What I want to see implimented.

Less ridicoulosly old food.
Less Ammo
Less weapons
Stronger enemies.
More people, seriously a "settlement" with like 6 people? ridicolus.
Stuff more dependent on your skills, no medicine skill whatsoever? You should not be able to use medicinestuff like stimpaks, and doctors bags, no gun skill? Say good bye to succesfully hitting anything. Or at least severly reduced in stuff. Like that you would only get a limited amount of hp from using medicine stuff on yourself if you have low med skill.
Traders and shop owners with some form of brain. A gun dealer would not pay anything for the wortless pile of shit you just find in the sewers. Gund dealers should be interrested in guns and ammo, doctors in medicine stuff, shop owners should be interrested in most stuff etc. Why the fuck would the gun runners pay me caps for raw meat or spoons? Why would a casino restuarant buy a dussin half-broken rifles? I mean it's stupid.
I want to be able to hire all companions at once.
More people, seriously a "settlement" with like 6 people? ridicolus.
Another one! I'm tired of posting that quote.

They're there. It's game logic. You don't see them for the same reason NCR is only three maps, only has 1 councilor/senator, and only about 40-50 people in its city limits. That's why the Chop Shop in Reno exists, why the bum outside of NCR offers to watch a car for you before you show up in one, and a reason that NCR built a garage in Shady Sands. So to explain "game logic" in this instance, there's nothing precious about building a car of your own if you can steal one – or if somebody else in town has one. Or in the words of one designer (me), "there's no good reason why a PC would want to undertake a fucking huge Fed Ex quest to rebuild one if they can jack one from the locals." The last part is especially true considering town-wide mass murder is possible in both Fallout 1 and 2. And before you get the image of tanks and jeeps flying around everywhere with heavy machine guns mounted on the back, most of that junk is old tractors and crap like taxis, old buses, snowplows, and even old construction equipment. It's possible that mysterious old steam-truck mentioned in the bowels of the F1 data archive is still lumbering around somewhere. The caravan houses of the Hub, in particular, around the time in Fallout 2, have been looking to further its trade influence, and new vehicles (and types of transport, such as trains, boats, or barges) have been eagerly sought after for carrying large amounts of trade goods vast distances. Good ol' human greed will move mountains. Or at least rebuild things that can. Once they learn of the Enclave's presence in the North, they are likely to have huge bounties promised for vertibird plans - or better, a working vertibird.
Several reasons;

1. Engine limitations

2. Time and resources needed to implement.
Plus what is the point of adding loads of characters and places you can not interact with them.

3. Fallout is not Grand Theft Auto.
What I want for future game
1. no auto journal nor quest marker
2. use skill by player's will, not by automatically
3. connected world, not like theme parks of beth(fo3, oblivion skyrim)
4. haggle
5. factions
What I want to see in any future fallout game.

1) No more 200 year old food, or at least limit it in the extreme.
Yes much much less of the pre-war food, it should all be gone since at least 150 years.

I could accept ration packs in Military nuclear bunkers that are nearly intact perhaps being salvageable in places like Svalbard at a real stretch, but in a Subway, Restaurant or House it wouldn't last more than a year or two. Especially when it's in a urban area that would have been picked clean within months of a nuclear war.
Yeah definately less of that as well.

In a Vault I could deal with food reprocessing systems still intact, but even then it would be a serious risk to eating it, if the vault was flooded with radiation.
It should work in most sort of funktioning vaults and similar places.

2) Less ammunition.
Yes yes yes! There is to much ammunition and weapons in the wasteland.

If as it looks like we are going to see a return to the Capital or close areas. I need to know who is producing the chemicals to make Gun Powder a relatively simple compound or Primers for bullets. I can accept some level of reloading and new ammunition production. But not being able to build up a small personal stockpile of several hundred rounds. Hell 10 rounds should make you feel rich for a rifle or a shotgun.
Yes I support.

