What I want to see implimented.

old food is one of the stupidest things implemented in the game. Let's say that they haven't deteriorated thanks to whatever chemical stuff they put in those foods. but after all these years one would think that scavengers have picked all of them clean by now, they should be very, very rare but in F3 and F:NV there's plenty of them just scattered everywhere.

Less weapons ? no, but let's say weapons should be hard to find at first levels of game. but I like the variety of weapons in new Fallout games. :3

Stronger enemies and better combat system is also a good thing. the last 2 Fallout games do not have a good combat system and the animations are horrible, I hope they fix this in the next Fallout game to a degree.

I'd say more serious and rugged people instead of annoying cheery people, the wasteland is a harsh place. you might bump into a very few cheerful individuals but overall most people should be serious and harsh. also, they should really make better faces, so far all faces look a bit cartoonish.

Skill system needs an overhaul. medical stuff should require you to have a high medicine skill. no doctor bags or first aid kits if your character has medicine below 40-60. no stimpacks if your medicine is below 30, don't like it? use tribal healing powders :3.

Weapon skills should make weapon handling and aiming harder, at -30 you shouldn't be able to aim at all. at 30-50 your aiming doesn't zoom much and screen should blur areas that are far away, making hitting enemies from afar very difficult. and stuff like that.

Skills should be gained by practicing and using them, much like how Skyrim's skill system worked. more practice at shooting = more skill ups at firearms. killing and doing quests shouldn't reward you with XP, you should get XP by honing your skills. (like Skyrim :3)

this way the player's skill-ups are explained in game. Rather than just leveling up by doing a silly quest and then quickly build up your energy weapon skill, a weapon that you have never used before, you should gain skill in energy weapons by firing some laser pistols OR receive proper training from a trainer, after you gained enough skills you will level up.

better shopkeepers are a must, some stuff should be more worthy to certain individuals and vice versa. if you have a golden gecko pelt you should sell it to a trapper or a tanner rather than a weapon dealer, the weapon dealer should pay you next to nothing for a box of sugar bombs. shop prices should be dynamic depending on the situation of the town the shopkeeper is located in, a famine during certain months of the year should make food prices soar in one region while in another part due to player's efforts there's plenty of food and thus cheaper food prices. :3 this way players can play as a real merchant, buying stuff from where they are cheap and then selling them in places where they pay good caps for them.

Some other Ideas :

Fallout 1 , 2 World Map : This makes random encounters seem more, well, random and unavoidable. plus it allows the devs to cover a wider range of places instead of cramping everything inside a small place.

Less working old world stuff : Alot of years has passed since the great war, scavengers have picked everything clean. you shouldn't see working robots still guarding a factory located just next to a town. or working old world equipment such as computers inside a deserted factory or Vault. until they're located in a really remote place. this is why I say F1 and F2 maps fit the game better, everything in Fallout 3 and NV seem so close to eachother.

minor thing : Less cheesy 50s pop art and more punk, 80s and 90s post apocalypse art. this means more leather jackets and punk style stuff and less 60s influence. :3

more companions, deeper personalities, deeper interactions, and an increase in maximum companions allowed.

companions in F3 looked rather dull and devoid of any real personality, it was improved in NV but there's still room for improvement. Also, We need to have an additional companion slot. 2 seems rather dull.

Wanamingos, We need more Wanamingos, period.

Dreams and Hallucinations as TheChosen1 pointed out.

More strange encounters, and also they should lean more on mysterios and creepy themes. I liked Stalker's theme, it had a certain creepyness to it.

Better models and animations, F3 and NV animations/models look horrid.

Being able to "camp" outside in the wastes and sleep inside the camp. I played Tomb Raider and Red Dead, one thing I liked about them was the integration of camps into the game. your character should be able to make a camp inside the wastes and sleep, upgrade weapons, make food, etc etc. it's kinda silly that your character has to find a campfire in order to cook food, you're a wastelander, you must know how to make a fricking fire and set up a tent by now. My suggestion is to link this idea to survival skill better survival skill means a better camp.

Less F1, F2 stuff injected into the game without regards to the current game situation. One thing I absolutely hated about F3 was how they screwed Harold's lore, It was totally not needed and felt like Beth was trying too hard to make a connection to old Fallout games, NV also introduced Marcus and Jacobstown but Marcus' role was not as memorable as the role he had in Fallout 2.

Dynamic World : your actions should change the area sorrounding the place. did you kill all the farmers inside a farm? cool, but the crops should die the next week. did you save a dying town? the area around it should become much better : more people, better and tidier houses, walls , guards , etc.
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I'd really want to see READABLE BOOKS. I just loved to sit down in TES games and read some books, books that contained lots of lore about the universe the game is set in. It would be awesome addition to new fallout game, to find some poor souls diary , manual for the power armor or just some stories about the world before the bombs.

Ofcourse the skill books would be readable, what about even comics? I always wanted to read grognak the barbarian and other comics in the game.

Minor thing but it would really be awesome for me.
I'd really want to see READABLE BOOKS. I just loved to sit down in TES games and read some books, books that contained lots of lore about the universe the game is set in. It would be awesome addition to new fallout game, to find some poor souls diary , manual for the power armor or just some stories about the world before the bombs.

Ofcourse the skill books would be readable, what about even comics? I always wanted to read grognak the barbarian and other comics in the game.

Yup, readable books were nice. I specifically liked the books that mentioned the plots of previous TES games so I could see what in-universe people had to say about what happened. Of course there were also those humorous books in the games too which were always fun to read.

