Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Yes, there are new ones for the new weapons, levelup, your turn, AP refreshed, clicking on arrows in character screen etc. 

Surf Solar said:-Small Guns/Big Guns/Energy Guns have been merged to the "Firearms" Skill.
(...)Every Weapon can be used (with SPECIAL requirements ofcourse), so take your pick!(...)
-The Unarmed and Melee Skills are now merged into the "Close Quarter Combats" Skill.
Surf Solar said:Heh, why? There are 1-2 energy weapons for example, only reachable at the endgame. Would you put points into a skill which is useless throughout the major part of the game?![]()
Surf Solar said:Yes, in my book, Unarmed/Melee doesn't make much sense to be seperated... This always puzzled me, why do I have to invest in two seperate skills when I want to play a CQC character?
a.k.a "dumbing down". And that's the only real reason to merge those skills.
from adding low tier energy weapons for instance (things like home-made stuff, broken down/damaged stuff, old weaker protoypes, etc, etc, up to the bigger, better and shinnier ones). It just needs a bit more work, imagining and dedication that's all.
Surf Solar said:a.k.a "dumbing down". And that's the only real reason to merge those skills.
But that's just not true.As I said, I consider heavy military weaponry (miniguns, rocket launchers etc) aswell as energy weaponry as, well, highly advanced military stuff.
Surf Solar said:The mod plays shortly after 2077, not in the far too long feature, some old military organisations are still around and there is no chance for the player to get this equipment, as (s)he is a "civilian", no chosen one, no vault dweller.
Surf Solar said:It focuses on selfmade weaponry, not high tech stuff. But I don't want to remove it completely, stuff like miniguns etc can be obtained in the very endgame.
Surf Solar said:That's why the skills are merged to Firearms, to not have Big Guns or Energy Guns useless through 95% of the game (...)
Surf Solar said:(...)and/or destroy the early image of a fucked up world without high tech stuff everywhere.
Surf Solar said:That's why it got merged, not because out of laziness. If I'd be lazy, I could have just let these skills ingame and let people play a broken game where a skill is completely useless through most of the game. Now, with changed STR Requirements and other stuff I added, they are balanced within the Firearms skill.
Surf Solar said:from adding low tier energy weapons for instance (things like home-made stuff, broken down/damaged stuff, old weaker protoypes, etc, etc, up to the bigger, better and shinnier ones). It just needs a bit more work, imagining and dedication that's all.
When imaging things where lasers and/or even plasma rays come out, my mind just screams "no!" - I consider it as something only the military uses, not something which can be easily scrapped together with some spare junk parts at home.
Surf Solar said:I know what you mean with "dumbing down" stuff, but here I can't really see some dumbing down. As for melee/unarmed it is debatable and I agree on some of your points.
Surf Solar said:The merge will stay.
Surf Solar said:but I'll do a bit tweaking around some new skills.
Surf Solar said:Some small update.. After replaying Icewind Dale (not related to What Remains ;D ) I was impressed by the sounddesign in there and wanted similar stuff for my mod. So I completely removed all the music and sfx, and added "hotspots" to the maps, depending if player walks over hex xy, an fx from the maps pool is played, to make the enviroment appear more natural and dynamic. I've broken all music tracks down to dynamically playable patterns aswell, so now you have drones played where it's appropriate, synthesizer/ambient pads etc. The game also watches if it's night or day and plays different fx/music depending on other variables too (is town destroyed/not destroyed, etc). No more static sound on the maps.![]()
Aqui said:Good luck in not making it fallout 3'ish, heh
Gotta hoard up a mighty large sound database for that so it doesn't sound like a record gone on the loop.
Aguirre said:I really dig the idea of a chapter 0!
So I would say chapter 0 then the whole game, but on the other hand don't forget to tease us from time to time![]()
Aguirre said:As I'm not a fonline player, I'm very curious to see what the fonline engine could bring to a solo game (the future of modding maybe?)
Bullshit. Jagged Alliance 2 has only leadership, marksmanship, explosives, mechanics and first aid as trainable skills. Everything else is handled by the equivalent of traits. And I dare you to say JA2 is dumbed down compared to Fallout well in terms of combat anyway.x'il said:As i see it (and i've seen it before), that's not really a valid argument, it's just merely an excuse to both simplify things for the mod or game makers (lazy, lazy), and allow the player to use any weapon without any specialization sacrifice or penalty: a.k.a "dumbing down". And that's the only real reason to merge those skills.