3) While we are on it less working Firearms, that are not primitive or manufactured in high tech areas.
Yep, it should be much more hand-made bad weapons than pre-war and industrial made.

Right I can accept a few prewar weapons, hell if a Vault has survived unmolested they would have pre-war weapons that where issued to the Vault. And I could accept the odd lucky find in a sealed container in a Police Station, Home, Military stockpile etc. And I do mean a lucky find say a crate of 6 rifles you might be able to piece together a single working weapon.
What I would like to see is less assault weapons, more single shot home made weapons if we insist on using premade rounds. Or say flint lock / electrically discharged weapons that are muzzle or breach loading, that take time and AP to reload.
i would want less weapons as well, expecially early game, some factions though should have access to them quite much in late game so you can get them from there. More use of close-combat weapons.

While I am on it, let's talk about Bows, Cross Bows, slings etc. Let's at least have them, be it a bow made from a scavenged leaf spring using some Steel cable for string, and arrow heads made from recycled cars etc.
That's an awesome idea, bows, crossbows, spears, slings, this is used to little in fallout games, this maybe shouldn't be in use so much in civilized region ssuch as Boston and New vegas so much but definately out in the wastes and among primitive tribes.

Slings are also missing from Fallout, this has to be one of Humanities most basic weapons. It has been in use for millennia and it's also one I have experience with. You can make a very effective one from simple string, You can make one like mine using some string and a bit of leather (any leather will do) and something that fit's in the pouch or even gravel (this is essentially a caveman shotgun, when loaded with gravel), the ammo could be as simple as a rock or nut.
Hell Ammunition could be a craftable idem all you need is a little bit of wet sand or clay, your thumb, and some lead, this method was used in I believe what is modern day Israel / Palestine and has archeological finds of unused casts and used ones with lead spills, and used ammunition that have cast thumb prints on them.
Yep, should be in there.

Now let's go back to bows, the ammunition is not the same. You don't just make a pointy stick aim and fire:
For small game, you use a blunt tip, which is just how it sounds a shaft with flights and shaft no tip.
For game you used a broad head.
For Armoured targets you use a Bodkin.
Different kinds of arrows? Yeah why not.

Also if Crossbows are being made, we can assume they can make Stonebows, if you can't be bothered reading the link it was used to take down small game, it can also be used to take out a man sized target depending on size of projectile and strength of the bow.
Now birds seem to be nearly extinct in Fallout, so it's not going to be common to find feathers to use as flights for arrows, well you can use prity much any reasonably stiff material, leather, rough / waxed fabrics, a leaf. Even untanned hide (skins) that's been waxed can be used (the wax will stiffen it) even a bit of Tree bark.

4) Longer lasting cripples, OK I can accept that a Stimpack will help treat a wound, let's say it's a combination of Antibiotic, Coagulant, Steroid and pain relief. It might patch you up long enough to be able to hobble to a doctor that can give you better treatment. What I refuse to accept it will cure a crippling injury.
Hardcore mode in NV made all that more realistic but i agree that it is still not realistic enough, they should add in a "realistic mode" for stuff like this.

OK you fight off a gang of raiders, but in the process you took a round to the leg, flesh wound but still a nasty one your pissing blood. You use the stimpack in your backpack and it slows down the bleeding, numbs the pain and you think you can get back to the doctor in the last town you where in. It was 5 hours walk an you think you can make it back before you bleed out you wrap a cloth round your leg to steam a little bit of bleeding you have and make your way back towards civilization and just hope the doctor can help you.
To steadily loos life when you are injured might be a plan but take it to ultra realistic might ruin the fun of the game, you should be able to fix yourself if you bring with you the proper tools and medicine equipment and has the skill to use it (read high skill) and all doctors should not be able to cure everything and in some cases it should be quite expensive.

