what items (old or new) would you like to see in FO4

woo1108 said:
Dead body of threedog

Okay then:

The Delorean, because when that baby hits 88 miles per hour, we will see some SERIOUS shit.
ludisonmandela said:
try to add something serious to the topic.....
ludisonmandela said:
seriously something interesting that adds to the topic not just some random bullshit
ludisonmandela said:
are you guys going to take this serious?
Try to take the nonsense in stride. I love this forum, but it has its sub-community of users that just love nothing more than trolling topics for kicks, and trolling further if you display a serious temperment that prefers genuine discussion to gimmicky gags. I've been here, before, and really, there's no appealing to their intellects like you'd hope. They wanna kid, they're just gonna kid. Ignore them and move on. =/

As per the topic question... I can't say there are any OBJECTS I'd like to see back in the game, in FO4. Just something less tangible, like QUALITY. I want it to feel like it's not raping my happy love of the series just for Bethesda's wallets' sakes.

-I'd like to see the stats bonuses from equipment, again.
Both the bonuses from equipped items (like lockpicks, first aid kits, etc) from the classic games, as well as from wearable clothing/armor like from the modern games. Just nothing excessive, like what led to Obsidian HEAVILY reducing the stat bonuses in FONV compared to FO3. Being able to upgrade your various performance capabilities on the fly were a great idea, in the various games of the series, but some (mostly FO3) too it too far, and the bonuses didn't always make sense. (Putting on a lab coat shouldn't suddenly make me more medicinally or scientifically inclined. Maybe it came with some tools that helped me out, but improving your abilities with CLOTHES is still a bit of a stretch.) On the other hand, +1 CH makes sense, because if the clothes look good on you, it SHOULD make you more appealing to others, which is what Charisma was all about.

-I'd like Power Armor to go back to being AWESOME to wear, not a trade off.
Give me a really excellent set of armor to equip that reduces my Sneak, not my Agility, and gives me a SUBSTANTIAL Strength bonus, not just +1 or +2. I'm all for having incentive to keep a set of combat armor or even Light armor over Metal Armor or even Power Armor, but I don't like feeling that the trade offs for what should be UPGRADES in physical protection "aren't worth it". That's just approaching armor all wrong.

-I'd like to get Timed Quests and for actions to "cost" Time, as well.
Introducing the concept of constant weapon degradation was a neat idea, and it wasn't absurd to assume that taking 2 jacked-up weapons and dismantling them could be reassembled into 1 slight-less-jacked-up weapon. But being able to do this INSTANTLY? In the heat of a battle? That was all ridiculous. I want Time to be a precious resource, again. Slow down the day-night cycle, but make certain actions take a couple hours, per attempt. Combined with a similar need to Sleep (like FONV's Hardcore necessitated), some players could find themselves LITERALLY tinkering the days away, in FO4. If Quests also came with some Timer to require completion to provide a sense of urgency, this would really introduce all kinds of more interesting dynamics to play, and ACTUALLY provide that "weight to my choices" that Bethesda was aiming for in FO3, to begin with.
more variety of weapons would be really nice so you find many different ones even in low levels
like if you take the good part of fallout 3 and new vegas then you add some entirely new weapons
or some old form fo1/fo2/tactics