What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

Houwitzers? Isn't that kinda big?

Maybe a cannon mounted on a brahmin... :P

Actually, I think FallOut has more than enough weapons. It just needs some railgun.
phoenixzs said:
Sander said:
Here's a thought: real-life weapons *do not fit Fallout's setting*.

What does that mean actually?Supposed to be some kind of irony or something?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Fallout takes place in an alternate, future reality, where our real-world weapons (to quote DC Comics Elseworlds) "would not, should not, could not exist."

It might also have to do with the fact that the first Fallout had its own, generic weapons that, while resembling weapons from our world, were not said weapons.
1- if i`m understanding the `portable howitzer` is a heapon with a high recoil sistem, that launch a 75mm shell or missile.... If the weapon is up holded, down charged and the recoil sistem is deirected for the back part of the weapon, down the holder arm, the user of the weapon can shot 1x by min with considerable precision (for this kind of weapon) and will be much effective against tanks....
2-If the three barreled .50 minigun fires REALY fast (2000 shots by min in 3 shots bursts) the recoil only will be given after the bullet is fired ( 0 recoil for the first bullet, until it is on the barrel)... The G11 have this incredible sistem...
3-Railguns, that IS cool, double railguns, sniper-kinda-of railguns, common railguns, mounted railguns, portable railguns... REALY cool...
4- Fallout 3 CANNOT have FN FAL, XL70E3, CAWS, Pancor Jackhammer ... 1These weapons are RL ones\2- In 2242 Someone wil use a FN FAL (wood manufactured), with that terrible look?\3- A XM-8 ( not sugesting to add) is 2x stronger and good looking than that assalt rifle AK-112, with that WEAK fire and terrible look...
Mutateman said:
phoenixzs said:
Sander said:
Here's a thought: real-life weapons *do not fit Fallout's setting*.

What does that mean actually?Supposed to be some kind of irony or something?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Fallout takes place in an alternate, future reality, where our real-world weapons (to quote DC Comics Elseworlds) "would not, should not, could not exist."

It might also have to do with the fact that the first Fallout had its own, generic weapons that, while resembling weapons from our world, were not said weapons.

Hmm okay I thought he was refering to all weapons.

So Simply put an AK-47 has no place in fallout but some gun resembling that can be put,is it so?

And I thought he was refering to my post for smoke grenades and axes.So they are no problem at all since they are "classic"s :D.

And NO! to scalar howitzer.İts already a bit too off the edge for logic for some to carry a huge minigun.But a scalar howitzer is something for mechanised combat for sure.
Poop on a stick, to be wielded like a sword. :D

Kharn said:
alec said:
Nah, same weaponry as Fallout 1. Maybe some more melee weapons. Oh, and more thrown weapons as well (usefull ones).

There's no way to make Thrown Weapons a useful skill, it's a waste of time. It's best left as a fringe-skill and weapon class.

I forgot what they did with it for VB.

I know this post is 2 years old, but I never understood why nobody likes the thrown weapons in the game...

I think theyre just wonderful, Ive only tagged it once in FO2 which was a waste, but I do usually put some experience points in this skill after having raised my small guns to 100%.

Even with like 20% throwing skill, you have a decent chance of catching a few of your enemies in a blast. Grenades are the only weapons that allow you to take on mulitple enemies early on when all your stats/weapons/armor is crap. Just walk up to a bunch of enemies that are all bunched up, (low AP cost for nades allows you to use your APs for other things such as getting close) and blast them with a nade or 2.

If it dosent kill them, It dose soften them up wonderfully. Which other weapon than a plasma grenade enables you to dispose a group of those annoying mantis with only 4 APs?
I was thinking. Swords don't belong in FallOut. Katanas don't belong in FallOut.

But cleavers? Machettes?

I am not talking about perfect swords like in medieval times. I'm talking about metal bars with sharp edges, or just a jagged side..... Found metal objects that have been sharpened. Weapons that have more in common with clubs than swords.

It is a savage weapon that in my idea fits the setting of FallOut....
Gimpster said:
Poop on a stick, to be wielded like a sword. :D

Kharn said:
alec said:
Nah, same weaponry as Fallout 1. Maybe some more melee weapons. Oh, and more thrown weapons as well (usefull ones).

There's no way to make Thrown Weapons a useful skill, it's a waste of time. It's best left as a fringe-skill and weapon class.

I forgot what they did with it for VB.

I know this post is 2 years old, but I never understood why nobody likes the thrown weapons in the game...