OK so you make it back to civilization, in time and the Doctor stops the nasty infection killing you not just to mention the blood loss, but you have nerve damage and unbeknownst to you a fracture. To move round you need a crutch in the short term and a surgical brace in the long term. Now this is the Fallout universe so I am willing to accept there might just be some medical knowledge that can permanently fix crippling wounds, but it wont be cheep and not every what passes for a "Doctor" will have the knowledge of it.
To walk slower and a bit bad after fixing a crippled injury is more than ok but using crutchesand other stuff seems a bit to much. Good doctors should be albe to fix everything, but to a cost, not as good doctors should not be able to fix everything but at least make sure that you won't die. You should yourself be able to take yourself up to the "not as good" doctor level with perks and medicine skill. Myabe medicine skill makes you be able to fix easy stuff such as stop bleeding, using drugs efficiently fix you up to working shape and then perks and more skill is needed to 1. Be able to use doctor equipment, 2. heal your wounds. But you should not be able to fully perform surgery on yourself.

Let's say, you wake up in the Doctors surgery on his table he can't cure your nerve damage, but he say's the Doc in Huge town can. It will cost you either Your fancy Gun, All your caps, or every damned thing you have on you, to take you to the place that can heal you back to something approaching normal. Some doctors might be able to be talked into doing it for cost by passing a Skill or SPECIAL check, but not all.
OK so 6 months a year down the line, your doing a quest and you step in a old tap or the floor in the old building gives way under the same leg an you badly break it in the same place, it wont heal as well again this time you need a surgical brace etc.
A single stimpack to the wound should not fix a cripple every time.
stimpaks doesn't hela crippled limbs in hardcore mode but i like the idea that all doctors are not as good as everyone else.

This is a ongoing list and is mostly made from things I have been thinking about to improve Fallouts setting. And I will be adding more.[/QUOTE]

Some of this stuff might be added in in the normal game, like weapons and less amoo and stuff but a lot should be in a spearate game mode, maybe hardcore or an even hardcorier.
Extreme ammo scarcity would only work if the game is set earlier in the timeline. On the current point of the story the different societies have already figured out how to produce and mantain their own weapons and ammo.
Extreme ammo scarcity would only work if the game is set earlier in the timeline. On the current point of the story the different societies have already figured out how to produce and mantain their own weapons and ammo.

Yeah sure, but that shouldn't mean that you can find ammo in every litter bin and run-down old house. But even though they could make their own stuff by now why is it so much? I feels that it should be a bit more valuable than it is.

Either eay i want more home-made weapons.
I have lots of things on my wishlist for Fallout 4.

-Stimpaks heal over a small amount of time by default on Normal or Higher (Like in New Vegas's hardcore mode.)
-Majority of Stimpaks are either:Stimpak,Expired or Stimapk,Homemade and heal less than a normal stimpak (Normal Stimpak healing rates are increased.)
-Broken limbs can only be healed by a Doctor or by a Doctors Bag (If you have high enough medicine skill you can fix broken limbs with stimpaks or stimpaks+bandages alone)
-V.A.T.S increases accuracy rather than Critical chance
-Followers deal half the damage on enemies but only take half the damage when hit.
-Amount of Followers is based on Charisma rather than an arbitrary number
-No level scaling (I know it wasn't in New Vegas but if Bethesda is developing Fallout 4 it's likely it will be.)
-Rebalancing of Perks, Intense Training is replaced by Gain Intelligence, Gain Agility, Gain Endurance etc which can only be done once
-Karma system done away with. (possibly)
-Hardcore mode
-On Hardcore mode, opening the Pip-Boy doesn't pause the game
-Return of many weapons from the first two games
-Weapons that have a more "Scavenger"/Survivalist feel to them, like the guns from the Metro series.
-Far more crafting recipes
-The ability to craft guns (Like the Survivalist style weapons I listed above)
-Allow for the ability to change FOV
-Weight capacity is lowered and is more dependent on Strength

-A different engine (Gamebryo is terrible, and the "Creation" engine isn't much better)
-Larger settlements
-More Grass
-No color filter
-Better camera positioning so that playing Third Person is a valid option (I wouldn't do it personally, but I know several people who would love this)

