Residential Zealous Evolved Nano Organism
Looks like you're describing Fo1-2's system! ;P
Looks like you're describing Fo1-2's system! ;P
Not exactly. In Fallout 1 and 2.
We only had specific resistances and DT.
Like laser 90% DR and 15 DT.
My system adds another layer between them. Unless, it is kinetic force than it works the same. It is similar, but much better than shitout 3 and 4 .
Oh! So you want DT, DR, AND specific DR's?
Hmmm, that could work, but it seems like it adds a layer which doesn't do much...
Well, lets be fair here.
Of course a plasma rifle should do more damage than a hunting rifle...
Making them 'balanced' is like saying there should be a mechanic which makes leather armour comparable to power armour, because 'lategame, leather armour became obsolete'...
That is not what I want. It is still just a suggestion.
You are free to completely ignore it.
I just wanted to keep power of the weapons without just giving them more damage.
It made sense to me, if you put a protective layer it should work on it's own.
I like the individual armour pieces and the mix-and-match system like they used in Morrowind, but they somehow managed to make most armours look pretty terrible. Especially combat armour looks useless at best and completely terrible at best. Super clunky. The Marine armour in Far Harbour is even worse than normal combat armour.
Who thought that this was a good idea?
This looks almost as big as a power armour...
That's why I'd rather The Witcher 3 armor system instead of Morrowind, looks more immersive that way. In FO4 armor pieces are simply too small or too big.This looks almost as big as a power armour...
The system can work out totally fine, but Beth went all "HEY FALLOUT TAKES PLACE IN THE 50s EVERYTHING IS SUPER THICK SHEET METAL SO COMBAT ARMOUR MUST BE LIKE 500 TONS RIGHT". There are a lot of armour mods that look absolutely fine and work well with that system... But that usually requires people with a sense of taste and aesthetics.Well, Bethesda are not that passionate about their work, who'd guess that. And they fired people responsible for armor design in Skyrim. How else it's possible to explain that bullshit.
That's why I'd rather The Witcher 3 armor system instead of Morrowind, looks more immersive that way. In FO4 armor pieces are simply too small or too big.
Well, PS4 players stuck with default armor. And Bethesda's lack of sense of taste didn't find it's way out in Fallout 3 and Skyrim, things went retarded in FO4, when it become necessary to properly adjust armor pieces toghether into a not weird looking piece of plates.The system can work out totally fine, but Beth went all "HEY FALLOUT TAKES PLACE IN THE 50s EVERYTHING IS SUPER THICK SHEET METAL SO COMBAT ARMOUR MUST BE LIKE 500 TONS RIGHT". There are a lot of armour mods that look absolutely fine and work well with that system... But that usually requires people with a sense of taste and aesthetics.
NV's damage mechanics, while still nowhere near as good as Fallout 1-2, was stupidly more dynamic, even moreso with the ammo types.
You mean the AP rounds that didn't work?![]()
wut? Which AP round that didn't work? So far I used 5.56, SWC .44 and 357, Flechette, and they seemed to work fine. Is it .308 or .50?
Anyhow, yes, the armor in 4 are godawful, with Leather heavy armor with studded mod for maximum DR and ER made you look like some fetishboy into BDSM.
Heavy Metal Armor was 'meh' until you looked at the shoulders and back of the torso. The Shoulder armor on heavy made you look like a wannabe-saiyan, and the torso armor in the back has some kind of rolled up thing on it, which looks so out of place. The Tire as well looks fucking stupid and I was hoping Heavy Armor would get rid of it. Suggestion: Use Medium armor for the arms, feels not as stupid.
Heavy Combat armor is eesh all around. The Torso's back armor made you look like a turtle, and the paintjobs on the upgrades made it even worse, like the polymer upgrade suddenly made you wear white fucking armor. Someone made a carbon steel mod for the combat armor to make it less "jesus fucking christ", but it's still bleh because of the overall design.
Heavy Synth Armor is bad. Just plain bad. Makes no sense in use, and the arms and legs are fucking idiotic. Field Helmet with the right mods looks dank, tho.
Marine armor is stupid, period.
The AP rounds in F2 and maybe F1 aswell? didn't work properly so they were pretty much useless unless you patched the game. The unofficial patch fixed it.
You mean the AP rounds that didn't work?![]()