Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Eh, map splitting worked in isometric games but in FP it'll look a bit cheesy and disjoined.
I don't really see how it'd work there but not here. No different in practice than traveling to DLC locations or going through any door (other than the map travel part, of course, which could basically be handled via a cutscene). I'd find it much less disjointed than the current way of safe passage through pipboy "teleportation" (I know it wants to pass off as walking the distance since time passes, but that's not how it feels since time makes no difference anywhere and it's completely safe as opposed to manual traveling).
Wasn't it actually 15 month for FNV? But I was talking about Fallout 2, less than year!
I remember Sawyer saying it was 18 months. And yeah, I misread the Fallout 2 part.