UI/Minor Stuff
-HUD is smaller, less intrusive
-Fades when not in combat, but reappears when you equip a weapon or press a key.
-More songs on the Radio
-Either hire way more voice actors, or keep voices only for important characters and have the speech system be more like Morrowind

Some of these suggestions are features taken from mods, and I'm pretty sure most of my suggestions would scare away/piss off most console players.
-Get rid of the Pip-Boy 3000

-Improve hardcore mode

-make hardcore mode values (slp/h2o/fod) a HUD element, and make them color-coded instead of values out of a thousand -because the idea that my PC has to look at a device to figure out how thirsty he is, and that this device knows how thirsty he is incrementally is stupid

-more grey karma system

-no benefits for clothing except the reasonable, like the tools that would lab coat or repairman's suit

-melee/unarmed that doesn't suck a fat one (special moves in Vegas were a step in the right direction)

-better gunplay
Skill and attribute system that makes an actual feelable difference in gameplay (all around; combat, social, utility). More character centricism over player centricism - with good taste, obviously, but still in a way that the lacks and abundances of the skill/stat are actually something the player can feel.

Ability for straight skill and stat use on items, environment and NPC's (implemented in a way that does not underline the opportunity, but let's the player find out the opportunities himself and allows for failure through RNG - think about the skilldex and dropdown menu from Fallout and Fallout 2). And enough opportunities for this with meaningful outcomes.
I'd like to see an engine that can handle combat better. I love New Vegas, but combat is ridiculously jenky. VATS should be scrapped. And if they're going to go with a FPS, real time combat, then characters should not be able to take multiple shots to the head, being set on fire, pelted with grenades, etc, without flinching.

The old turn based system of FO 1 and 2 was both better implemented and more realistic than anything I've seen come out of a gamebryo engine. I really would not mind at all if they went back to a turn-based style of combat in a decent engine...

Beyond that, I would say a better relationship between SPECIAL stats and skill levels. No more showing the exact level of skill required to pass a speech check; and hard limits on skill increases based on stats - i.e. a low intelligence character should not be able to have 100 in Science or Medicine, a low charisma character should not be able to have 100 Speech, etc. Again, they should really look to FO 1 and 2, which I think handled this much better.

Realistic reputation system - if I encounter a small band from some particular faction in the middle of nowhere and kill all of them (i.e. no survivors, no witnesses), then I should not lose reputation with that faction the way I would if I did the same thing in front of dozens of people. Likewise, people should be NOT willing to kill me for stealing minor or worthless items, especially if I've done a lot of good things for them in the past.
Fallout 2: Mostly i'd like simple changes that would make the game play better. EG Merchants that start with and stay close to their guards rather than rush into combat. Replacing the sub machine gun with a hunting rifle and spare ammo would be a start. Merchants should actually have some stock rather than 250 chips worth of rubbish if they're being guarded by 5 guys with miniguns. I'd like to see some of the stronger perks watered down and some of the poor perks upgraded. I'd like to see exploitable loopholes that get you huge amounts of skill points, cash, XP, etc closed. I'd like the unnecessary traps to be removed. They're pointless once you know they're there and they cause game crashes. All non-NPCs should turn hostile when you attempt to use 'bad' consumables on them, (except for specific game quests).
I generally agree with the OP on this, but would like to add a few more points:

1) No direct connection to previous games. I don't want Fallout 4 to be slightly south of Capital Wasteland, or on Caesar's side of the Hoover Dam. I want to see somewhere we haven't seen yet. Ideally, I'd like to see what happened to that place called "Not America", which never gets as much love as it deserves in games. Seeing Russia or China post-apocalypse could be fun, but unlikely because the idea of a good guy Communist would confuse and frighten the Call of Duty market.

