What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

Fallout 4 Fanboy
"You. Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no role-playing!" and "Todd Howard lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly. You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority. I don't feel awkward or anxious playing Fallout 4 around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been made for us - and it IS beautiful.
Huh. Those beautiful rehashes from Fallout 3, the magnificient 30FPS cap and bad optimization. Those BRILLIANT designs. Yeah. Either this guy haven't played many games, or any at all. Never even see any good movies, books or anything at all. Maybe he has always lived in a damp basement all his life, so this is incredible. He must be blind and deaf too, apparently.
They talk about others trashing Fallout 4 and attempting to chastise other people for disliking it, is doing the exact same thing back.
Here's a good one: some guy saying how Obsidian are bad because people like them more than Bethesda.

Fuck Obsidian fanboys, they make 1 good game and then people jiz over them. Fallout 4 is better than New Vegas but there too blind with nostalgia to see it.

Blind with nostalgia? From what? A 5 year old game? Does he mean the old games? Do they know the old games exist?
I have to be honest here surely anyone can pick that Fallout 4 is missing features and on the whole seems to gone downhill compeared to NV. I mean serisouly if you just compear the last fallout game NV to fallout 4. You can clearly see the game has moved backwards in so many ways. Like seriously some one needs to a side by side compression I mean seriously.

Some examples ;

Karma systems - Yeah fuck any sort if morals bad good whatever. You can only be good or bad in one DLC LOL
Reputation systems - Yeah fuck that that aswell do what ever to botherhood of steel they will still let you wipe their arse
Quest in general - Most of the quest are not good as NV or even fallout 3 period
Dialogue - Yup voiced characters , say what you will about it but generally having the voiced two characters has killed dialogue
Replay ability- Because of the voiced character , yeah probably not alot

I literally getting boarded now

I think a better way to thing of the question is not what was weak about fallout 4 but what in fallout 4 was actaully better than in any other fallout game ?

Settlement system ?
Gun modding system ?
PA and PA modding

Yeah and that literally it. There is nothing that fallout 4 stands out as being different or adding to a fallout game so yeah there it is
Probably not a very funny back and forth, but I'm having one with an apologist at the moment.


What is funny is this person recognizes me from slamming Skyrim years ago on GameBanshee, and seems to think it's all blind hate. We'll see how it goes from here.
Probably not a very funny back and forth, but I'm having one with an apologist at the moment.


What is funny is this person recognizes me from slamming Skyrim years ago on GameBanshee, and seems to think it's all blind hate. We'll see how it goes from here.
I'm coming there with the increased price argument, let's see how he handles scams
Why the fuck are they demanding you uninstall New Vegas?

New Vegas is a brilliant game, so why would anyone judge you for playing it?

It was even better, he was demanding everyone who has fallout New Vegas uninstall it and play Fallout 4.
Huh. Those beautiful rehashes from Fallout 3, the magnificient 30FPS cap and bad optimization. Those BRILLIANT designs. Yeah. Either this guy haven't played many games, or any at all. Never even see any good movies, books or anything at all. Maybe he has always lived in a damp basement all his life, so this is incredible. He must be blind and deaf too, apparently.
That is why I think many people who worship Fallout 4 today will change their minds in a couple of years. It is all shiny and they don't know better, but after they grow up a bit they will realise how bad it is.
I said it before but it fits here too:
I have seen people who played FO3 first and they considered it a masterpiece of a game, but after a few years they totally changed their minds and saw how it wasn't this masterpiece they thought it was (even if some still like the game, they just don't love it like they did). I never saw anyone who loves the classical Fallouts or NV change their minds yet.
Many already did, isn't Fallout 4 compared to Skyrim on steam the game with the lowest players right now?
Many already did, isn't Fallout 4 compared to Skyrim on steam the game with the lowest players right now?
Yep, Skyrim still has more players playing it on steam than Fallout 4.

Also it is quite interesting that Skyrim always maintained a quite stable number of players (although slowly declining a tiny bit since launch, which is normal), but Fallout 4 lost more than half the steam players in less than one month and never recovered the number (or even remotely close) :shrug::
It's not Fallout related or posted in any Bethesda fansite. Quite contrary, it's from the CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077 subforum.
I think you're confusing the quality of dialogue, characters and writing rather than pure mechanical open world design which Bethesda are the kings of. Rockstar style of NPC interaction for an rpg imo isn't immersive enough. In Rockstar games or even the Witcher 3 for that matter it all looks like nice movie set. You can't actually talk with most NPC in the world, you cant pick up stuff from the ground, you can't sit on chairs, etc.. Dont forget all NPC in Bethesda games have daily routines and actually do stuff when you're not there. Name one game that has this because I can't name any that aren't Bethesda games. All Bethesda is missing is good writing and more depth in actual rpg mechanics. This is exactly what Fallout New Vegas did and it ended being up be one of the best rpgs of this current decade even though its running on a shitty engine.
NPCs in the Witcher 3/Rockstar games are even more robotic and set piece like lol. All of your criticism for Bethesda are more geared towards CDPR/Rockstar open world design which is very movie set like.
I completely disagree wtih you both saying Witcher 3/Rockstar open world style is better and more advanced its actual more primitive and lifeless in terms of its design compared to Bethesda games. Nothing happens in the world, enemies are always arranged in identical encounters and stick to one spot on the map (you will always encounter the same configuration of neekers or ghouls or wolves, etc. it's very predictable and repetitive). The NPCs themselves are window dressing, they don't do anything and they're not important. There's no activities or interaction in the game besides Gwent and fist fighting. Inns, taverns, etc. are pointless. Dont forget you rob villagers and guards dont even bad an eye yet Oblivion did proper crime system 11 years ago with more advanced systems than the Witcher 3. Like a I said before it feels like movie set rather than really world like Mojave wasteland or Skyrim. CDPR is still behind Bethesda in terms of open world design which is forgiven since its their first open world game.