Actually that's a good idea, though I'd call it the communication skill, I mean how are you meant to be good at bartering if you are not very good at communicating? As you point out yourself energy weapons are so common place they make civilian models, they can't be that difficult to operate in that case. Certainly not so much that they would need a separate skill.x'il said:Likewise, all speech, barter, whatever could be merged into "Personality Skill"|
But you see unarmed combat is not a fancy martial art in Fallout (FO2 being the exception) and melee combat isn't fencing it's pugilism, it's brawling. In that sense holding a pistol is significantly different than holding a rifle but combined into one skill.Bableves said:I can see the point x'il is making and I have to add that fighting with your fists (and feet for that matter) is significantly different than fighting with a knife (or a sword), so making it two different skills is perfectly valid in my book.
This is where I agree with x'il the closer to 2077 the more likely there are working energy weapons, powerful prewar military regular weapons and combat/power armour to be salvaged. And far less low powered antique replicas or makeshift weapons, since most of them were manufactured by the Gun Runners and Brotherhood post war and most vaults are still sealed shut.Surf Solar said:The mod plays shortly after 2077, not in the far too long feature, some old military organisations are still around and there is no chance for the player to get this equipment, as (s)he is a "civilian", no chosen one, no vault dweller.
The other way to go with this is to raise the maximum skill level and rebalance the formulas, for instance the skill limit is over three hundred in Fallout iirc so a small guns skill of one hundred is equivalent to thirty percent in FNV. Raising the maximum limit also makes it easier to balance if you decide to raise or not have a level cap.Surf Solar said:As a result to the removal and merging of skills, ofcourse the maximum amount of skillpoints would be too high, only leading to Jack-of-all-Trades Characters. So the amount of skillpoints to raise your skill per level has been reduced. This will need some finetuning later to not make it too harsh, ofcourse.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:Bullshit. Jagged Alliance 2 has only leadership, marksmanship, explosives, mechanics and first aid as trainable skills. Everything else is handled by the equivalent of traits. And I dare you to say JA2 is dumbed down compared to Fallout well in terms of combat anyway.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:Actually that's a good idea, though I'd call it the communication skill, I mean how are you meant to be good at bartering if you are not very good at communicating?
requiem_for_a_starfury said:As you point out yourself energy weapons are so common place they make civilian models, they can't be that difficult to operate in that case. Certainly not so much that they would need a separate skill.
JA2 is though a great example of it's not the amount but what you do with them. The mod doesn't need to rework Fallout to be more tactical but with a reduced skill set it can concentrate on getting the best out of those skills used.x'il said:JA2's system is not Fallout's system, not to mention the fact that FO has next to zero tactics compared to JA2 and i seriously doubt this mod in question is going to rework the whole of FO to a more tactical one.
You're expecting a bit much from a single person aren't you? I don't see Surf Solar's reasoning as lazy but realistic in not biting off more than they can chew.x'il said:If you had understood what i was coming from with my posts on this subject you would see that what i was talking about is the fact that this is an FO mod, a mod of the old Fallouts (despite the new FOnline engine being used), so changing the skill system by reduction when it could be left well enough alone as it is and be actually improved by seizing the opportunity to make proper use of those neglected skills through a bit of careful work and imagination, is well, lazy,
Now you're being facetious barter and speech are closely related skills, speech and science aren't. If you are no good at speech "The ability to communicate in a practical and efficient manner." then how are you good at bartering? That's one of the main problems with the skills in SPECIAL, there are either not enough or too many, you'd expect a Doctor to be knowledgeable about first aid. But would someone trained with pistols be as good a shot with a rifle? You either need to split all the skills up, a pistol skill, an smg skill, bolt-action rifle, semi-automatic rifle, poker, craps, tracking, water conservation, camouflage etc. Or you merge them. Merging isn't automatically dumbing down just because you give the player less choices to spend skill points on doesn't mean that under the hood it still can't be complex. As I gave in my example you use science to maintain energy weapons but marksmanship to aim. This both gets rid of redundant skills and also boosts the usefulness of secondary skills.x'il said:Indeed, and it also would be good to merge that communications skill with all things knowledge-related; science, repair, doctor, etc, after all, they're all mental stuff right? it would be called "Mental (or Mind) Skill", as opposed to "Physical Skill" which would include, you know, all things physical. A 2-skill FO, how awesome is that? Rolling Eyes Simplification can explain everything away...