2) Game should be set before FO3 / NV. I'd like Fallout 4 to take place soon enough after the war that people remember what it was like before the bombs fell. I want to see normal people facing the end of the world, and I want to see how they react. I want to see people driven mad with grief and fear; I want the delusional ones who try to pretend nothing's changed. We've had them in FO3 and NV, but it made no sense whatsoever - none of those characters were born when the bombs fell! Hell, their parents probably weren't born then, so why do they even know how to act like pre-War citizens?

3) No Brotherhood of Steel. Don't get me wrong, I love the Brotherhood. I love the Lawful Good East Coast version with the hand-me-down T-45d, and I love the Adeptus Mechanicus wannabies of the West Coast. However, my impression of the Brotherhood as of the "present" is that they have been increasingly hit with the stupid stick. They show little interest in making smart political choices, they refuse to recruit to bolster their numbers despite being sorely lacking in manpower, and they make enemies without even trying... and yet they're surprised when nobody likes them and people actively work to hinder them. The Brotherhood need to be put away and left alone for a while.
So what you want is pretty much a Metro 2033/S.T.A.L.K.E.R game with RPG elements included. The thing is, it would be cool to see the reactions of people who are just facing the war, but it will not be possible to see the outside, so you will literally be either stuck underground in a metro tunnel, or stuck underground in a vault, with small chances to see the outside in a heavy rad suit. On the other hand, it would be cool to make a small DLC which lets you into the life of a vault dweller trying to survive in an experiment/failure.
It would be a greater storyline IMO, if your character, in order to obtain a macguffin that is inside that vault, have to open a vault where the citizens are still living, unaware that the world in breathable and that full societies are outside.

It could open many nice narrative path, that could be influenced by any kind of character you choose to be.
You could kill them, try to convince that you are not a monster, steal the macguffin from them knowing that it would condemn them, bargain it for something that they need, invite them to explore that cave full of deathclaws and radiation, while you invite you own raider buddies in the vault. And many other path...
The ideas in this thread (Old food eaten up notwithstanding) are more geared toward a "hardcore" setting, which most fallout games have tried to implement--with varying degrees of failure. I, for one, don't enjoy playing fallout with weighted ammo, scarce ammo, the need to make quality food, or having to worry about limping to a doctor after firefights.

For me, the Storyline and Companions are the center of this symphony. The survival details of a post-apocalyptic world provide the detailed notes that build the melody, but shouldn't become the main focus (unless, as I previously stated, it was implemented in the hardcore setting).

That being said, here's what I would like to see implemented in F4.

1) Signs of the world advancing (i.e.- through transportation, housing, irrigation, mutated forests...)
If we can recreate a laser Gatling gun, we can probably throw together a microfusion cell-powered car here and there without much of a jump in suspended disbelief.
Firing off rockets, 25mm fully auto grenade launchers, and lasers at bandits from the back of a brahmin-pulled caravan probably isn't necessary at this point. Give me a gocart?

2) Abilities unlocked through skill placement. We saw this on a very small scale back as far back as fallout 2 with an increasing complexity with hand-to-hand combat moves. This same idea could be explored to give specific play-styles distinct advantages (other than slight better use of different weapons and extra conversation unlocks)

This could directly effect how well a player could....

3) Effect the world around you. Have you cleared out a Bison hotel and casino? Great! let the building get cleaned up over time and put to use (not that you would have to have a hand in the cleanup process). By the end of the game, perhaps locations you've encountered early will have discernible advantages or disadvantages because of your actions therein. Did you blow up a building to kill a bunch of bandits, cuz you're chaotic? Ok, the building's gone. Did you establish trade to a settlement? Ok, have a store open up with ammo for sale.

That's all I have for now... let me know what you think!
I want the ability to see dreams, it always seemed strange how you can sleep in the middle of the wastes on a dirty mattress you've found and not see a single dream, also while you're sleeping, there need to be random animals/raiders sneaking up on you. Also, there need to be deceases, walking through a Bethesda raider nest should not be a walk in the park, all that meat should attract all kinds of bacteria, and the raiders themselves are walking breeders.