Mad Max 2 is a movie. "Mad Max: The Road Warrior". It's probably the most famous post-apocalyptic movie ever made. That said, it's about halfway there in terms of what's fitting the fallout setting.
So... There's still no compelling reason for a wasteland smith to be smithing up swords. If he were making a survival weapon, he'd want an axe. To fight an armored man you want an impact weapon to knock him down and pulverize him, or a heavy spiked weapon to drive the spikes through the armor. The only reason you can damage someone in powered armor in Fallout (2) with a simple blade is the abstraction of RPG combat. In a real situation if someone in Powered Armor was attacked by a sword-wielder he could parry the blows with his "Bare" (metal-shod) hands and snap it in two. Only the sharpest, highest-quality swords, which I guarantee are not what you smith out of old car bits, have any chance of ever cutting through even mundane metals, nevermind 1/2" plate armor designed to ward off 7.62 NATO rounds and worse. Better still have a firearm and engage the armored man from a distance!
Plus, just look through your town's telephone directory, I bet you'll find the ratio of automotive (or other machine) shops is at least 10/1 to places that can smith, most likely 20/1, that is if you even have ANYPLACE that can smith. And as has been said, if you have such tools you can make a gun. From a simple homemade shotgun to a Sten machine pistol, offensive capabilities far beyond the sword are available at the fraction of the cost, both in materials and training.
Unless they are pre-war relics, there will be no swords as we know them in the Fallout universe. Machetes, yes, big knives, yes. Crude sharpened chopping weapons used by tribals, crazies, and other people without access to all but the simples of tools; taking a form dictated by the original metal only because means to re-shape it are not on hand, yes. But NOBODY will be smithing swords.