What weapon do you think fallout is missing the most?

Kan-Kerai said:


Dead ringer, huh? Just put a clip in the XM109 and flip the Bozar's bipod down.
i always got a laugh out the fact that the artist didn't recognise that the black underpiece was actually a folded bipod.

anyhow, the gun looks like a totally hardass sniperrifle, but instead they turned it into (arguably) the best machinegun in game... *sigh*

Kan-Kerai said:
a 10x scope (compared to none)
isn't 14x standard on the Barrett?
Kan-Kerai said:
I think that Fallout needs a ray gun like the one in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.
I think that oryginal ray guns don't fit the Fallout settting - all Fallout ray guns are "powered" by modern pulp science (laser, plasma rifle, pulse rifle) and aren't very similiar to 50s Atom Blasters, Atom Rifles, Atomic Desintegrators, Atom Rayguns, etc.

Kan-Kerai said:
Also, more pistols and low-power rifles. And needs more improvised melee weapons.
More pistols and rifles would be more realistic. It's weird that almost everyone have Colt pistols and Colt hunting rifles.
After this im gonna stop derailing.

Kan-Kerai said:
Argonnot said:
Actually, the Boys has A higher Muzzle Velocity.
a 10x scope (compared to none), and better penetration (The Boys can penetrate 20mm of armor at 90m, a Barrett can do the same at 250m). They're not "pretty much the same weapon".

The Boys had the option of a scope. Although since most combat In WWII took place in less then 300 meters, only anti infantry snipers chose to use them. In 1944, using new Tungston rounds, the Boys could penetrate armour thicker than 20mm, but this round never saw action, as the nazi's had been defeated by that point, and Japanese tanks used much thinner armour.

Placing a modern .55 calaber round, or a .50 cal round with a .55cal sabot(sp?) will yeild similar resuslts to that of the Barret, not that you'd want to, because it kicks like a mule (It gained the nickname "Angry Bugger" by a few british and austrailian platoons)

Anyway, off derailment. I would have liked to see gamma ray guns from the old comics in fallout. Preferably the ones that made things either reallly big or really small (I.E. Making somethings insized big so they burst out its skin, killing it, or somethign so small it no longer is a threat.) Although I dont think such things would fit into the fallout atmosphere, or its Science.
Nukes anyone? :twisted: I'd love to see Vault City surviving that :twisted: Bring 'em down to the level of the wasteland 'cept the rest of us geta 120 odd year headstart :roll:

And hey! We would get a brand new generation of ghouls :D :lol: :P :shock:
There were nukes. You just couldn't carry them around.

Fallout 1 had two nukes, one in the military base and one in the Master's vault, if I recall correctly.

Fallout tictacs used one near the end I believe. Though that's not really part of the discussion I guess.
i would like to see some mukes in the next fallout such as the suitcase nuke.

(i am pissed while writing this so please don't flame me)
Yeah, why not... let's totally not make the game balanced...

Can you imagine it... you have a quest to kill someone in a highly guarded building, where you can only enter if your speech is very high and you're lucky or when you use the quicksave/load function a million times to enter it Rambo style or the sneaky way... but wait, why not just put a nuke next to the door and blow the whole town to smithereens...

i can honestly say the game didnt NEED more weapons, but a larger vriation in makeshift weapons would have been fun, simply because it would have done more to emphasize the fact that people struggle to get by and work with very minimal resources.

maybe more sprites for each gun that could be randomized?
that would be interesting
I think that the sameness of the guns was a big issue with immersion -raiders in a wasteland.. and gods knows why; they're all equipped alike like some modern millitary force. There should have been dozens more of each type of gun, even if they're more of less similar.
Fallout has the Desert Eagle -and you would encounter them in bulk where you were supposed to encounter "dudes with heavy pistols". Instead, have one with a .357, one with a .44 S&W, one with a Desert Eagle, another Deagle with a long barrel (It IS a popular gun), a .44 Automag, and the leader should carey a .475 Wildey Magnum (most powerful pistol in the world). You get the picture. Also, this throws the player a curve ball; since the somewhat-alike pistols have slightly different aspects (power, magazine capacity, ability to penetrate body armor, etc.) the player no longer knows exactly what his foe is after he kills one.