Funny thing I noticed, there are some people who said there shouldn't be any readable books since it's all fluff. However, those were the same people who complained about lack of lore in said games, completely ignoring the fact that those books in the games contain the lore. :confused:
Rontonian said:
On the topic of skills, what about an Armor &/or Fashion skill that affects the DR and stat bonuses you get from equipment or something like that.

-We already have perks like In Shining Armor, Light Touch, etc.. To increase base DR we have Toughness and an Implant (vanilla). If this means that you can get DR from donning a brahmin leather jacket because you have this PERK, I say it's a bad one. You want DR? Get a set of combat armor. The idea of cloth/leather armors to have DR against bullets, shrapnal is so stupid. Low level items should only provide DR against hack and shash attacks and other minimal stuff. Also, DR should apply only to the armored area of the body. Ex- the Black Armor doesn't offer any protection below the waist. If you get shot in the knee by a sniper rifle, your chances of survival are low. Also I'd like to see a faction that has knowledge about Power Armor to the extent that they would know how to disable one without getting a scrach on them.

Rontonian said:
Also, maybe you could get set bonuses from wearing things that go together, like the T51b armor and helmet, or Suave Gambler suit and hat.
-Yeah, good idea. That's something I'd like to see. Also would it be less realistic or over realistic if when you put on a PA helmet, you get the actual view of seeing outside through the eye slits (decreased FOV but sensors capture nearby moving objects/threats). Something like Metro 2033's gas mask? Aaaand oh yeah! WE NEED GAS MASKS!

I have to say, that I would definitely love to see use of the repair skill as a way of upgrading items. Take some brahmin or bighorner leather and added it to a shady business suit for some extra DR or add Gecko skin to increase rad resistance. It would work similarly to the upgrades you could get for weapons in NV and you could even make it so that lighter armors and heavy armors don't have the same upgrades. Adding leather or Gecko skin to a T-51 armor would be unnecessary however, adding a sensory module to the helmet could increase vats or perception.

I'd really like to see more melee weapons like the one's wee see in NV, but with higher damage output. I remember my first playthrough of NV I thought that a lot of the melee weapons were cool looking and unique but I swear it made the game incredibly difficult to play. On the replay, I swear I used guns and it was far easier. I could usually just one shot most creatures with a sniper rifle, even deathclaw and cazadors didn't have much a chance (the latter I would cripple their wings and kill them.) I just feel like for gameplay purposes, you'd feel more inclined to use the melee weapons if they did more damage or guns didn't do as much damage.
More travelling equipment. Sleeping bags, cooking equipment and the like. Items that tie into the whole Hardcore mode thing.

And vehicles would be nice.
Something else I want to see is the PC getting some sort of mount more than a vehicle. I mean, do you know how badass it would be to ride into battle with a big ass Yao Guai? This works especially well with the friends with animals perk so if you wanted, you could make it a 3rd tier Friends with Animals perk. Cause seeing the antnihilator controlling ants and seeing the Enclave control Deathclaw I would love to see that. I mean an even more interesting concept is if you had a high enough repair and/or science skill you'd be able to reactivate robots as allies. Also some people have brought this up as wll but SPECIAL should effect your skills. I feel like if you have a 1 int you shouldn't be able to get beyond 25 of skills associated to int such as science or medicine.
To be completely honest, I'm not terribly excited for Fallout 4. I mean, it's Bethesda, what can you expect? However, there's plenty of things I'd like to see implemented and improved in Fallout 4, and if even some of these become a reality, it would make me a lot more hyped for the game.
- First of all, the SPECIAL system and overall RPG mechanics of the game. The way Bethesda simplified the system in Fallout 3 to the point where every single character build had the exact same opportunities and game experience quickly killed the fun from any playthroughs beyond the first one. The only stat in F3 that really mattered was Intelligence. Making a successful Sniper character with 1 Perception or a heavy weight champ with 1 Strength isn't my idea of good game design. I want to see the consequences of my character build; if I set my Charisma at 1, I want people to call me ugly and resent me. If I set my Intelligence at 1, I want to talk like an idiot and miss out on quests (bring back Torr-like conversations with other idiots!). One of the biggest reasons why I love the older games is because of how much the game changes with different character builds.
- Second, the story. The direction that Obsidian took with New Vegas was very refreshing. It didn't follow the old, typical RPG formula of encountering a powerful enemy that wants to destroy/enslave humanity and only you can stop it. I also loved the moral choices you had to make (The White Wash and Hard Luck Blues quests for example), that Fallout 3 simply didn't have aside from one DLC. I want Bethesda to continue this style.
- Third, I want more focus on dialogue, quests and character design rather than exploration. Of course exploration is an important part of the game, but Fallout 3 had way too much "go into a cave/building, kill raiders/mutants/robots and find a unique weapon/armor at the end of said cave/building" at the expense of good writing and characters. If I wanted excessive amounts of that kind of exploration, I'd play a TES game. Dialogue and character design in F3 were tolerable at best and downright embarrassing at worst. New Vegas was much better in those elements and I hope Bethesda learns from it.
- Lastly, I want the world to be consistent and coherent. No more people living on a supply of 200 year old food that should have been consumed ages ago, NO locations like Little Lamplight and Big Town etc. Towns and settlements need to be believable and properly thought out, I want people to tell me how they support themselves, how they have managed to survive and create their community and what problems they currently face. Again, this was done very well in New Vegas.
So that's it, those are my biggest hopes and expectations for Fallout 4. There's still plenty of smaller things I'd like to see but I could talk about those forever and I'm too tired to keep typing :lol:.
I still wonder why they fought so hard to buy it in the first place if they don't intend to make an actual Fallout game...