I think theyre just wonderful, Ive only tagged it once in FO2 which was a waste, but I do usually put some experience points in this skill after having raised my small guns to 100%.

Even with like 20% throwing skill, you have a decent chance of catching a few of your enemies in a blast. Grenades are the only weapons that allow you to take on mulitple enemies early on when all your stats/weapons/armor is crap. Just walk up to a bunch of enemies that are all bunched up, (low AP cost for nades allows you to use your APs for other things such as getting close) and blast them with a nade or 2.

If it dosent kill them, It dose soften them up wonderfully. Which other weapon than a plasma grenade enables you to dispose a group of those annoying mantis with only 4 APs?

I like throwing weapons and highly disagree that they cannot be made usefull.
They could cause more criticals maybe with hands and such stuff or can be used to disarm somebody.

Well ıf you want to see a "real" example of usefull usage of thrown weapons see Starship troopers scene after somebody asks the drill sergant "Why are we throwning knives" or something :)Thats fantastic scener :D.

By the way I agree that grenades are very good.Especially if they are able to penetrate behind covers if its implented in the third game.
Try this in FO2, Get some frag grenades in the Den, really early in the game, this should be just after you got Vic, him and sulik.

Then attack the slavers, do it from outside of their place and if your 2 followers are positioned right, they should be busy taking care of the outside guards, wait around the exit for them all to try and come out and fight you.

They tend to bottleneck that door, so theyre all standing together in a tight little group, 2 or 3 frags will make mince meat out of them :D (get close before you throw them, so youll have a decent chance to hit).

Also another good use for grenades is, if you can get one of those EMP (Anti-Robot) grenades fairly early on, then you can hit the toxic caves, and if you hit that robot in there once with one of them he is pretty much screwed (sometimes he survives it with like 4-5 HP)
The trouble with throwing weapons has always been too little return for an entire skill. IIRC in VB they were going to combine the throwing with melee or unarmed or all three together.

If you've got reasonable perception, agility and strength you don't need a skill for throwing.

Likewise if you've got good science and small/big guns then you don't need an energy weapons skill. Though that's a whole other argument.

Throwing attacks have always been attacks of opportunity (bunch opponents or stealth kill) or the last resort (run out of ammo, gotten ambushed).

It's not so much the weapons but the skill.
Well, its defenitly not as usefull as the 3 gun skills, specially since you still have a decent chance of catching your enemies in a grenade blast, even when the hit probabilty indicator thing is way down on like -20%.

So the skill itself is probably not as usefull as the grenades.

[EDIT]: I have an idea for a weapon, Elephant Gun:

This idea is similar to the musket idea someone else had, perfect to fire black powder cartridges, specially with monsters like super mutants and deathclaws around.

Of course, theyre pretty rare weapons to get, so probably not very realistic, but then again not many fallouty weapons are.
For your viewing pleasure, this is apparently a 4 gauge Snyder round (.998 inch):

Im thinking of putting the smaller .600 Nitro Express rifle in my mod of FOT.
These guns are from early 1900s, so they are defenitly pre-50s for those of you who dont like newer RL guns in Fallout.

PS.Remember that graboids movie (Tremors?) with Kevin Bacon and the other guy and the big monsters coming out of the ground and eating people?

Yeah, that scene where the monster breaks into the survivalist guys gun room? That big rifle (looks like a double barreled shotgun, but its a rifle) he grabs in the end and blasts the thing with, thats an elephant rifle. :twisted:
I was thinking about post-apocalyptic worlds, and there would be large amounts of scrap-metal out there...

Wouldn't it make sense if people would pick up the idea to sharpen metal bars or thin sheets of metal?

Think about crude sword-like weapons. However, they aren't nice and sharp, they are jagged, crude objects, more like a sharp-edged club...

Graphically, think about orc swords from Tolkiens stories...




They would primarily be used by tribals and people from small villages.
For fuck's sake, why don't people read these threads?
Metalwork is a tough thing to do without proper technology, and even tougher without a reliable source of iron. Furthermore, there's a reason why axes got used a lot more as weapons than swords: swords cost a lot more metal to make.
I wouldn't like fallout having swords or stuff like that..stuff found in garbage piles (a wrench or a big screwdriver) would be more like it. No katanas or throwing axes for gods sake.
Sander said:
For fuck's sake, why don't people read these threads?
Metalwork is a tough thing to do without proper technology, and even tougher without a reliable source of iron. Furthermore, there's a reason why axes got used a lot more as weapons than swords: swords cost a lot more metal to make.

