Sneak)
If you impliment Skyrim type, you learn what you do lvling of skills, Fallout loses its game and its taste. I'd dislike if I had to fail over a thousand of speech checks to win a few end game.. Skyrim and Fallout? They are two separate things buddy.. An Iceberg and a volcano..
On the topic of skills, what about an Armor &/or Fashion skill that affects the DR and stat bonuses you get from equipment or something like that.

Also, maybe you could get set bonuses from wearing things that go together, like the T51b armor and helmet, or Suave Gambler suit and hat.
Rontonian said:
On the topic of skills, what about an Armor &/or Fashion skill that affects the DR and stat bonuses you get from equipment or something like that.

-We already have perks like In Shining Armor, Light Touch, etc.. To increase base DR we have Toughness and an Implant (vanilla). If this means that you can get DR from donning a brahmin leather jacket because you have this PERK, I say it's a bad one. You want DR? Get a set of combat armor. The idea of cloth/leather armors to have DR against bullets, shrapnal is so stupid. Low level items should only provide DR against hack and shash attacks and other minimal stuff. Also, DR should apply only to the armored area of the body. Ex- the Black Armor doesn't offer any protection below the waist. If you get shot in the knee by a sniper rifle, your chances of survival are low. Also I'd like to see a faction that has knowledge about Power Armor to the extent that they would know how to disable one without getting a scrach on them.

Rontonian said:
Also, maybe you could get set bonuses from wearing things that go together, like the T51b armor and helmet, or Suave Gambler suit and hat.
-Yeah, good idea. That's something I'd like to see. Also would it be less realistic or over realistic if when you put on a PA helmet, you get the actual view of seeing outside through the eye slits (decreased FOV but sensors capture nearby moving objects/threats). Something like Metro 2033's gas mask? Aaaand oh yeah! WE NEED GAS MASKS!
Dienan said:
Lyra Heartstrings said:

-Guns > Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifle, Pistol SMG, Grenade Launchers, Gauss Rifle, Rocket Launcer, Mini Gun, etc.. (Weapons using conventional ammunition and rocket propelled grenades. I don't see why you can't fire a Red Glare when you know how to one shot a Deathclaw with the most devastating weapon with a huge recoil that requires a lot of strength)
-Energy Weapons > Laser Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Plasma/Laser Pistol, Plasma Caster, Gatling Laser, etc.. (Weapons using energy cells, mfc, etc to power them)
-Survival (gets a bonus from science)
-Explosives (gets a bonus from guns and science)
-Repair (Gets a bonus from science)
-Hand to Hand (Throwing knives, hammers, wrenches, etc.. Things you can hit an enemy with that's not a gun, explosive or an energy weapon. Unarmed and malee. Sounds like oximoron)
-First Aid (Gets a bonus fom science
-Steal (Gets a bonus from Sneak)
If you impliment Skyrim type, you learn what you do lvling of skills, Fallout loses its game and its taste. I'd dislike if I had to fail over a thousand of speech checks to win a few end game.. Skyrim and Fallout? They are two separate things buddy.. An Iceberg and a volcano..

Making skills get a bonus from other skills is an ENORMOUSLY bad idea.
It forces a player to invest into TWO skills. If I wanted a theft-centric character, I'd be pressured into wasting one of my tags into Sneak. Or a medic would be pressured into investing into Science... just unnecessary complexity.