Admitedly there were enough SMGs in Fallout 2 that this could happen in places (I think the Vault 15 raiders exibited some good variety amongst their arms), but everything was earily alike.
Lord 342 said:
sure, it'd be more 'realistic'. but is that really necessary? inventory scrolling took long enough as is. i dont really need 20 new types of pistols of more or less equal level.

Lord 342 said:
.475 Wildey Magnum (most powerful pistol in the world).
not anymore

and need i remind you that FO should have generic guns, not specific modern weapons from this day and age? the desert eagle was a brainfart really, if you compare it to the other guns.
The only "weapon" Fallout is missing, is a Swiss knife. You know: one of those MacGyver knives.

Equip it and voilà: +10% to your Outdoorsman skill!
Ain't that nice? Plus, you can use it to dismantle traps with and you need it if you want to skin geckos. You can also use it as a crude lockpick, but then it comes with a +10% chance of a critical failure (critical failure: Swiss knife gets broken).
Stuff like that.
I was just thinking about this, what Fallout really needs are bolt action rifles. Mosin Nagant is like the bolt kalashnikov, it's so common, and cheap, it just needs to be in there. Maybe allow bayonet and scope fixtures as well, eh?

EDIT: And take out the Desert Eagle, that gun is a piece of crap. Replace it with something stronger, like this bad boy
Raid said:
Replace it with something stronger, like this bad boy
oh yeah, replacing a holywood hype badass target pistol with a S&W .500 that's even LESS practical and even HARDER to find.

not to mention it's not generic at all... :roll:
Lord 342 said:
I think that the sameness of the guns was a big issue with immersion -raiders in a wasteland.. and gods knows why; they're all equipped alike like some modern millitary force. There should have been dozens more of each type of gun, even if they're more of less similar.
Fallout has the Desert Eagle -and you would encounter them in bulk where you were supposed to encounter "dudes with heavy pistols". Instead, have one with a .357, one with a .44 S&W, one with a Desert Eagle, another Deagle with a long barrel (It IS a popular gun), a .44 Automag, and the leader should carey a .475 Wildey Magnum (most powerful pistol in the world). You get the picture. Also, this throws the player a curve ball; since the somewhat-alike pistols have slightly different aspects (power, magazine capacity, ability to penetrate body armor, etc.) the player no longer knows exactly what his foe is after he kills one.

Admitedly there were enough SMGs in Fallout 2 that this could happen in places (I think the Vault 15 raiders exibited some good variety amongst their arms), but everything was earily alike.

i think that would be perfect, but instead generic guns similar to real ones (like suaside said).
and also, more "improvised" weaponry.
variations of types of clubs, like i said about variation of the graphics of the same guns, and ontop of that maybe even throw you a few guns that you NEVER get ammo for, or just maybe next to none, to emphasise the mood of "desolate wastes"

and one thing i feel fallout needs alot is a better inventory screen. this is something ive felt strongly about for a long time. nothing too complex micromanaging is a bitch. but i like a little bit of inventory strategy to emphasise my combat tactics. maybe armor PIECES like in a dnd world, or even like *GASP* morrowind. obviously some armor could be full suits like power armor, but modifying your own equipment (finding an unusually light metal plate (unknown to you its titanium) and affixing it to the front of your leather armor for a stealth penalty and increased ac.

lol sorry im deviating.
but my point is, despite the perfection that is fallout, the inventory screen was haphazard and is by far the area that needs the msot imrovement. this would allow for a greater diversity of guns without having that annoying problem of inventory organization.
I think something that adds boost to kicks... Unarmed with power fist is pretty much best weapon there is and i think just punching is pretty boring when killed million guys doing it... Even if its so damn overpowered...
Squdhazard said:
I think something that adds boost to kicks... Unarmed with power fist is pretty much best weapon there is and i think just punching is pretty boring when killed million guys doing it... Even if its so damn overpowered...
I'm pretty damned sure that the Power Fist also amplifies kicks.
How the fuck would it do that? It goes on your fist, and use's the punch animation. Not to mention the fact the PC(Your dude, chosen one, vault dweller) Is obviously right handed (Since he uses his right hand for all his killing needs) while the power fist's picture is that of a left handed glove.