This is medieval technology were talking about, all you would need to get get most metal alloys red hot and soft enough to be pounded into shape is 1. charcoal, 2. a bellow or if you have electricity (maybe a generator + gas) any good fan or even a good blowdryer would do.

In a post apocalyptic world there would be an abundance of metals everywhere, from buildings, cars you name it.

The ghurkas sometimes make theyre khukuri knives from from leaf springs taken from the suspension of trucks:

Back in medieval times they had these broadsword type things, with only 1 sharp side, which were heavier and thicker than most swords, probably because of lower quality steel used in them and because of the extra weight would eliminate the need for special training with them.

You would just whack your enemy with it, just like you would while swinging a club/stick, only instead of blunt force trauma you would inflict a nasty cut on your target.

These were then issued to untrained troops, militias/peasent soldiers. I cant for the life of me remember what they were called, I thought "rapier", but that wasnt it. I think theyre actually called cleavers, but Im not sure. They look alot like long heavy machetes with a sharp point.

EDIT: Remebered what theyre called, apparently its Cutlass:

Wikipedia said:
Best known as the sailor's weapon of choice, the naval side arm, likely because it was also robust enough to hack through heavy ropes, canvas, and wood. It was also short enough to use in relatively close quarters, such as during boarding actions, in the rigging, or below decks. Another advantage to the cutlass was its simplicity of use.
Gimpster said:
This is medieval technology were talking about, all you would need to get get most metal alloys red hot and soft enough to be pounded into shape is 1. charcoal, 2. a bellow or if you have electricity (maybe a generator + gas) any good fan or even a good blowdryer would do.
And an anvil, smith's hammer, knowledge of smithing (yeah, guess how much that sticks around after a world with luxuries gets destroyed) and, again, a source of easily useable metal.

Gimpster said:
In a post apocalyptic world there would be an abundance of metals everywhere, from buildings, cars you name it.
Ehe. Most of it being aluminium and other useless metals. The ones that you might be able to use would preferably need to be purified as well.
And again: this bypasses the point of axes and the like being pretty much just as effective and a shitload easier to make.

Gimpster said:
The ghurkas sometimes make theyre khukuri knives from from leaf springs taken from the suspension of trucks:

Back in medieval times they had these broadsword type things, with only 1 sharp side, which were heavier and thicker than most swords, probably because of lower quality steel used in them and because of the extra weight would eliminate the need for special training with them.

You would just whack your enemy with it, just like you would while swinging a club/stick, only instead of blunt force trauma you would inflict a nasty cut on your target.

Gimpsters said:
These were then issued to untrained troops, militias/peasent soldiers. I cant for the life of me remember what they were called, I thought "rapier", but that wasnt it. I think theyre actually called cleavers, but Im not sure. They look alot like long heavy machetes with a sharp point.

EDIT: Remebered what theyre called, apparently its Cutlass:

Wikipedia said:
Best known as the sailor's weapon of choice, the naval side arm, likely because it was also robust enough to hack through heavy ropes, canvas, and wood. It was also short enough to use in relatively close quarters, such as during boarding actions, in the rigging, or below decks. Another advantage to the cutlass was its simplicity of use.
Now look up something on what was actually used in medieval times, and note that swords were *not* common at all.
Spears, axes, hammers, farming tools etc. were much more common because they had other uses and/or were a lot cheaper and easier to make, costing much less metal.

Hence that's what gets used most in a post-apocalyptic environment, not swords.
No actually, not nearly "most" of the metal objects we have lying around are aluminium.

And no you dont need an anvil, any hard flat surface will do, of course an anvil is better. No need to purify anything, most kinds of steel out there are hard enough to make good knives/swords. Compared to midevil steel, theyre more than excellent. And no you most defenitly dont need any special hammer. I once saw a documentary of an afghan gun smith, he made beautiful bolt action rifles (I think enfield copies), he had no anvil, he put the guns on the floor and banged on them with a hammer. He made AK parts by putting this template type thing over sheets of metal and then banging the shape out.

Any knowledge you couldnt get from books, you can learn by trial and error, this is not rocket science.

If you can forge an axe blade, you can forge a sword, difference being more metal (plenty of that) and swords being more effective.

Farming tools were probably used by farmers who had to fight, but not by soldiers. The best weapons of those times was the sword.
The reason not everyone got one was the high cost. In a world full of scrap metal, making a sword would not cost much at all. You would not even have to forge one, you could easily find yourself a suitable piece of metal and sharpen it with a heavy duty file.